Unione Europea: passato, presente e futuro - European union: past,present and future
la nascita dell #39;unione europea. if you like subscribe to my channel and my facebook page https://www.facebook.com/SimoneLiberanomeFotografo #simoneliberanomefotografo.
By: libbbera
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Unione Europea: passato, presente e futuro - European union: past,present and future - Video
Interview with Alex Salmond after Bruges speech
Alex Salmond used a speech in Belgium to make the case for an independent Scotland #39;s continuing membership of the European Union. He rejected warnings from the UK Government that negotiations...
By: STV News
Continued here:
Interview with Alex Salmond after Bruges speech - Video
EU Targets 15 Russian Officials in Ukraine Crisis
The European Union is slapping sanctions on 15 new Russian officials or pro-Russian individuals for their part in the crisis in Ukraine.
By: CBN News
Read more from the original source:
EU Targets 15 Russian Officials in Ukraine Crisis - Video
Light show night 2014
Shot the on the night preceding the firework spectacular at the Grand Harbour to celebrate Malta #39;s accession to the European Union 10 yrs ago.
By: daniel mercieca
See the rest here:
Light show night 2014 - Video