Archive for the ‘Fifth Amendment’ Category

Women’s March Treks 18 Miles To Protest National Rifle Association – The Federalist

Several hundred demonstrators spent June 14 walking through heat and humidity to protest the National Rifle Association, gun violence, and racism.The Womens March organized the 18-mile trek from the NRA headquarters in Fairfax, Virginia to the Department of Justice in downtown DC. Protestors spent the night in the city before returning to the Department of Justice the next morning to continue the rally.

The #NRA2DOJ march was sparked last month when Womens March Inc. Co-President Tamika Mallory wrote an open letter in response to a viral NRA ad. The ad features NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch and denounces violence from the Left.Mallory called the video a direct attack on people of color and demanded the NRA take down the video, apologize, and issue a statement defending Philando Castile, a lawful gun owner shot by a Minnesota police man.

It is clear that your organization does not value the legal rights nor the human rights of any of us, the letter read. Unless the NRA takes immediate action, the Womens March will exercise our First Amendment right by calling for a mass mobilization.

The NRA instead released a second video directly addressing Mallory.The march began at the NRA headquarters, where a counter-protest joined them. Along the route, protestors shouted chants like Hands up, dont shoot, This is what democracy looks like, and Hey hey, ho ho, the NRA has got to go. Many in the crowd also showed support for Black Lives Matter.

I would like them to eliminate assault weapons, said one woman with the march. I dont think they need to go away completely, but they certainly need to be better regulated.

An armed police escort traveled with the group.The protest marched past the White House, where they paused to shout Shame! Shame! One woman displayed her middle finger as she walked past.The group disbanded upon arrival at the Department of Justice, and some boarded a bus to the shared housing for the night.

When the protest returned Saturday morning, they met a small counter-protest carrying signs and a Gadsden flag.

Theres been an attack on the freedom of speech, said Dan Weber, who was part of the counter-protest. Theres been an attack on our Second Amendment rights. And nationally, an attack on our Fourth and Fifth Amendment rights.

Saturdays rally at the Department of Justice opened with a song with the lyrics, Went down to the White House to take back what they stole from me/and I took back my dignity/and I took back my humanity/and its under my feet. Protestors also heard from a variety of activists, including leftist American Muslim Linda Sarsour and Mallory herself.

You should be outraged that the NRA refuses to directly address the injustice in Philando Castiles death, shouted Womens March Inc. Co-President Bob Bland, directing her speech toward the counter-protest across the street. He was a licensed gun owner just like you.

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Women's March Treks 18 Miles To Protest National Rifle Association - The Federalist

Prosecutor: Attempted murder began with fued over a coat – Bloomington Pantagraph

BLOOMINGTON A dispute over a coat led to a November shooting on Bloomingtons east side, prosecutors said Monday on the first day in the attempted-murder trial of Darvell Williams.

A six-man, six-woman jury was seated Monday before opening arguments and the states first witness, a woman who reluctantly testified against her former roommate.

Its a really simple case, Ghrist said. It will come down to common sense. The defendant took a 9 mm handgun and shot multiple times at Willie Love. Eight shell casings were found in the apartment the defendant was living in.

Williams is facing nine felony charges, including attempted murder in the Nov. 26 shooting that also damaged a mailbox in an apartment complex, a passing car and a window at Lowes Home Improvement at 2101 E. Empire St.

One of the charges, an aggravated unlawful use of a weapon into a vehicle, against Williams was dropped in court Monday.

Defense attorney Brian McEldowney asked the jurors to keep an open mind and to listen to all of the evidence before making a decision on Williams' guilt or innocence.

These are volatile charges and our natural reaction is to get angry, but please listen to all of the testimony before making a judgment, he said.

The state called Chiquan Felton to the stand, who attempted to avoid Ghrists questions.

I plead the Fifth, she said. I have nothing to say.

Ghrist reminded her that she was not facing charges, so there were no grounds to invoke the Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination.

After excusing the jury, Judge Robert Freitag explained that she had to be truthful with her testimony.

You are here pursuant to a court order and if you are asked a question, you must answer truthfully, and if you refuse, you could be held in contempt of court and be held in county jail until you decide to answer, he said.

When the jury returned, Felton testified that she never saw Williams shoot at Love because her back was turned while she was trying to open the door to the apartment she shared with Williams.

I heard gunshots, but I never saw him shoot at him, she said. Where I come from, you run away from gunshots.

The trial is expected to conclude Tuesday or Wednesday. Testimony will resume at 9 a.m. Tuesday.

Follow Kevin Barlow on Twitter: @pg_barlow

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Prosecutor: Attempted murder began with fued over a coat - Bloomington Pantagraph

Not All Foreign-Influence Scandals Are Created Equal – National Review

This summer we mark the 20th anniversary of a major investigation by Congress of attempts by a hostile foreign power to influence an American presidential election.

Im glad the news media is pursuing the TrumpRussia scandal, but lets not forget the differences between how they are covering Russia compared with how they reported a similar story this one involving Communist China that developed during Bill Clintons 1996 reelection campaign. The Washington Post reported in 1998 that evidence gathered in federal surveillance intercepts has indicated that the Chinese government planned to increase Chinas influence in the U.S. political process in 1996.

Many people still believe that a major cover-up of that scandal worked in part because the media expressed skepticism and devoted only a fraction of resources they are spending on the TrumpRussia story. Network reporters expressed outright skepticism of the story, with many openly criticizing the late senator Fred Thompson, the chair of the Senate investigating committee, for wasting time and money. On June 17, 1997, Katie Couric, then the Today co-anchor, asked the Washington Posts Bob Woodward about the story: Are members of the media, do you think, Bob, too scandal-obsessed, looking for something at every corner?

According to an analysis by the Media Research Center, the news coverage of the congressional hearings on the China scandal in the summer of 1997 were dwarfed by reports on the murder of fashion designer Gianni Versace and the death of Princess Diana.

The Chinese fundraising scandal involving DNC finance vice chairman John Huang first came to light in the final weeks of the 1996 presidential campaign. A former Commerce Department official, Huang was a top fundraiser who scooped up suspect foreign cash for Team Clinton.

A 1998 Senate Government Affairs Committee report on the scandal found strong circumstantial evidence that a great deal of foreign money had illegally entered the country in an attempt to influence the 1996 election. The DNC was forced to give back more than $2.8 million in illegal or improper donations from foreign nationals.

The most suspect funds were brought in by Johnny Chung, a bagman for the Asian billionaire Riady family. Chung confessed that at least $35,000 of his donations to the Clinton campaign and the DNC had come from a Chinese aerospace executive a lieutenant colonel in the Chinese military. Chung said the executive had helped him meet three times with General Ji Shengde, the head of Chinese military intelligence. According to Chungs testimony, General Shengde had told him: We really like your president. We hope he will be reelected. I will give you $300,000 U.S. dollars. You can give it to...your president and the Democratic party.

The sprawling fundraising scandal ultimately led to 22 guilty pleas on various violations of election laws. Among the Clinton fundraisers and friends who pleaded guilty were John Huang, Charlie Trie, James Riady, and Michael Brown, son of the late Clinton Commerce secretary Ron Brown. But many questions went unanswered, even after the revelations that Clinton had personally authorized offering donors Oval Office meetings and use of the Lincoln bedroom. A total of 120 participants in the fundraising scandal either fled the country, asserted their Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination, or otherwise avoided questioning. The stonewalling worked and probably encouraged Hillary Clinton in her own cover-up of her private e-mail server and her ties with the Clinton Foundation.

Indeed, much of the media basically gave the Clintons a pass on evidence that special-interest donors to the Clinton Foundation frequently managed to score favors from the State Department. Journalist Peter Schweitzer revealed in his book Clinton Cash that State had helped move along an infamous deal that granted the Russians control of more than 20 percent of the uranium production here in the United States. The company involved in acquiring the American uranium was a very large donor to you guessed it the Clinton Foundation.

None of this history should dissuade the media from questioning the White Houses often shifting and blatantly inaccurate accounts of what happened and who was involved and when. Either the presidents team is infected with a self-destructive gene or they really do have something to hide.

But a little humility and honesty on the part of the media would be appropriate. Much of the breathless and constant coverage of the Russia scandal is motivated by the medias hatred of Donald Trump, which is of course reciprocated.

When it came to the Clintons, the media tended to downplay or even trivialize many of their scandals. But, to be fair, a little bit of self-awareness is beginning to show up in the Russia coverage. Last Thursday, Mika Brzezinski of MSNBC noted that when it came to opening the door to lowering the standards of conduct by a modern president, Bill Clinton led the way with his lying and scandalous behavior. She was referring, of course, to the Lewinsky scandal, but her comments are equally appropriate to the many other Clinton scandals that didnt receive wall-to-wall coverage.

READ MORE: With Trump, the Benefit of the Doubt Is Gone 16 Things You Have to Believe to Buy the Witch Hunt Russia Narrative Anti-Trump Overreach Could Backfire

John Fund is NROs national-affairs correspondent.

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Not All Foreign-Influence Scandals Are Created Equal - National Review

Chad Seybold’s bid for Fifth fought – Chronicle-Tribune

The City of Marion is objecting to Chad Seybolds motion to plead protection against self-incrimination under the Fifth Amendment in a civil lawsuit alleging fraud against Michael An and his companies.

The city filed a brief Friday afternoon in Grant County Superior Court I detailing its opposition, which largely argues that Seybolds request does not meet the legal requirements for the Fifth to be used correctly in this lawsuit.

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Chad Seybold's bid for Fifth fought - Chronicle-Tribune

Judge Duebbert spends five minutes before grand jury – Belleville News-Democrat

Belleville News-Democrat
Judge Duebbert spends five minutes before grand jury
Belleville News-Democrat
Fultz and Duebbert declined to say whether Duebbert took the Fifth Amendment. The Major Case Squad had asked for obstruction of justice charges against Duebbert after Fields was charged with Silas' murder. State's Attorney Brendan Kelly asked for a ...

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Judge Duebbert spends five minutes before grand jury - Belleville News-Democrat