Archive for the ‘European Union’ Category

New European Union financial rules to also give US consumers protection – MarketWatch

Customers of U.S. banks, credit-card companies and insurance companies will soon have their personal data protected more rigorously, thanks to a sweeping new set of regulations from the European Union.

The General Data Protection Regulation, which takes effect in May 2018, will force companies to be more transparent about the type of data they collect on individuals, how that data is used and when personal information is exposed in a breach.

The regulation will apply to all companies that process data on EU citizens, but observers expect some large multinational companies will adopt the rules throughout their operations, rather than try to enforce multiple sets of rules across locations. That is expected to be the case for financial institutions, which typically handle transactions from customers around the world.

From an architectural perspective, I think companies are going to assume everyone theyre dealing with is a European Union citizen, says Denyette DePierro, vice president and senior counsel of cybersecurity and payments at the American Bankers Association. The architecture of trying to keep that information properly segregated is probably more burdensome than just meeting the standard.

Companies will bear a substantial compliance burden from the new rule, commonly referred to as GDPR. It is a vast regulation that requires organizations toamong other thingsdocument cybersecurity practices, notify affected users within 72 hours of a breach and designate a data-protection officer who will supervise an organizations data-collection methods. Companies that fail to comply could face fines of as much as 4% of their global revenue.

But adopting GDPR could also present an opportunity for financial institutions to demonstrate their cybersecurity credentials and to prepare for what could be stricter cybersecurity regulation in the U.S.

An expanded version of this article appears on .

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French Presidential Runoff Heralds New Political Era

New European Union financial rules to also give US consumers protection - MarketWatch

European Union seeks deeper social rights to thwart populists – The New Indian Express

The word Peace (in French) and the logo of the European Union are projected during a light show onto the French Foreign Ministry building to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome international agreement that established the creation of the European Economic Community, on March 24, 2017 in Paris. (File Photo | AFP)

BRUSSELS: The EU unveiled a raft of proposals on Wednesday to improve the work-life balance for Europeans in an effort to fight accusations by populist parties that Brussels is too beholden to budget cuts and free markets.

The new ideas include an EU-wide policy on paternity leave for fathers and more rights for parents to ask for time off.

The commission is also looking to better protect Uber drivers and food delivery couriers, employees of the so-called gig economy that have limited access to benefits.

The measures are part of what the EU is calling the "pillar of social rights", announced in the wake of Britain's Brexit vote as a way to win back the faith of Europeans tempted by euroscepticism.

The announcement comes at an especially sensitive moment in France, where pro-EU Emmanuel Macron will in the second round of the presidential election face the far right Marine Le Pen, who calls Brussels a destroyer of the welfare state.

"Look what is going on in France in the election campaign, social policy is the top of people's minds and what we have to do is regain the trust of the people in the institutions," Social Affairs Commissioner Marianne Thyssen said at a news conference.

These ideas face a long road to becoming reality. Today, the EU has very little power over social policies that remain the strict remit of national governments.

The end goal for the commission is that social protection one day be incorporated into the EU treaties which right now is only vaguely mentioned.

"I have been seeking to put social priorities at the heart of Europe's work, where they belong," said European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker, the former Luxembourg prime minister.

But opposition has been historically spearheaded by Britain, which is leaving the EU, and Brussels hopes to seize the opportunity to bring the topic back to the fore.

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European Union seeks deeper social rights to thwart populists - The New Indian Express

French Frustrations Could Further Deteriorate the European Union – The National Interest Online

The only point of agreement between French voters in Sundays presidential election was that much needed to change. Their country, one of the tent poles of the European Union, had been shaken by everything from economic insecurity to the fallout of Brexit to terrorist attacks, culminating in last weeks machine-gun murder of a police officer on the iconic Champs-lyses by an Islamist terrorist. The appetite for radical overhaul has at times seemed bottomless: Everything has to be rebuilt, one farmer recently told Euro News.

This was an election where even the Europhile centrist, Emmanuel Macron, upbraided the establishment and pledged a revolution for Frances economy. His bte noire, nationalist Marine Le Pen, thundered against mass immigration and Islam, with promises to cordon off French civic life for the native French. Franois Fillon of the center-right Republicans has promised to fire half a million civil servants. Meanwhile, Jean-Luc Mlenchon, the far-left soapbox fixture, has said that he would jettison the Fifth Republic entirely and chisel out a new social contract. The true ruling establishment, not Macron but the center-left Socialist Party which controls the National Assembly and the presidency, saw its candidate, Benoit Hamon, languish in single digits.

Which form of radicalism would prevail? The official exit poll, commissioned by the French networks and disclosed after voting had finished, confirmed the expectations of most observers, with Macron finishing first but well short of a majority and Le Pen in second, which would set up a runoff election between them. Immediately after it was released, the socialist left began coagulating around Macron, with prompt endorsements from Hamon, current president Franois Hollande and other powerful socialists. The center-right Fillon was soon to follow, saying his duty was to vote against Le Pen. The political class had circled its wagons.

That elastic club did not include Mlenchon, who hadnt backed Macron as of late Sunday night and also hadnt accepted the exit poll results. During a press conference he declared, It will not be the result that was announced. . . . Of course, until then, the oligarchs will be elated. Alas, the rapacious masters of the universe made off with the crown jewels once again, as the actual results ended up mirroring the exit poll. Geographically, Macron prevailed by winning the French west and the suburbs of Paris, Le Pen hauled in Frances deindustrialized northeast, Fillon took the districts around the Sarthe river near where he grew up, and Mlenchon eked out victories in many of the overseas territories.

French pollsters thus acquitted themselves far better than their American and British counterparts, which should give Washingtons data-political complex something to buzz about for the next couple days. So on to the runoff, scheduled for May 7, with the most felicitous results possible in hand. Macron versus Le Pen will be the clearest expression yet of the Wests incipient political realignment, not left versus rightthis is the first runoff in the history of the Fifth Republic that wont feature either the Socialists or the Republicansbut internationalists versus nationalists, elites versus populists, and, perhaps most consequentially, European integrationists versus Euroskeptics.

President Marine Le Pen ejecting France from the European Union was always an unlikely scenario, given that her National Front party controls only four federal legislative seats and excising EU membership from the French constitution would require parliamentary consent. But the EU is about much more than just a head countits an ideology unto itself, with ever-closer union elevated to the level of dogma and nationalist spat with the pejorative force of heretic and infidel. A Le Pen victory in France would represent a fifty-thousand-kilojoule repudiation of everything European elites stand for. Populism would enter the lyse Palace; the EU could no longer portray it as a freak fever quarantined to continents edge. Le Pen would be elevated from her current European Parliament seat into the European Council, which includes all the member nations heads of state. The EU can ignore the vituperations of Polands hostile government, but the leadership of France, a founding nation, cant be so easily spurned. Concerns also abound over a domino effect, as the next Italian election looms and Italys populist Five Star Movement watches for cues.

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French Frustrations Could Further Deteriorate the European Union - The National Interest Online

Turkey-EU relationship at ‘lowest point’ after country added to human rights watchlist –


His remarks came after a leading European human rights body placed Turkey back on a watchlist over concerns about the functioning of democratic institutions in the country.

The unprecedented decision to reinstate monitoring triggered a furious reaction from the Turkish government, which claims the unjust move was motivated by xenophobia.

The Prime Minister told reporters that Turkey would now decide on what steps it would take regarding the decision by the Strasbourg-based Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

The 47-member council placed Turkey back on the watchlist over the countrys ongoing crackdown on dissent following last years attempted coup.

The body also expressed deep concern about rights violations in the country as well as President Recep Tayyip Erdogans increasing powers.

Being monitored by the Council of Europe means Turkey will be subject to frequent visits by human rights officials and debated more often in the Strasbourg chamber.

While the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe is separate from the European Union, its decision comes as a further setback to Turkeys bid to join the EU.

Relations between Turkey and the EU soured further during a referendum campaign earlier this month that saw President Erdogan granted more powers.

In his campaign, Mr Erdogan accused Germany and the Netherlands of acting like Nazis by banning Turkish political rallies.


All Council of Europe member states - 28 of which are members of the European Union - have signed up to the European Convention on Human Rights.

The treaty is designed to protect human rights, democracy and the rule of law.

The Council of Europe applies its monitoring scheme to all countries when they join.

However, this is the first time it has been reopened against any member of the body, which includes Russia, Ukraine and all 28 EU member states.

In a recent resolution, the assembly which is made up of parliamentarians from the various member states voiced concern over Turkey's sweeping dismissal and detention of civil servants, judges, prosecutors and academics following the botched coup, as well as the closure of independent media and non-governmental organisations.

The vote to open the procedure against Ankara passed with 113 votes in favour versus 45 against.

The assembly has also called on Turkey to swiftly lift the state of emergency and free jailed lawmakers and journalists.

The European Union has already said Turkey's EU negotiations will cease should Mr Erdogan reinstate the death penalty - as he has indicated he might - with the EU official responsible for negotiations with potential new member states calling for a new format of relations with Turkey.

Some EU officials hope that, even if it came to formally aborting Turkey's EU bid, the bloc could re-energise talks on trade with the NATO ally whose cooperation is vital in dealing with the unprecedented flow of refugees from the Middle East.

Turkey-EU relationship at 'lowest point' after country added to human rights watchlist -

Marine Le Pen’s immunity to be lifted in bid to investigate 290000 misuse of EU funds –


Ms Le Pen came second in the first round of the French election on Sunday and will face Emmanuel Macron, a centrist candidate, on May 7 in the second and final round of voting.

The European Parliament believes Ms Le Pen has defrauded it of around 290,000.

AFP/Getty Images

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Described as more democratic and republican than her nationalist father, she has led a movement of "de-demonization of the Front National" to detoxify it and soften its image


Ms Le Pen used the money as salaries for two of her aides, who actually worked for her Front National party

European Anti-Fraud Office

According to the European Anti-Fraud Office, Ms Le Pen used the money as salaries for two of her aides, who actually worked for her Front National party.

The Eurosceptic politicians position as an MEP has meant she has so far been exempt from prosecution, but prosecutors will be able to pursue the offences with the lifted immunity.

The announcement is due to be made in Brussels on Wednesday afternoon.


The anti-EU presidential candidate could be summoned to parliament as early as next week to be questioned.

However, Ms Le Pen has said any legal processes against her are just a political interference and she has called for the investigations to wait until the election has passed.

EU lawmakers have already sanctioned Ms Le Pen for misspending EU funds and her monthly salary has been slashed by half.

In March, the EU legislature lifted Ms Le Pens immunity after she posted a picture of Islamic State (ISIS) violence on social media.

The fraud allegations have not seemed to have had much impact on Ms Le Pens campaign, unlike Republican Francois Fillon, who lost scores of voters after it was revealed he gave his wife a fake job as a parliamentary assistant.

In February, the Front National headquarters were raided by police as part of the investigation involving the misuse of European Union funds.

Ms Le Pen announced on Monday she will be temporarily stepping down as leader of the Front National to concentrate on the election campaign and broaden her appeal to less extreme voters.

See the article here:
Marine Le Pen's immunity to be lifted in bid to investigate 290000 misuse of EU funds -