Archive for the ‘European Union’ Category

Italy’s Future And The Future Of The European Union: Is The U.S. … – Seeking Alpha

Italy has the third largest economy in the European Union. Italy has been a part of the European unity movement since its very start. Yet, Italy itself may represent the very contradiction that might ultimately bring the EU to its knees.

And, this is something we, in the United States, should be very interested in and be watching closely.

A breaking apart of the European Union would have very serious consequences for the health of the US economy. It is definitely in the best interests of the United States to have a well-working, well-functioning European Union. The United States stands to lose a lot if the EU fails, even partially.

The European Union is a federation of many separate, independent nations. This has always been one of the major concerns about the future of the community. Experts, right from the start, argued that for the EU to have a common currency, it also needed a common government. Yet, a common government was never formed and, in its current state, it would appear that the European Union forming a common government is even more of a dream than ever before.

One of the biggest political movements in the EU today is that of nationalization, the idea that the focus of a nation should be on its own issues and worries and that country's need to return its efforts to resolving internal problems. And, with all the elections taking place in the EU this year, the idea of national focus has grown in attention and popularity.

The major proponent of this is the Netherlands did not win the election, but the person who did take up the strategy of taking over some of the "populist" strains of the Mr. Wilders, the right-wing candidate, in order to hold off voter surge in this direction.

Now, there is an election going on in France, and the right-wing leader Marine Le Pen is causing a lot of people to lose sleep over the possibility that France could possibly move in this direction.

Then, there is a German election in the early fall of this year and the candidate focusing upon national sovereignty has been getting a lot of attention although it appears as if his chances of winning are quite low. The point is, however, that even Germany is not immune to this move.

Then, there is Italy. Italy must have an election before February 2018. And, right now, the person leading all the candidates is Beppe Grillo, the comedian leading the Five Star Movement, an organization that wants to leave the Euro and the European Union.

But, Italy, internally, is a representation of what the European Union faces. It is a very regionalized country with a very decentralized national government. A lot of its political strength lies in regional or local governing bodies. People in Italy get phrenic when there is a discussion about a strong central government.

The Italians had their strong central government under Mussolini in the 1930s and 1940s, and built their post-World War II governmental structure on the basis of making the central government as weak as they could. This regionalization has dominated Italian politics ever since.

And, this fear of centralized government is still permeating the country and dominating what is going on there.

This fear of a strong central government resulted in the resignation of former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and, among other things, is causing divisions within his own party that is blocking the way to his return to power.

It would not be unusual for Mr. Renzi to return to power. Italy is notorious for having many governments, with many of the same leaders going in and out of power. For example, just since November 2011, there have been four prime ministers, not because of popular elections, but because of financial emergencies, factional squabbles, party coups, and failed constitutional reform.

This is not unusual despite having one of the most vibrant economies in Europe in the late 1950s and 1960s, from June 1945 through December 1970, there were 28 governments formed in Italy with an average life of 11 months. The general reason for changes was that party factions were discontented, disappointed that they did not get what they wanted, and so pulled out of the coalition.

Italy is in the midst of troubles right now with problems that are being attributed to the fact that Italy cannot respond to its own needs because of having to adhere to the strictures of the European Union. Tony Barber writes in the Financial Times that "Italy is Falling Out of Love with Europe."

The most disturbing thing that Italians are facing right now is that its economy is the slowest growing economy in the eurozone. "Public debt is more than 132 percent of gross domestic product, unemployment is almost 12 percent, and the youth jobless rate is over 37 percent."

The banking system is in dire straits as are many local governing bodies throughout Italy.

Many Italians associate this dilemma along with an even longer-term stagnation with its membership in the EU. Mr. Barber writes "many Italians see the Euro as a straitjacket."

"As a consequence, even more Italian politicians question the merits of eurozone membership. So do Italian voters. In a Eurobarometer poll published in December, 47 percent called the Euro 'a bad thing' for their country and only 41 percent 'a good thing.'"

This is why Mr. Grillo and the Five Star Movement seem to be doing so well these days. They are tapping into the basic Italian discontent with centralized government. Historically, the Italians seem to like smaller, more independent governmental bodies that can reflect and deal with local problems. This is why they constantly seem to vote against reform.

But, Italy is a part of the European Union and what it decides to do can have major repercussions not only on the eurozone itself but on the rest of the world, especially on the United States that is closely integrated with the EU.

Also, Italy is a prime example of what can happen when regional and local issues can override national, or larger, governing bodies. The United States has shown how regional and local issues can be incorporated within a larger, federal body of states, and still produce exceptional outcomes. Regional and local issues still can be problematic, but, ultimately, the benefits from union can overcome the loss of independent control.

Europe is not there, yet. It does not have a central, federal government and hence has problems in achieving the scale of operations that are necessary to be competitive in today's world. And, it seems as if it is a long way from getting there.

That is a long-run issue for now. The current problem is keeping the European Union together and avoiding an Italian withdrawal. In spite of everything else going on in the United States, businesses and investors need to keep watching what is going on in Europe because if some state, like Italy, leaves the community, global markets will suffer.

Disclosure: I/we have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours.

I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

Italy's Future And The Future Of The European Union: Is The U.S. ... - Seeking Alpha

Isolated Poland threatens to spoil party at EU summit over two-speed Europe – The Guardian

Polands Jarosaw Kaczyski has said: We cannot accept any announcements of a two-speed Europe.

The role of leader of Europes awkward squad, played with aplomb by the UK for the past 45 years, will be handed to Poland and Hungary at the weekend when European Union leaders meet in Rome to celebrate 60 years of the EUs existence and map out a new future after Brexit.

With Theresa May absent, leaders from Warsaw and Budapest will puncture any mood of self-congratulation. They are also expected to bridle at any plans to empower groups of member states to choose to integrate more deeply, in effect creating a two-speed Europe.

But Polands assertiveness, says Gavin Rae, an associate professor at the Kozminski University in Warsaw, reflects a fear about a wider potential change in the balance of power in the wake of the Brexit referendum as it loses one of its closest allies and finds itself more isolated than ever.

It fears a two-speed Europe might institutionalise this process of marginalisation. We cannot accept any announcements of a two-speed Europe, said Jarosaw Kaczyski, the chair of the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party, who met May this week. This would mean either pushing us out of the European Union or downgrading us to an inferior category of members.

Viktor Orbn, the Hungarian prime minister, has dismissed a two-speed Europe as an affront to eastern Europe. Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary the Visegrd Four joined the EU to be at the core of Europe, not its periphery.

The Polish prime minister, Beata Szydo, on Thursday threatened not to sign the Rome declaration if it did not include issues that were priorities for Poland, including EU unity, the priority of Nato, strengthening national parliaments and a unified single market. A form of words may be found to paper over the cracks, but according to Piotr Buras, the director of the European Council on Foreign Relations in Warsaw, the trajectory is one of divergence.

Poland and Hungary regard their role as telling home truths to the old European elite in the interests of the EUs own survival. From the perspective of Szydo and Orbn, it is they who been proved right about what the Hungarian prime minister called the terrorist Trojan horse of mass migration, the impracticality of compulsory migrant quotas and the necessity of asylum camps, hard borders and national self-determination.

Far from being isolated nationalist mavericks, they believe themselves to have been leading a necessary counter-revolution. In a recent interview in the Hungarian weekly Heti Vlasz, Kaczyski said that cooperation among the countries of central and eastern Europe could serve as a counterweight to the current leadership in Brussels.

Yet at first glance, the revived idea of a flexible or multi-speed Europe, promoted by France and Germany, with different circles for cooperation might be an idea Poland could welcome. No country is being ordered to cooperate. Countries might choose to pool greater sovereignty on issues such as defence, Euro governance or migration.

This live and let live approach appears to have been rejected by Poland and Hungary. Buras describes the Polish position as completely inconsistent. They favour flexibility in theory, but fear that if the core group cooperates more, they will lose out.

The Polish foreign minister, Witold Waszczykowski, said this week: The risk is that the eurozone will create its own structures, its own budget and will dominate over the rest of Europe.

Desperate for the EU to be seen to deliver, Germany and France want to remove roadblocks to effectiveness, and are losing patience with the east. The French president, Franois Hollande, warned the Poles at the last EU summit: You may have your principles, but we have the structural funds. The fact that Angela Merkel is willing to countenance a two-speed Europe, something she seemed reluctant to back previously, is an indication of her frustration with Poland.

Some commissioners are calling for the EU to withdraw Polands EU funding unless it drops judicial reforms seen as flouting democratic norms and, for good measure, accepts the 6,200 migrants it was allocated by Brussels. Such threats are not trivial. Poland is by far the EUs largest net recipient of funds. It receives almost a quarter of all EU funding, accounting for 2.3% of its gross domestic product.

The leading liberal MEP Guy Verhofstadt said this week: The EU is a community of the rule of law. We must not stand aside and watch this any longer.

But Poland so far does not look like a country preparing to back down in the face of what it regards as blackmail. Its attempt to block the reappointment of fellow Pole Donald Tusk as EU council president bordered on fiasco, with no country, not even the Visegrd Group coming to its support.

The Poles responded to the rebuff by refusing to sign the summit conclusions, an unprecedented step. It promised in future to bare its sharp teeth while the nationalist paper Gazeta Polska ran a cover story with Tusk wearing the uniform of the Wehrmarcht.

The best hope for Brussels may be that there is an internal political reaction after years in which both governments have consolidated power around growing economies, conservative social reform and nationalism.

Faint stirrings of internal dissent are visible in both countries. In Poland, one poll published on Monday showed support for PiS had fallen five points to 29%, while Tusks Civic Platform was up 10 points to 27%. The possibility of Tusk returning to contest the presidency in 2020 is not far-fetched.

In Hungary, due to go to the polls next year, a new party vowing to be neither right nor left has been formed called the Momentum Movement, led by 28-year-old Andrs Fekete-Gyr. Momentum stopped Budapests bid for the Olympic Games in 2024, attracting 260,000 signatures, and already has the whiff of a party capable of usurping a tired political establishment.

But Rae argues that for the conservative forces to lose popularity requires the EU to adopt an economic strategy to help those in Poland and Hungary that want to cooperate with it.

A crude version of a two-speed Europe, in which only the euro countries prosper, might just encourage the sense of grievance on which populism thrives.

Read more from the original source:
Isolated Poland threatens to spoil party at EU summit over two-speed Europe - The Guardian

Statement by President Juncker at the EU-Japan Leaders Meeting – EU News

Prime Minister, Dear Shinz,

It is the pleasure of Donald and myself to have you come here to Europe in what promises to be a historic year in relations between Japan and the European Union.

We are already like-minded partners, long-standing allies and close friends, both institutionally and personally. We work together closely on fighting climate change, sustainable development, global migration and security. We saw Japan's leadership in those areas during your remarkable Presidency of the G7.

Our partnership works so well thanks to our common belief that the big issues of the day can only be tackled together, at international level.

I reiterated that commitment to Prime Minister Abe, notably following North Korea's violation of UN Security Council Resolutions. Its pursuit of Weapons of Mass Destruction is a major concern for the European Union and Japan. We will continue to fully implement the latest UN resolutions and consider any further restrictive measures needed to keep up the pressure.

That is further proof of how committed both the European Union and Japan are to working within a rules-based global system. And we both know that openness will continue to drive our economies and societies forward.

[Free Trade Agreement]

That is why I am so heartened by the progress we are making on a trade agreement and Strategic Partnership Agreement with our Japanese friends.

When it comes to trade, the agreement will of course provide a significant boost for both sides: Japan is already the European Union's second biggest trading partner in Asia and together our economies account for more than a third of the world's GDP.

We believe this agreement is necessary, it is necessary because we believe in free, fair and rules-based trade. And so we will continue to look out towards the world, rather than return to isolationism. The European Union is open for business for fair business.

Our negotiations with Japan are now in a decisive and hopefully final stage. Prime Minister Abe's visit will allow us to reiterate our political commitment to a highly comprehensive, ambitious and balanced deal, so that our capable negotiators make the necessary progress in the outstanding areas.

This agreement will give Japan and the European Union the best of both worlds: it opens up a major new market to each other while creating a level playing field and protecting our industries and workforces from unfair trading practices.

As often in a negotiation, the few remaining issues are the most difficult to solve. Following our discussions today, I am very confident this will pave the way for a swift agreement this year.

We will take our time to ensure any deal works for both sides and fits with our values and principles.

As we approach the final stages of the negotiating process, on the European Union side we will continue to ensure a high level of transparency and engage directly with stakeholders and civil society on issues related to the negotiations.

I look forward together with Donald to continuing this close partnership with Prime Minister Abe at the upcoming G7 meeting in Taormina, and hopefully at the next EU-Japan Summit where we can successfully conclude our negotiations. This was not and will not be the last meeting of this year.

Thank you.

Go here to see the original:
Statement by President Juncker at the EU-Japan Leaders Meeting - EU News

European era of freeloading on American-funded NATO is over under Trump, say experts –

Top officials from three influential defence think-tanks told MEPs in Brussels that the new US president was serious with his comments about the continents underwhelming military spending and that a seismic shift has taken place in terms of American foreign policy.

They predicted that the Kremlin could look to test flimsy European defences in the Balkans region by encouraging insurgencies amongst the ethnic Russian populations there, as they have done previously in Ukraine and the Crimea.

EU leaders have been alarmed by the decision of US Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, to skip a crucial NATO summit next month to travel to Russia instead, something one official described as an awful message from the White House.


But one US expert said that despite initial warm rhetoric he did not think that Mr Trump and Vladimir Putin would get on when they finally meet in person, saying they will have little to agree upon other than a wish to eradicate the threat of Islamist terrorism.

The three experts gave evidence to a session of the EU Parliaments subcommittee on defence and security, sitting in Brussels this morning, which is exploring the consequences of the Republicans shock election victory for Europe.

They painted a gloomy message about the continents long-term defence prospects under the billionaires presidency, saying that whilst in the short-term things would remain the same looking forward Americas commitment to the continent and the euro project were less clear.



US expert Ian Lesser, the vice-president for foreign policy at German Marshall Fund, told the hearing there were very substantial questions about where American policy is going in relation to European security.

He said: Id say that historic American commitment to European security and defence is less automatic than it wouldve been in the past, less automatic and more friction-prone.

"There is an uncertainty about how the US feels about the European project. Although there have been voices over the decades questioning whether a stronger Europe was somehow competitive with NATO, at base there was always this idea that a more integrated more cohesive Europe was in American interests.

A lot of Europeans worry about American isolationism, I dont think this should be the concern. The risk looked at from a Brussels perspective is not that, its of a very vigorous American unilateralism in areas where Europe will be concerned.

His final comment, concerning President Trumps preference to deal with individual countries and leaders directly rather than going through international organisations like the EU, could apply equally to close relations with a newly independent UK as well as the issue of Russia and China.

Mr Lesser added that the Republicans demands that Europe up its defence spending were nothing new but said the his brash and no-nonsense business-style approach meant they had taken on a whole new dynamic.

American commitment to European security and defence is less automatic than it wouldve been in the past

Ian Lesser, German Marshall Fund

He said: What is new is the sense that this is somehow part of an active bargain, that its not just a question of are you doing your share.

"There is now in some of the rhetoric, this is literally a bargain that Europe should be paying for American defence and if you dont pay you wont get the defence.

Addressing the hearing next Steven Blockmans, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Policy Studies, said Mr Putin would likely try to exploit this new frostiness between Brussels and Washington to test the continents outer defences.

He said: Theres now news that Tillerson might skip his very first NATO ministerial in April which sends an awful message to Europe because it also entails that he would first go to Russia rather than to Europe.

There may be some further testing on the side of the Russians, perhaps not in the Baltics after the pre-positioning of NATO troops with US backing, but what about the Balkans where theres very little pre-positioning?

I dont think in the Balkans the European Union is ready especially in Macedonia but even in Bosnia and Herzegovina where it has a military mission, to counter any support the Slavs in those countries might receive.

Getty Images

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Members of the U.S. 173rd Airborne Brigade fire blanks from a machine gun during a simulated attack

Finally Jan Joel Andersson, a senior analyst at the Paris-based European Union Institute for Security Studies (ISS), said that the eurosceptic tone which dominated last years US presidential debate had damaged the reputation of the bloc around the world.

He added that the contrast between Mr Trumps open EU bashing and the noises from Vice-President Mike Pence, who visited Brussels last month, had caused puzzlement and concern over Americas intentions.

Mr Trump has made a series of scathing comments about both the EU project and European countries contributions to NATO, with Germany and Angela Merkel frequently being singled out as the objects of his ire.

But he has confirmed he will attend a summit of the military alliance in Brussels - a city he once famously described as a hell-hole - in May and has recently softened his rhetoric to insist that the US is still committed to European security and defence.

See the original post:
European era of freeloading on American-funded NATO is over under Trump, say experts -

World Report 2017: European Union | Human Rights Watch

Faced with significant strategic challenges, including the refugee crisis, the United Kingdom vote to leave the European Union, attacks by violent extremists, and rising support for populist anti-immigration parties, EU governments and institutions responded in 2016 in ways that often undercut or set aside core values and rights protections rather than working consistently together to defend them.

The EU as a whole failed to show leadership and solidarity in the face of the largest global displacement crisis since World War II. Much of the debate about policy responses focused on concerns about the impact on security and cultural identity and growing support for populist parties with xenophobic platforms. EU policies focused primarily on preventing arrivals and outsourcing responsibility for asylum seekers and refugees to other regions.

Border closures along the Balkans route and a March agreement with Turkey contributed to a significant decline in arrivals by sea to Greek islands in the Aegean Sea, while boat migration from North Africa to Italy kept pace with previous years. In the first 10 months of the year, almost 328,000 had crossed the sea to reach European shores, compared to 736,646 during the same period in 2015, according to the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR).

Fifty-eight percent of those arriving by sea came from the worlds top 10 refugee-producing countries, including Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Eritrea, according to UNHCR. Nigerians, Pakistanis, Gambians, Ivorians and Guineans together made up 21 percent of the new arrivals. Nearly one-third were children, and the proportion of unaccompanied children rose over previous years.

Despite increased capacity for search and rescue operations in the Mediterranean, and numerous nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) conducting rescue missions, by mid-November 4,271 had died or gone missing at sea, making 2016 the deadliest year on record. The EU began training Libyan coast guard officers amid persistent concerns about violence and degrading conditions in Libyan detention centers and the absence of a functioning asylum system.

Border closures on the Balkans route and heightened border controls by Austria, France, and Switzerland left asylum seekers and migrants stuck in Greece and Italy. There were violent pushbacks at the Bulgaria-Turkey and the Macedonia-Greece borders. Austria, Denmark, Hungary, Sweden, and Germany were among EU states adopting more restrictive asylum laws.

There was little appetite among EU governments to share responsibility for asylum seekers more equitably across the union. By mid-November, only 7,224 asylum seekers had been relocated from Greece and Italy to other EU countries under an EU emergency plan, according to the European Commission. The commission proposed a permanent relocation mechanism to help countries experiencing disproportionate numbers, but it would allow countries to pay to avoid accepting relocations, and retain the Dublin regulation that places primary responsibility for processing asylum seekers on the first EU country of entry.

A new European Border and Coast Guard began operating in October. Replacing the external border agency Frontex, the entity has more autonomy from member states and a reinforced role in returns, as well as a complaints mechanism. It does not have an explicit search and rescue mandate.

In March, the EU signed a problematic deal with Turkey to send back asylum seekers reaching Greece by sea in exchange for billions of euros in aid and a pledge to resettle one Syrian for every Syrian returned. In June, the commission announced a new partnership framework on migration conditioning aid on migration cooperation, drawing criticism from development NGOs, and began implementing migration control projects with countries including Sudan and Eritrea.

EU governments made slow progress on resettlement. By July 2016, only 8,268 refugees had been brought to EU states under a July 2015 EU plan to resettle over 22,000 within two years, although some EU states resettled additional numbers through bilateral arrangements. Ten EU states failed to resettle a single person. Poor progress lowered expectations for implementation of the permanent EU Resettlement Framework proposed by the commission. The proposal would make immigration co-operation an element in the decision whether to resettle refugees out of a host country.

The European Commission issued a raft of proposals in July to reform the EUs dysfunctional asylum system. They include stronger safeguards for children and better access to a lawyer, but would punish asylum seekers for moving from one EU country to another and make it easier to summarily reject claims and revoke refugee status. The council and parliament had yet to approve them at time of writing.

The ongoing refugee crisis and attacks by armed extremists in Belgium, France, and Germany reinforced xenophobic, Islamophobic and anti-immigrant sentiment, manifest in attacks on Muslims, migrants, and those perceived as foreigners and support for populist anti-immigration parties in many EU states.

Anti-Semitism, including hate crimes, remained a serious concern in some EU states including the UK and France. In an April resolution on combating anti-Semitism in Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe noted that members of the Jewish community regularly experience insults and physical violence across Europe.

In September, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Raad al-Hussein warned leaders of populist parties in Europe about the corrosive effect on societies of their instrumentalization of bigotry and xenophobia for political ends.

In its May annual report, the Council of Europes Commission against Racism and Intolerance noted an anti-immigrant and Islamophobia trend, and emphasized the need to combat racist violence. The Council of Europes Commissioner for Human Rights Nils Muinieks urged European countries to prioritize migrant integration, including by ensuring effective protection from discrimination.

In June, the European Commission launched the High Level Group on combating racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance in order to improve efforts by EU member states to prevent hate crimes. In an April report, the EUs Agency for Fundamental Rights said that hate crimes often go unreported and unprosecuted and urged member states to improve access to justice for victims.

In May, the European Network Against Racism reported that Muslim women were the main targets of Islamophobia in eight EU countries surveyed.

In February, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Muinieks called for an end to forced evictions of Roma in several European countries, and noted that this practice increases the vulnerability of Roma families, prevents their social inclusion, and impedes the prospects of regular schooling for their children.

In May, Council of Europe Secretary General Thorbjrn Jagland urged governments to ensure that children can study in a safe environment, free from violence, bullying and discrimination on all grounds, including their sexual orientation or gender identity.

In March, the European Commission proposed that the EU ratify the Istanbul Convention on Domestic Violence. EU Commissioner for Justice Vera Jourova said that one in three women in the EU has experienced physical or sexual violence or both, and called on the 12 remaining member states to ratify the convention.

Malta was among eight EU states that began work on a pilot for an EU disability card to secure mutual recognition of the rights and benefits of 80 million people with disabilities across the EU. In a report published in August, the EUs Agency for Fundamental Rights noted that gaps in screening prevent migrants with disabilities from receiving adequate support throughout arrival, registration and asylum procedures.

Attacks in Belgium, France, and Germany, many claimed by the Islamic State (also known as ISIS), together killed scores of people and injured hundreds more. The attacks prompted or reinforced measures and proposals in EU states to expand police and surveillance powers, strengthen intelligence cooperation, and revoke dual citizenship of those found to have committed terrorist acts.

In Belgium, which suffered coordinated attacks on Brussels airport and a metro station on March 22, the government proposed a raft of new counterterrorism laws to expand powers of surveillance and detention. None had become law at time of writing.

In March 2016, EU Justice and Home Affairs ministers agreed a draft directive to strengthen the EU's legal framework for preventing terrorist attacks, in particular by criminalizing preparatory acts, such as training and travel abroad for terrorist purposes. Human rights groups expressed concerns about insufficient safeguards and precision in the draft directive. The draft directive remained under consideration at time of writing.

In April, the EU Council adopted a directive to regulate the transfer of personal information on air travelers to member states' law enforcement authorities in relation to possible terrorist offences and other serious crimes.

In June, the European Parliament renewed calls for investigations into the complicity of EU states into CIA torture and secret detention on European soil, reflecting the limited progress made so far in national investigations. Poland and Lithuanias criminal investigations remained stalled and the UKs concluded with no charges brought.

Fewer than 500 people claimed asylum in Croatia in the first nine months of 2016. Thirty-four were granted some form of protection during the same period. Restrictions on the Western Balkan migration route reduced the number of arrivals. Croatia continues to push back asylum seekers and migrants who attempt to enter via Serbia.

While the government made some progress in providing housing to the small number of people from outside the Western Balkans who were granted protection, asylum seekers and refugees from outside the region continue to face difficulties in accessing education and employment. Unaccompanied migrant and asylum seeking children continue to be placed in residential institutions, including homes for children with behavior problems, without adequate guardianship or access to education.

People with disabilities continue to face exclusion and discrimination, including barriers that prevent them from participating in society on an equal basis with others. The guardianship system denies around 18,000 people with disabilities the right to make a range of decisions about their lives.

In February, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) ruled that Croatia discriminated on grounds of sexual orientation against a woman from Bosnia and Herzegovina, by denying her the right to a residence permit in Croatia to join her female partner.

In April, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Muinieks raised concerns at the reported rise in discrimination, ethnic intolerance, and hate speech targeting members of minorities, in particular Jews, Roma, and Serbs. The commissioner also warned against the inadequate state response to physical attacks, death threats, and intimidation against journalists.

As of August 2016, more than 2,800 persons, most of them Roma, remain stateless or at risk of statelessness. They face particular difficulties accessing basic state services, such as health care, social assistance, and adequate housing. Roma children remain subject to de facto segregation in the education sector.

According to the Interior Ministry, as of January 2016, about 6.1 percent of the countrys population of 1.3 million is stateless, a slight decrease from 2015.

Statelessness disproportionately affects ethnic Russians, who lost their citizenship after Estonia declared independence from the Soviet Union in 1991 and enacted policies stripping most non-Estonians of citizenship. Stateless persons continue to face significant obstacles in accessing full employment rights and are barred from holding certain jobs, including as judges, police officers, and prosecutors.

New amendments to the Citizenship Act entered into force on January 1, 2016. They provide for automatic Estonian citizenship for children born to stateless parents, whereas before parents had to apply for it. Parents may reject the grant of Estonian citizenship to their children within a year. The amendments also exempt people 65 and older from the written portion of the mandatory Estonian language exam for naturalization.

Language requirements remain the most significant naturalization challenge for the countrys Russian-speaking population. The costs of naturalization, including application and language exam preparation, and income requirements, impede naturalization of poorer long-term residents and contribute to statelessness among Russian speakers. The state reimburses language class fees only after the applicant passes the test.

The government failed to adopt amendments that would allow the Co-Habitation Act to fully enter into force in 2016. The act is progressive legislation that extends the rights of marriage to unmarriedincluding same-sexcouples, encompassing, among other things, child adoption and property rights.

Estonia maintains a minimalist refugee policy. By November, the government had relocated 66 asylum seekers from Greece under the EU relocation scheme, according to the European Commission.

France suffered three deadly attacks claimed by ISIS in June and July, including an attack with a truck in Nice that killed 86 people and injured hundreds. The state of emergency declared by President Francois Hollande following the November 2015 attacks in Paris and Saint-Denis was renewed by Parliament in February and May 2016.

On July 21, a few days after the Nice attacks, Parliament adopted a new law extending the state of emergency by another six months, and expanding already wide police powers of search, seizure, and detention. On December 15, the state of emergency was renewed for the fifth time, for another seven months, until July 2017.

The July law toughens several terrorism-related provisions in Frances laws and criminal code. It re-instates warrantless seizures of computer and cellphone data that Frances highest legal authority earlier in the year hadstruckdown as unconstitutional, adding safeguards that still fall short of proper judicial oversight.

The law came only weeks after an already broad counterterrorism law adopted by Parliament in June 2016, which the French National Consultative Commission of Human Rights (CNCDH) had criticized for curbing freedoms.

Between November 2015 and July 2016, under the emergency law, police carried out nearly 4,000 warrantless raids and placed 400 people under house arrest, yet those actions led to only six terrorism-related criminal investigations. Those measures targeted mostly Muslims and led to abuses of the rights to liberty, privacy, freedom of movement, and non-discrimination.

A French commission of inquiry into the Paris attacks concluded on July 5 that the state of emergency had limited impact on improving security. The panel described important failures in analyzing intelligence that could have helped prevent the attacks. In a May review of France, the UN Committee against Torture expressed concern about excessive use of force by police when carrying out house searches in the context of the state of emergency, as well as during demonstrations.

In August 2016, mayors in about 30 towns adopted decrees prohibiting women from wearing full body covering swimsuits (known as burkinis) or any other skin concealing outfits on the beach, arguing that they may pose a risk to public order.

The French Human Rights League and the Collective against Islamophobia in France contested those bans before administrative courts. In August, the Council of State, Frances highest administrative court, ruled that the ban in one town illegally breached fundamental freedoms and ordered it to be suspended. Some bans were subsequently withdrawn by some towns or struck down by lower courts, while other courts upheld bans despite the Council of State ruling.

The number of migrants in a camp in Calais known as the Jungle in August 2016 reached 6,900, according to authorities more than double the estimate a year earlier. NGOs insisted the actual numbers were higher. On July 7, the CNCDH expressed concern regarding the increase in the number of migrants living there in conditions contrary to human dignity.

A 2016 UNICEF survey of unaccompanied children in Calais and Dunkirk camps found they were subject to sexual exploitation, violence, and forced labour. In the last week of October, French authorities dismantled the camp. Between October 24 and 26, nearly 5,600 people were relocated to reception centers across France, with some unaccompanied children brought to the UK (see below). Arbitrary age assessment meant that some unaccompanied minors were left out of the specific process put in place for children.

France had accepted 2,091 asylum seekers relocated from Greece and 231 from Italy at time writing, the largest number of any EU state under the relocation scheme.

In July, the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights criticized as substandard reception and accommodation facilities for asylum seekers in France.

In July, the National Assembly deemed as too costly a measure that would have required police officers conducting an identity check to record it in a written document. The proposal had been seen by human rights advocates as an important means of addressing discriminatory checks.

In November, the Court of Cassation ruled against the state in three cases of police identity checks involving ethnic profiling, finding that the checks were discriminatory and that the state committed a gross fault. According to a CNCDH report published the same month, there is growing evidence from separate studies that young men from visible minorities are overrepresented in police checks.

An April report by the CNCDH expressed concern about the rise in racist, anti-Semitic, and Islamophobic incidents reported to police in 2015.

French prisons continued to be severely overcrowded and the suicide rate among inmates remained high, particularly among women, drawing criticism in July from the UN Committee for the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). Prisoners with psychosocial disabilities often have inadequate access to mental healthcare.

In 2016, Germany continued to grapple with the implications of the arrival of 890,000 asylum seekers and migrants in 2015. A number of attacks in July, some inspired by or claimed by ISIS, put the spotlight on the countrys counterterrorism policy.

Authorities sought to respond to a wave of arson attacks on asylum-seeker housing, with federal police reporting more than 850 such attacks between January and mid-November 2016.

Authorities took some steps to address the shortcomings in Germanys response to hate crimes, including training law enforcement and judicial authorities to improve the investigation and prosecution of racially motivated crimes. In March, a chief judge at a district court sentenced three people to prison for hurling a gasoline bomb into an asylum-seekers apartment and pointed to the attackers xenophobic and racist motives.

Several changes were made to asylum law and policy. In February, the Federal parliament passed restrictions on family reunification rights for people who do not qualify for full refugee status, and in July, passed a law aimed at integrating refugees, beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, and certain asylum seekers, conditioning access to benefits and permanent residence status on cooperation with language and other integration requirements.

After a series of attacks in July, Germany amended several existing counterterrorism-related laws in an effort to increase coordination among intelligence agencies. Germanys highest court in April struck down parts of a 2009 counterterrorism law expanding the federal police authority to investigate and gather intelligence on terrorist threats, on grounds of inadequate safeguards to protect privacy.

In October and November respectively, the lower and upper houses of parliament approved a law permitting surveillance of journalists outside the EU, despite extensive criticism of the measure by human rights groups, the OSCE representative on media freedom, and three UN special rapporteurs. Several groups subsequently announced their intention to challenge the law in the constitutional court.

Mass sexual assaults against women in Cologne, Hamburg, and other German cities on New Years Eve prompted debate about the police failure to respond effectively to violence against women. In July, Germany made it easier to prosecute suspects of sexual violence by removing a requirement that the victim physically resist assailants in order to bring charges.

Despite reforms to address chronic deficiencies, Greeces broken asylum and reception system deteriorated. While the numbers of arrivals by sea fell after the EU-Turkey deal, border closures along the Balkans route preventing asylum seekers from leaving, limited solidarity from other EU governments and ongoing arrivals by sea left more than 60,000 asylum seekers and migrants stranded in the country.

Thousands who arrived after the EU-Turkey deal were restricted to islands in the Aegean, often in closed facilities, while tens of thousands face abysmal conditions across the country. By mid-November, only 5,654 asylum seekers had been relocated from Greece to other EU countries, out of the 66,400 initially planned, even as the European Commission pressed Greece to start accepting returns of asylum seekers who transited the country under the Dublin regulation.

A Greek law adopted in April to facilitate implementation of the EU-Turkey deal allows for expedited examination of the admissibility of asylum claims in order to determine whether asylum seekers can be safely returned to Turkey to be provided temporary protection or to have the merits of their claims assessed there. At time of writing, only 12 asylum seekers have had their cases ruled inadmissible following an appeal, but none of them had been deported to Turkey. At least one Syrian is challenging the decision at Greece's highest court, the Council of State.

More than 700 people were removed to Turkey under the deal after their claims were considered in Greece under a fast-track border procedure and rejected on the merits or because they did not file an asylum claim or agreed to return voluntarily.

Most asylum seekers entering Greece came through the Aegean islands, and were processed in EU-mandated asylum centers known as hotspots. More than 16,000 asylum seekers and migrants staying in the islands hotspots face appalling detention and reception conditions, including severe overcrowding, significant shortages of basic shelter and unsanitary, unhygienic conditions. Women, children and people with disabilities are particularly affected.

Long lines for poor quality food, mismanagement, and lack of information contributed to a chaotic and volatile atmosphere. Fights occurred on a frequent basis, particularly in the food lines, at times with no police intervention, while women and girls were exposed to sexual harassment and violence.

Greek authorities drew criticism over their failure to put systems in place that would allow the full disbursement of EU assistance to improve reception conditions.

An estimated 4,370 unaccompanied migrant children entered Greece during the year, according to the National Center for Social Solidarity (EKKA). Unaccompanied migrant and asylum seeking children were often detained in police cells or closed facilities in the islands, due to the lack of adequate shelter accommodations. At time of writing, an estimated 1,610 were waiting to be placed in a dedicated facility.

A large-scale asylum pre-registration process between June and July aimed to improve access to asylum and speed-up relocation, benefitting 27,592 asylum seekers. Despite these efforts, access to asylum remained difficult and subject to delay.

Civil society groups reported an increase in attacks and intimidation of asylum seekers and migrants on the islands and in the mainland in the second half of the year, and an inadequate police response. In a March landmark ruling, the ECtHR criticized Greece for failing adequately to investigate a racistattack against an Afghan national in 2009.

In September, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Muinieks urged Greece to protect the human rights of persons with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities and move them out of institutions into the community. Children with disabilities were removed from an institution in Lechaina notorious for abusive practices, but in some cases transferred to other institutions rather than into community-based care.

Hungary saw a significant decrease in asylum applications in 2016. By early September, Hungary had registered 26,192 asylum seekers, compared to over 150,000 during the same period in 2015, according to UNHCR. The majority of asylum seekers in 2016 came from Afghanistan and Syria.

February 2016 border closures on the Western Balkan route, combined with increased restrictive measures along Hungarys border with Serbia, criminal prosecutions of irregular border crossers and pushbacks, often accompanied by violence, at Hungarys border with Serbia contributed to the decrease.

An April law restricted the rights of asylum seekers and cut integration support for recognized refugees. The same month, the government announced the closure of the largest open reception facility by the end of the year.

An accelerated fast-track border procedure effectively bars asylum seekers from meaningful access to the asylum procedure. A July law legalized push-backs to the Serbian border, enabling police officers to escort to the border anyone caught irregularly eight kilometers inside Hungary. The law, together with low daily caps on entry, leaves asylum seekersincluding children, families and people with disabilitiesstranded at the border for weeks in poor conditions.

During 2016, the government continued its anti-immigrant rhetoric. In February, the government announced a national referendum on the EU relocation plan requiring Hungary to accept 1,294 asylum seekers and in July launched a government sponsored and tax payer funded anti-immigrant campaign. A low turnout for the October referendum meant that the result was invalid, although most who did vote supported the governments position.

Journalists continued to work in a hostile environment. In September, the editor-in-chief of Budapest Business Journal, Tom Popper, resigned after being told by its publishers to stop mentioning refugee issues in the editorial column. The largest opposition daily newspaper, Nepszabadsag, and its website closed down without warning in October with its owner citing financial losses and plummeting circulation.

Roma continued to face discrimination in housing, education, and public health care. In September, the Council of Europe Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities urged Hungary to end discriminatory segregation of Roma schoolchildren.

In August, a lower court sentenced a right-wing extremist to 10 years imprisonment for violent attacks between 2007 and 2009, including throwing Molotov cocktails at the homes of socialist MPs and an attack on a gay bar in Budapest.

In January, the ECtHR ruled that secret surveillance by the Hungarian Anti-Terrorism Task Force had violated privacy rights. The grounds for the decision included Hungarys failure to provide judicial oversight over Task Force actions and other sufficiently precise and effective safeguards.

In July, the ECtHR ruled that Hungary had arbitrarily detained an Iranian gay man and failed to take into account his vulnerability in detention arising from his sexual orientation.

By late October, 26 homeless people had been charged with misdemeanours under local decrees banning the homeless from residing habitually in public spaces, compared to 71 in the first 10 months of 2015.

By mid-November, 164,695 migrants and asylum seekers reached Italy by sea, according to UNHCR. Nigerians, Eritreans, and Sudanese made up the largest national groups. Numbers of unaccompanied children increased significantly, with an estimated 23,000 traveling alone to Italy by mid-September compared to 12,360 in all of 2015. The International Organization for Migration estimated that 80 percent of all Nigerian women arriving in Italy had been trafficked or were at risk of being trafficked into sex work.

New asylum applications and rejection rates increased compared to 2015, as increased border controls by neighboring countries prevented onward movement. Most asylum seekers lived in temporary emergency facilities of varying standards. Concerns persisted about use of force for fingerprinting as well as overcrowding and lack of protection for unaccompanied children at hotspots. At time of writing, only 1,570 asylum seekers had been relocated to other EU countries out of the 39,600 initial target under the EU plan.

Italy intensified negotiations with countries such as Sudan, Gambia, and Libya on migration control, including to facilitate deportations. In August, after a memorandum of understanding with Sudan, Italy deported 48 Sudanese it claimed had not sought to apply for asylum amid concerns about the procedure.

A bill to make torture a criminal offence in domestic law, approved by the lower house of parliament in 2015, languished in the Senate at time of writing.

In February, the ECtHR ordered Italy to compensate an Egyptian cleric known as Abu Omar for complicity with his 2003 rendition and for failing to ensure effective punishment for those responsible. At time of writing, one of the 22 CIA agents convicted in absentia by Italian courts in the case was fighting extradition from Portugal. At issue is Italys refusal to grant her a retrial.

Italy continued to expel terrorism suspects under a procedure that explicitly denied the right to an in-country appeal. Italy expelled 47 individuals, many of them to Tunisia and Morocco, in the first eight months of 2016.

In April, the Council of Europes Social Rights Committee said the fact that 7 out of 10 doctors in Italy are conscientious objectors, meaning that they refuse to provide abortion services in some or all circumstances, created serious difficulties for women accessing safe and legal abortions.

As of May, same-sex couples may have their relationships legally recognized as civil unions, though they do not have the right to adopt.

Statelessness remains a key concern. UNHCR estimated that as of late 2015, around 252,000 of the countrys population is effectively stateless (referred to by authorities as noncitizens or persons with undetermined nationality). Despite 2013 reforms, several thousand children remain stateless.

Discrimination persists against Russian speakers, particularly in employment, language use, and education. Latvian non-citizens are barred from occupying certain posts in the civil service and other professions. They also face restrictions on owning land.

Authorities continued to sanction individuals over alleged failure to use Latvian in professional communications. According to the Latvias State Language Center, a government agency, 180 people were fined for violating the state language law in the first six months of 2016. In March, a cleaner in a Russian-language school was fired following a State Language Center inspection, for not having a sufficient level of Latvian. In June, a speech therapist was forced to resign her post in a kindergarten due to a similar inspection. In July, the State Language Center fined the mayor of Riga over Russian language use in social media posts by the Riga city administration. The mayor appealed.

In September, the Latvian parliament adopted in first reading draft amendments to the Law on Public Associations and Foundations, creating broad grounds for government oversight over NGOs deemed to undermine national security, public safety, and order.

According to Latvian LGBT activists, the authorities used a 2015 law on constitutional morality education to censor discussion about LGBT people in at least two schools in 2016.

At time of writing, Latvia had accepted a total 148 asylum seekers relocated from Greece and Italy under the EU relocation scheme.

In February, the government expanded the list of safe third countries for asylum seekers. Nationals from countries deemed safe are presumed not to need international protection and are subject to accelerated procedures, raising concerns about the quality of individual examination of asylum claims. In September 2016, the countrys highest administrative court affirmed the legality of Albanias designation as a safe country of origin.

The Dutch government continued to offer support that is limited in duration and scope to rejected asylum seekers, with assistance contingent on their cooperation with removal from the country. In February, several UN special rapporteurs urged the Dutch government to provide emergency assistance to rejected asylum seekers.

Refugee rights groups criticized Dutch authorities over longer waits for asylum determinations and family reunification procedures.

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World Report 2017: European Union | Human Rights Watch