Archive for the ‘European Union’ Category

EU countries stand-off over nuclear role in renewable energy goals – Reuters

BRUSSELS, March 28 (Reuters) - Two rival alliances of European Union countries held final-hour talks in Brussels on Tuesday, ahead of negotiations on whether to recognise nuclear power under the EU's renewable energy goals.

The stand-off comes a day before EU countries and lawmakers are supposed to agree tougher EU targets to expand renewable energy by 2030 - a key part of the bloc's plans to reduce CO2 emissions and wean itself off Russian gas.

The negotiations are bogged down in a debate over nuclear energy, with the issue threatening to thwart a deal on one of Europe's main climate policies. Countries were still split on Tuesday morning.

Eleven countries, led by Austria and including Germany and Spain, met on Tuesday to discuss their push to keep nuclear energy out of the renewables targets. They say mixing nuclear into the renewable energy law would distract from efforts to massively expand wind and solar.

"The group calls for ambitious targets in the (renewable energy law) in order to have a clear mandate for investors and customers," Austrian Energy Minister Leonore Gewessler said.

On the other side of the debate, French energy minister Agnes Pannier-Runacher convened a meeting of 13 pro-nuclear countries including the Czech Republic, Finland, Italy and Poland.

In a joint statement, the countries said they had "agreed that a favourable industrial and financial framework is necessary for nuclear projects".

That comes after European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen last week said "cutting-edge nuclear" projects would not receive the full benefits on offer under proposed EU incentives to support green industries.

Some of those countries are pushing to count "low-carbon hydrogen" - hydrogen produced from nuclear electricity - towards the EU renewable energy goals.

They say countries should be encouraged to use nuclear-based hydrogen as well as renewable energy-based hydrogen, since both are CO2-free and can therefore help nations to quit fossil fuels faster.

"What is at stake is not to oppose nuclear and renewables, what is at stake is to take into account everything that allows us to become carbon neutral and to lower our CO2 emissions by 2030," Pannier-Runacher said.

Reporting by Kate Abnett; additional reporting by Benoit van Overstraeten; editing by Christina Fincher, Giles Elgood and David Goodman

Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

See the original post:
EU countries stand-off over nuclear role in renewable energy goals - Reuters

Swiss more positive on European Union in wake of Ukraine war – SWI in English

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has increased the popularity of the European Union (EU) among the Swiss, writes the NZZ am Sonntag newspaper, citing a survey by the gfs.berne polling institute.

This content was published on March 26, 2023March 26, 2023 minutes

NZZ am Sonntag/jc

The proportion of people holding a positive image of Switzerlands bilateral agreements with the EU has risen from 53% to 59% compared with last year, it says. The poll found that 60% were also in favour of Switzerland joining the European Economic Area.

The Swiss are looking at Europe differently since the outbreak of war in Ukraine, gfs.berne co-director Urs Bieri tells the newspaper. They no longer see bilateral relations through a purely economic lens.

The survey also shows that a majority of respondents are open to compromise in negotiations with the EU. Sixty-five percent would support Switzerland adopting EU law, provided that the right to popular referenda remained. Fifty-five percent would accept a role for the European Court of Justice in dispute resolution. And 55% say they are open to compromise on salary protection.

This comesas the Swiss government decides next steps in its approach to the EU. In 2021, Bern rejected the results of negotiations on an institutional framework accord regulatingabout existing 120 bilateral agreements with the 27-nation bloc. The main sticking points are state aid rules, salary protection and EU citizens access to social security benefits in Switzerland.

A series of exploratory talks have taken place since March 2022 to try to re-start formal talks between the two sides.

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Original post:
Swiss more positive on European Union in wake of Ukraine war - SWI in English

The EU and IFAD join forces to support resilient and sustainable … – ReliefWeb

Rome, 28 March 2023 -- With a global food crisis aggravated by the war in Ukraine, the intensification of climate change and many countries at risk of debt distress, Jutta Urpilainen, European Commissioner for International Partnerships, and Alvaro Lario, President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), signed two agreements today for a total of 70.7 million to boost the sustainable production of nutritious and locally grown food and build small-scale farmers' resilience to climate and economic shocks in Africa, the Caribbean, and the Pacific.

"Global Gateway, the EU's positive offer, is an investment in the strategic autonomy of our partner countries. We want to support them to build their food systems through sustainable production for better resilience. These funds will enable small-scale producers to feed their families and communities sustainably," said Urpilainen.

Small-scale farmers produce one third of the world's food and up to 70 percent of the food in low- and middle-income countries. With the global prices of energy and food reaching unprecedented levels particularly since the start of the war in Ukraine, food inflation has been high in many countries. In addition, small-scale farmers are heavily impacted by climate change and are often those most affected by more frequent and intense extreme weather events.

"Investing in building productive, sustainable and resilient local food systems is a necessary condition to reach long-term sustainable food security," said Lario. "We must invest to enable small-scale producers to feed their families and nations sustainably, have access to finance and productive resources, adapt to climate change, and build shorter and local food value chains."

The European Union is providing 52.5 million to IFAD as part of the Investing in Livelihood Resilience and Soil Health in ACP countries programme. It will promote agroecology and sustainable agricultural practices aimed at improving and sustaining soil fertility, a more efficient use of synthetic and organic fertilizers, sustainable water management to ensure soils make full use of nutrients, the production of local bio-fertilizers, the use of biodigesters, and small-scale producers' access to inputs tailored to local agroecological conditions. Activities will be implemented in Ethiopia, Liberia, Malawi, Mali and Niger, with other countries potentially to be added over time.

The European Union is also providing an 18.2 million grant for the Global Programme for Small-scale Agroecology Producers and Sustainable Food Systems Transformation. The Kingdom of Belgium is providing an addition 5 million. The programme will scale-up agroecology practices and help small-scale farmers through better access to knowledge, support services, technologies and market outlets.

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), extreme weather events will likely increase in frequency and magnitude in the coming years, putting global food systems at increased risk of disruption, with supply shortages and price hikes inevitable with each new crisis. At the same time, ecosystems and soils will be under increasing threats from climate change and depletion from overuse.

Agroecology provides solutions by helping small-scale farmers adapt to climate change, manage natural resources more efficiently, preserve biodiversity and reverse land degradation trends, while providing an alternative to synthetic fertilizers and increasing production.

The number of people facing acute food insecurity soared from 135 million in 2019 to 345 million in 2022. Approximately 828 million people were estimated to be chronically undernourished in 2022 and almost 3.1 billion people could not afford a healthy diet.

Note to editors:

The European Union is a major IFAD partner and has contributed a total amount of almost 675 million in financing to the Fund since 2006. The current IFAD-EU collaboration is multi-faceted and is characterized by a shared drive to scale up innovative models that deliver measurable impacts on the ground. In particular, the EU has supported farmers' organizations in systemic and sustained ways. Its funding helps expand the potential of remittances for development and innovative public-private financing models. The EU is also contributing to IFAD supported projects in Ethiopia, Jordan, Kenya, Mali, Uganda and Sudan. Currently there are 19 ongoing agreements between IFAD and the European Commission for approximately 317 million.

Press release No.: IFAD/29/2023

IFAD is an international financial institution and a United Nations specialized agency. Based in Rome -- the United Nations food and agriculture hub -- IFAD invests in rural people, empowering them to reduce poverty, increase food security, improve nutrition and strengthen resilience. Since 1978, we have provided more than US$24billion in grants and low-interest loans to fund projects in developing countries.

A wide range of photographs of IFAD's work in rural communities are available for download from its Image Bank.

Original post:
The EU and IFAD join forces to support resilient and sustainable ... - ReliefWeb

Geopolitics of the green transition and improving EU’s economic security | EEAS Website – EEAS

HR/VP Blog Last week, at the European Council, we had a first exchange on the Net Zero Industry Act and the Critical Raw Materials Act presented recently by the European Commission. This legislative package has major implications for our foreign policy. We need to avoid that our ambitions to reduce excessive dependencies could be considered as a kind of green protectionism, as I have heard duringthe Ibero-american Summit in the Dominican Republic. On the contrary we have to show that it offers new opportunities for our partners.

The COVID-19 pandemic on masks and respirators - and Russias war of aggression against Ukraine regarding gas and oil - have shown how the EUs excessive dependency on certain countries for critical raw materials and key technologies or even ordinary products, can have serious consequences in times of crisis. This is the case even despite existing safeguards, such as long-term contracts, international trade agreements or multilateral rules provided by the World Trade Organisation.

We learned the hard way that dependencies can be weaponised and global markets may not be able to satisfy all demands at all times.

We learned the hard way that over concentration of our value chains cant always deliver what we need. Dependencies can be weaponised and global markets may not be able to satisfy all demands at all times. As said during the Ibero-american summit in Santo Domingo, looking for the cheapest price may sometimes become very expensive

In fact, during the last decade we witnessed the beginning of a backlash against global trade integration that has been accelerated by the pandemic and Russias war in Ukraine. Governments and multinational companies are adapting their trade links to accommodate the new challenges. The benefits of economic integration are being re-evaluated through the lens of national security, including most notably by China and the US. Economic security must also become an integral part of EUs foreign and security policy.

Source: European Commission

This experience has reinforced our decision to accelerate our green transition not only to take our full part in the critical fight against climate change, but also to end our excessive dependence on Russia and on fossil fuels more generally, which we have to import more and more at ever-increasing costs. This is what we have undertaken with theRePowerEU plan.

However, we have to be careful not to exchange one type of dependence (on Russian energy imports) for another one, as we currently rely principally on imports for a large number of technologies and raw materials needed for the green transition. We are particularly dependent on China, which has managed to build up a dominant position through a high level of state-directed investments and massive subsidies.

At this time when we are seeking to diversify our supplies, the fear of deindustrialisation in Europe has been further fuelled by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) adopted last summer in the United States. The European Union welcomes of course that the United States, which is still a major emitter of greenhouse gases, is adopting a very ambitious green transition policy.

But our American partners have chosen to achieve this goal through a very different logic than ours based on carbon pricing. It is widely considered an essential element to transition to net zero economies by encouraging greenhouse gas emitters to invest in green technologies, letting the market actors choose the best way to achieve decarbonisation. It is the logic of theEU Emissions Trading System(EU ETS), a cornerstone of EUs climate policy. EU ETS has beenreformed recently to make it more efficientand expand its scope.

But if countries scale up carbon price unilaterally they risk losing competitiveness without reducing global emissions because businesses could transfer their production to other areas with lower carbon prices (the so called carbon leakage).That is the reason why, the EU decided in parallel to introduce aCarbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)on some heavily GHG emitting industrial products to maintain a level playing field with our partners.

But in the US, this carbon pricing approach has long been politically very sensitive. Instead, with the IRA (Inflation Reduction Act), the current administration proposed to give massive public subsidies to domestic suppliers and consumers of green technologies, reserving the benefit of these subsidies to products manufactured in the US.

It has profound implications for EUs climate diplomacy. TheEU has engaged in a dialogue with the USto limit the effects of IRAs discriminatory measures on European producers. This new context implies also that we have to take additional measures to re-establish a level playing field with both China and the US in key technologies and critical raw materials related to the green transition.

That is why, the European Commission presented recently a comprehensive legislative package including aNet Zero Industry Act(NZIA) and aCritical Raw Materials (CMR) Act. These texts have now to be discussed and agreed on by the Council and the European Parliament, as we have begun to do it at the last European Council. However, this process will take several more months, so I am not going to detail here the precise content of the package, which is likely to evolve in the future (but see the presentation made bymy fellow Commissioners Frans Timmermans and Thierry Breton).

I want to emphasise here the general thinking that guides us in this matter and what this means for our external partners. This package indicates a certain paradigm shift for the European Union. The Union has helped build a global economic system based on open and rules-based trade, pushed for respecting and advancing social and environmental sustainability standards, and we remain fully committed to those values. However, the weakening of the WTO and the increasing weaponisation of trade has forced us to equip ourselves with industrial policy instruments, to re-establish a "level playing field and to reduce excessive dependencies which could be weaponised.

In strategic sectors related to the green transition, actors will benefit from support measures by the EU, including public financing and faster planning procedures. The proposed Acts also set out a range of measures to improve the EUs competitiveness, via investments in research, innovation and skills and introducing the possibility for regulatory sandboxes to test innovative new approaches.

Our Green Deal Industrial Plan is not targeted to any particular country or to embark on any form of green protectionism or regulatory imperialism.

Given our high import dependencies for some critical technologies and raw materials, these changes will affect our partners. However, our Green Deal Industrial Plan is not targeted to any particular country or to embark on any form of green protectionism or regulatory imperialism, as some of our critics claim. In fact, our desire to reduce excessive dependencies should create new opportunities to develop our trade relations with many partners.

Regarding critical raw materials, in particular, we intend to promote a trade and economic agenda towards our partners that maximise mutual benefitsas opposed to a mere extractive approach. We will use the framework of theGlobal Gatewaystrategy to support projects which contribute to the diversification of the EUs supply chain while also contributing to our partner countries efforts to improve social standards, pursue twin transition and develop local value added. This is especially important in our relation with the Latin American countries, which have important reserves of critical raw materials, as lithium, and intend to take advantage of it to develop their own industrial capacities.

Regarding critical raw materials we intend to promote an agenda that maximise mutual benefitsas opposed to a mere extractive approach.

As High Representative and Vice President of the Commission, I am in charge of ensuring that our internal policies are and stay coherent with our foreign policy priorities. On these topics, like on any other, we remain strong supporters of multilateralism. And in particular, we remain committed to the international rules established by the WTO that protect the poorest countries from the encroachments of the most powerful ones.

It is indeed our firm intention to combine economic security policy measures aiming at reducing our excessive dependencies with the preservation of a global open rule-based trade system, which ensures a level-playing-field. This is in our strategic interest. We will discuss extensively the changes in European industrial policy with our partners and in particular the new opportunities for cooperation that these policies can present for them.

See the rest here:
Geopolitics of the green transition and improving EU's economic security | EEAS Website - EEAS

EU Lawmakers Vote in Favor of Payment Limits on Anonymous Crypto Wallets – CoinDesk

Lawmakers on two key committees in the European Parliament have voted in favor of imposing limits on payments by unverified crypto users, as part of a large scale overhaul of money laundering laws.

The plans, considered alongside measures to forbid businesses from accepting large cash payments and create a new European Union Anti-Money Laundering Agency, AMLA, were approved by the parliaments Economics and Civil Liberties committees on Tuesday, with six abstentions.

99 lawmakers voted in favor, while 8 voted against the limits.

Damien Carme, the French lawmaker who leads the parliaments negotiations on the overhaul, earlier told reporters that the plans wouldnt prevent crypto payments, since the cap of 1,000 euros wont apply if a regulated wallet provider is involved or the identity of the payer is known.

The measures were proposed following a string of dirty money scandals within the bloc, including the Pandora Papers leaks and concerning the processing of Russian funds by Danske Bank.

See the article here:
EU Lawmakers Vote in Favor of Payment Limits on Anonymous Crypto Wallets - CoinDesk