Archive for the ‘European Union’ Category

MAN TGA 2015 2015 – Video

MAN TGA 2015 2015
MAN TGA 2015 2015. 2015 MAN TGA WorldWide - standard solution Specifically for the needs of customers outside the European Union developed a version TGA...

By: Military Channel

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MAN TGA 2015 2015 - Video

Promoting Women’s Political Participation for Development of Peace and Security in Somalia – Video

Promoting Women #39;s Political Participation for Development of Peace and Security in Somalia
Fatima Jibrell, Adeso #39;s founder, talks about the positive impact of the European Union funded Promoting Women #39;s Political Participation for Development of Peace and Security in Somalia. The...

By: AdesoAfrica

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Promoting Women's Political Participation for Development of Peace and Security in Somalia - Video

Vermodje – Video

In the European Union appeared Anabolic Androgenic Steroids products, manufactured by VERMODJE SRL - Moldova. After conducting searches at VERMODJE SRL laboratories, were established as ...

By: John Mckenzie

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Vermodje - Video

UKIP First 100 Days Preview – Video

UKIP First 100 Days Preview
This programme is reportedly produced by RAW with money from EU funding programme "Creative Europe " If this is true, which it is looking like it is, it is outrageous EUROPEAN UNION ...

By: Alex crowson

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UKIP First 100 Days Preview - Video

Fears of Irish export collapse if UK leaves EU

The European Union Affairs Committee has heard that Irish exports to Britain could fall by 3.6% if the UK were to leave the EU as a result of a planned referendum on union membership.

British Prime Minister David Cameron has said he wants a referendum on the issue in 2017.

Director General of the Institute of International and European Affairs Daithi O'Ceallaigh said the possibility of Britain renegotiating its membership of the EU in advance of a referendum would also impact trade between Ireland and the UK, but less significantly than a British exit.

Mr O'Ceallaigh said there was a lot of uncertainty around what Britain wanted.

The Joint Committee on European Union Affairs is discussing the United Kingdom's possible exit from the European Union.

The committee also heard that Ireland's agri-food business could be hit by any decision by Britain to leave the EU. Britian takes over 50% of our Irish agri-food exports and likewise Ireland takes over half of Britain's agri-food exports.

The Committee also heard form Steven Aiken, former Chief Executive of the British-Irish Chamber of Commerce, who said it was his personal opinion that there would be a British referendum on EU membership regardless of the outcome of the UK election.

He said he believed the trade relationship between Britain and Ireland was already changing and that Ireland would have to compete with Northern Ireland and Scotland to a greater extent.

As Britain looks to strengthen its competitivness he said it was his opinion that Ireland was not a signicant part of the equation.

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Fears of Irish export collapse if UK leaves EU