It's time to meet another of Moscow's talented expats, and this time we're heading to an American University that lies in the heart of the Russian capital. It's here that we met a Professor who spends as much time learning as he does teaching.
Expat educator on steep learning curve about Moscow life - Video We spent a couple days in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico visiting our friends Nancy and Jim. They are expats out of Atlanta, Georgia and are renting for 12 months. However, after 1 month there, they know they'll stick around for a lot longer
See more here:
Ep29 Expat Life San Miguel de Allende Mexico - Retirement - Video
Hosts Leela and Brian Gill introduce you to their show Expat's Paradise in this two minute trailer.
Read the original post:
Expats Panama Trailer - Video
Happy Thanksgiving Expats! Are you thankful for your US expat taxes? You should be for the exclusions and deductions you are eligible for!
Here is the original post:
Happy Thanksgiving! Be Thankful for your US Expat Taxes - Video
Behind with your US expat taxes? We go over what you need to know and how to get caught up.
Go here to see the original:
Delinquent US Expat Taxes - Video