Archive for the ‘European Union’ Category


It #39;s more macro economic soap opera mayhem this week from the European Union, the likes of which we have not seen since Cyprus in 2013. Have you learned the word Grexit yet? If this is all...

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EU hopes to curb exodus from Eritrea through development aid

ADDIS ABABA: The European Union said on Tuesday it hopes development aid to Eritrea will stem a growing exodus of Eritreans attempting the dangerous journey to Europe to claim asylum there.

Eritrea is now the second largest source of migrants to arrive in Italy by boat, after Syria. The highly perilous crossing of the Mediterranean on overcrowded, rickety boats claimed around 3,000 lives last year.

The United Nations and rights groups say poor human rights conditions in Eritrea are to blame for the outflow of people. Some have called for measures against the government. Asmara denies the charges.

Neven Mimica, the EU Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development, told Reuters in Addis Ababa that the EU would try to address social and economic exclusion in migrants' countries of origin in a bid to halt the crisis.

The number migrants are rising sharply: During the first two months of 2015, arrivals to the EU via Italy were up 43 percent versus the same period of 2014.

"In that context in Eritrea, we see that we need to assist such processes that would be beneficial for the overall advancing of the human rights and democracy framework, but also that would address the long-term development needs," Mimica said.

The U.N. refugee agency UNHCR says the number of Eritrean asylum seekers in Europe tripled to nearly 37,000 in the first 10 months of 2014, of whom 34,000 came by sea.

Earlier this month, an interim report of a U.N. investigation said Eritrea was ignoring human rights laws and exerting pervasive state control and ruthless repression on the population.

According to EU diplomats, Brussels is planning a multi-million euro development package that Eritrea will be allowed to spend on energy and other sectors.

The EU approved a major aid package for Eritrea in 2007, worth 122 million euros (87 million pounds) in aid over a six-year period.

Originally posted here:
EU hopes to curb exodus from Eritrea through development aid

Facebook data privacy case to be heard before European Union court

Maximillian Schrems has taken his fight agaisnt Facebook to the European court of justice in Luxembourg. Photograph: Max Schrems/Europe-V-Facebook.or/PA

A Facebook user is taking his privacy campaign to the European Unions highest court to prevent US intelligence agencies gaining access to his personal data.

The case brought by Maximilian Schrems against Irelands Data Protection Commission may eventually shape international regulations over access to, and ownership of, online information.

The Austrian law student began the case before the US whistleblower Edward Snowden revealed that the US National Security Agency was routinely intercepting data from emails, social media and telephones.

His initial complaint was to Facebook over what was happening to his personal records. He eventually recovered 1,222 pages of material in 2011 from the US company, whose European headquarters are based in Dublin.

Related: Lawyer suing Facebook overwhelmed with support

Publication of Snowdens revelations spurred him on to take action against the data regulator in the Irish Republic, arguing that his privacy should have been safeguarded against security surveillance. The regulator declined to intervene.

Schrems, whose legal case has been crowdfunded, maintains that companies inside the EU should not be able to transfer data to the US under safe harbour protections which state that US data protection rules are adequate if information is passed by companies on a self-certify basis because America no longer qualifies for such a status.

He is seeking a declaration that the safe harbour designation under EU law should be cancelled and that the Irish DPC should audit the exchange of information rather than allow it to continue unexamined.

Related: Microsoft, Facebook, Google and Yahoo release US surveillance requests

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Facebook data privacy case to be heard before European Union court

European Drone Regulations Are About To Get Smarter And More Permissive

If European regulatorshave their way, drone operations in the European Union (EU)are going to become very permissive,far outpacing American regulations. The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), the EUs authority foraviation safety, has released a regulatory framework that calls for new regulations to be proposed by December of this year.

In their proposed framework, theEASA has specifically focused on innovation, sayingthat regulations must not simply [transpose]the system put in place for manned aviation but rather must create one that is proportionate, progressive, risk based and[expresses]objectives that will be complemented by industry standards.

Officially sanctioned European drone operations far outpace American drone operations. In the EU there are 2,495 operators of drones weighing less than 150kg (330 pounds), the EASA believes that number to be the largest amongstworldwide operations where just2,342 operators are flying in the rest of the world combined (with 2,000 of those sanctioned operations taking place in Japan).

More details here.

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European Drone Regulations Are About To Get Smarter And More Permissive

Victoria II Ultimate Mod Let Us Build A German European Union #9 – Video

Victoria II Ultimate Mod Let Us Build A German European Union #9
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By: Thee Optimates

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Victoria II Ultimate Mod Let Us Build A German European Union #9 - Video