Somalia: More needed to stop the worsening crisis
258 000 deaths, many of whom were women and children, were caused by famine in Somalia in 2011. The recent drought declaration serves as a warning sign point to the danger of another famine....
By: European Union Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection
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Somalia: More needed to stop the worsening crisis - Video
IR477 - Law and Institutions of the European Union - Lecture 1.1
Course: Law and Institutions of the European Union Lecture Subjects: Introduction Establishment and development of European integration Instructor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Baak KALE For Lecture...
By: METUOpenCourseWare
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IR477 - Law and Institutions of the European Union - Lecture 1.1 - Video
IR477 - Law and Institutions of the European Union - Lecture 1.2
Course: Law and Institutions of the European Union Lecture Subjects: Introduction History Instructor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Baak KALE For Lecture Notes: http://...
By: METUOpenCourseWare
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IR477 - Law and Institutions of the European Union - Lecture 1.2 - Video
Burkina Faso: Empowering women through gardening
Subscribe to UNICEF here: In rural Burkina Faso, UNICEF, in partnership with the European Union, is teaching women to grow vitamin-rich vegetables. Before the garden,...
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Burkina Faso: Empowering women through gardening - Video
Bosnians prepare for general election amid economic woes
Bosnia holds general elections Sunday against the backdrop of mounting social discontent, as well as ethnic disputes and rampant corruption that are blocking its entry into the European Union....
By: Alfonso Salazar
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Bosnians prepare for general election amid economic woes - Video