10-01-2012 22:31 What does it take to become an entrepreneur in Russia? In our series on Pathfinders, Business RT talks to some expats who have discovered the country's potential. Anyone who has been to Russia might have been surprised to find a Caesar Salad cropping up on virtually every restaurant menu -- lettuce, garlic sauce and parmesan are hardly traditional Russian fare.
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Pathfinders: The secret of expat restaurateur success in Russia - Video
09-01-2012 08:43 Was one of Fostering Collaboration with Expats Egyptian Scientists sessions that was held on the 29th of December 2011 at Technology Innovation
See the article here:
Fostering Collaboration with Expats Egyptian Scientists - Dr. Fadel Digham - Video
09-01-2012 09:14 Was one of Fostering Collaboration with Expats Egyptian Scientists sessions that was held on the 29th of December 2011 at Technology Innovation
More here:
Fostering Collaboration with Expats Egyptian Scientists - Eng. Hossam Algammal - Video
10-01-2012 18:25 Expats in Thailand have set up a second hand store with their unwanted items. And it's helping some of the country's poorest to generate income. South East Asia correspondent Zoe Daniel reports.
See the rest here:
Expat second hand store helping Thailand's poor - Video
24-10-2011 10:31 Th?r? ?r? many gr??t locally m?d? products ?nd ?nt?r??t?ng business opportunities ?n Bangkok.
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Bangkok Living