Archive for the ‘First Amendment’ Category

The first amendment in a digital age #UseYourOwnVoice – Lariat Saddleback College

Saddleback College President, Tod Burnett, introducing the Associated Student Government and other affiliates to the stage for the #UseYourOwnVoice event in the quad. (Colin Reef/Lariat)

Saddleback College presents part one of a four part series called Understanding the First Amendment in the 21st Century or #UseYourOwnVoice yesterday Feb. 28, 2017 in the quad.

The main purpose of this event was to inform and educate students and faculty on how the application of the first amendment has changed since the onset of technology and social media. With the help of Associated Student Government, the Pre-Law Society, Academic Senate, Classified Senate, and Dr. Tod Burnett, Saddleback College president, a panel of students were given the chance to express any concerns, feelings, and questions they had to a panel of Saddleback College professors.

The panel of Saddleback College professors included political science professors Kendralyn Webber and Christina Hinkle, mathematics professor Frank Gonzalez, and Journalism professor Mike Reed.

A Panel of Saddleback College students and professors take the stage to discuss applications of the first amendment in the digital age of technology. (Colin Reef/Lariat)

In order to understand the first amendment, said Mike Reed, we must first analyze the nine areas of unprotected speech that most people either forget or fail to realize exist.

The student panel prepare to ask questions in regards to first amendment application in the digital age. (Colin Reef/Lariat)

The digital age has given rise to many pressing questions when correlating them to first amendment freedoms. One main reason for this is the Supreme Court and its establishment in relation to freedoms of press and speech were created nearly 50 years ago.

They were created way before the implementation or creation for that matter, of the Internet, World Wide Web, and smartphones. The emergence of Google and other tech giants like Apple as well as social media platforms has propelled us into a new age of communication. This makes it hard for the present generation to establish grounds for proper first amendment rights seeing as many need revaluation or a complete overhaul.

The role of the Supreme Court (which some regard as too slow) still works because it gives authority, the right to fundamentally break down protected speech and reflect on all of the consequences, said Christina Hinkle, Its important for us to utilize the tools we have been given (Internet) to further educate people on these proceedings and make proper provisions.

For many people the Internet has made it harder for interpersonal communication to take place. This is due in part because of the lack of education on the first amendment. Nowadays, many people assume news is genuine just from a glance or a gloss-over. These immediate reactions have made it possible for people to actually widen the gap and increase a polarization of opinions.

Interpersonal relationships have become media popcorn for some people, said Kendralyn Webber, Its almost as if its not about you know but what you google.

In too many ways this has become the normal way of projecting facts, opinions, and information. Although we may be in a confusing place as far as communication goes, having events in the community like #UseYourOwnVoice on college campuses helps to bridge the unknown and further educate people on our unalienable rights.

For more information, visit Saddleback Colleges upcoming events and learn more about the #UseYourOwnVoice series.

The first amendment in a digital age #UseYourOwnVoice - Lariat Saddleback College

U-B upholding the First Amendment | Letters To Editor | union … – Walla Walla Union-Bulletin

There is the smell of freshly brewing coffee in the air. The sun is just starting to come up. It is Sunday morning! Thump! Yes, Yes!

That is the sound I was waiting to hear! The Union-Bulletin newspaper being delivered to my front door.

Coffee cup in hand I go retrieve the paper from my front porch. I flip through the sections to my favorite part of the paper, the Perspective section.

First I read the editorial, then I look at the political cartoons, followed by Our Readers Opinions and individual columnists. During the reading and digesting of the material I go from agreeing to disagreeing, happy to sad, to disbelief and mad.

In my Sunday morning pursuit of knowledge I have sharpened my skills as a citizen of our wonderful country.

I would like to praise the Union-Bulletin for upholding the United States Constitutions First Amendment! You folks in the press are the light that burns away the darkness so the truth is illuminated by your piercing rays!

Please keep asking the tough questions and follow them up! Just a note to say I appreciate you and our country needs you now more than ever!

See more here:
U-B upholding the First Amendment | Letters To Editor | union ... - Walla Walla Union-Bulletin

First Amendment applies to Trump, too – Bradenton Herald

Bradenton Herald
First Amendment applies to Trump, too
Bradenton Herald
After reading Mr. James Frazier's Feb. 28 letter to the editor Trump's scorn of media disturbing, I have a question: Is the letter rhetoric or is he saying everyone is protected by the First Amendment except the president of the United States ...

Excerpt from:
First Amendment applies to Trump, too - Bradenton Herald

Constant attacks on press chip away at 1st Amendment | Letters to … – The Intelligencer

The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, and ensures that there is no prohibition on the free exercise of religion, no abridging the freedom of speech, no infringing on the freedom of the press, no interfering with the right to peaceably assemble, and no prohibition against the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.

I am becoming more and more alarmed at the present administrations attack on our sacred First Amendment rights. I preface this letter with this amendment because I feel few Americans know or even care about the words contained within it.

During the most recent presidential campaign, and most glaringly in the first month of this administration, a constant demonizing of the press and the inference that the press cannot be trusted are becoming more unnerving every day. Recently, White House press secretary Sean Spicer spun his press conference restriction of not inviting four high-profile news outlets, stating that the room was "just too small." President Trump revealed in a tweet not one hour later that the press restriction was due to Trumps personal belief that these outlets reports fake news or are failing.

Clearly, Trump is seeking to control the press corps, limiting it to those he believes will write the news he wants written. No other president in modern history has attempted to squash the press like this.

Republican Sen. John McCain said in a recent interview with Chuck Todd of Meet the Press, "I hate the press. I hate you especially. But the fact is we need you. We need a free press. We must have it. It's vital." The Arizona senator, who was just re-elected to another six-year term, added that in order to preserve democracy, a free and many times adversarial press is essential. Thats how dictators get started, he continued. They get started by suppressing a free press; in other words, a consolidation of power. When you look at history, the first thing that dictators do is shut down the press.

This constant attack on the press is the first step at the chipping away of our First Amendment and our democracy. We live in a 24/7 social media culture. It is our responsibility to weigh carefully what is said and videotaped and then held up against the untruths that seem to follow. We cannot become indifferent or complacent when a threat such as this occurs.

Kathleen Afflerbach


Constant attacks on press chip away at 1st Amendment | Letters to ... - The Intelligencer

ACLU, courts’ ungodly interpretation of First Amendment – Visalia Times-Delta

SAM LUKES 12:01 a.m. PT March 5, 2017

The First Amendment, contained within the Bill of Rights, was initiated on Dec. 15, 1791 and states: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

For far too long now, these noble tenets have steadily undergone a massive, full scale assault by insolent judges/lawmakers who insist upon delegating their own preconceived, egregious opinions and indecorous ideologies which they unashamedly dictate from the bench.

Contrary to popular opinion, the Founding Fathers of our Judeo-Christian influenced republic, never intended a separation of church and state. They simply wanted to make sure that government would not compel or infringe upon its citizenry to adhere to a federally imposed, national religion. Hence, believers in God could choose to follow their religious beliefs without being forced to submit to biased governmental regulations. Atheists, agnostics, etc., are granted freedom to decide otherwise.

George Washington transcribed in his Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior in Company and Conversation: Use no Reproachful Language against any one neither Curse nor Revile. Remarkably, at the time, he was not yet 16 years old! Years later, as acting general of the Continental Army, on Aug. 3, 1776, he imposed a written order to his troops for them to refrain from using profanity.

Today, misguided attorneys and judges have soundly disregarded and rejected President Washingtons advice, deceitfully interpreting that the First Amendment protects all manner of profanity, including any number of vile idiosyncrasies, perverted sexual innuendos, and so forth.

The filthiest, most prurient books, songs, movies, plays, documentaries, television shows, internet sites, i.e., are all protected under the deceptive guise of freedom of speech. Jesus Christ condemns all such provocative behavior, labeling those misdirected individuals as poisonous snakes who bringeth forth evil things (Matthew 12:34-36). He warns that every idle word (which anyone speaks), if not repented of, will be brought into full judgmental account in HIS future courtroom. He further admonishes: For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned (Matthew 12:37).

Those rappers whose songs contain unbridled profanity and certain sexually charged wording in the lyrics, beware. Miscreants who advocate filthy, degenerative speech, whose conversations are laced with flippant cursing, have been deceived into believing that they have a right to disregard common decency and to irresponsibly throw all caution to the winds. To reiterate ... beware.

Society has regressed to such a mindless low that naked entertainers(?), who shamelessly perform in nightclubs/strip clubs, bars and like venues, are given a free pass for displaying their blatant nudity (shades of artful freedom of expression?). Whereas, astonishingly, a construction worker on a hot summer day, who can no longer wait in a long line to access a lone Porta Potty, can be arrested for indecent exposure when seen urinating behind a shed, tree or lumber pile!

In certain states, such offenders can be charged with lewd and lascivious behavior, and their names even added to a sex offender registry for relieving themselves. Give me a break! These judges would do well to realize that God Himself, became humanities permanent clothier, regardless of mans inane societal laws that grant immunity to wanton nude exposure (Genesis 3:21).

It is becoming alarmingly clear that we are witnessing a seemingly dishonest press/media, who, all too often, deliberately lie or decide to omit or misconstrue ones words or actions out of context. Such shameful conduct is hardly what freedom of the press was meant to represent. Likewise, those clueless mobs who destructively demonstrate, loot or engage in violent, angry protests and assaults, are not assembling peaceably under the true intent and meaning of the First Amendment.

One of the reasons America has gotten itself into such a spiteful, demeaning state of circumstances, is that it has foolishly allowed the American Civil Liberties Union to dictate to the courts, their atheistic, humanist agenda, directed against decent values which were once nobly instilled in traditional families, and likewise included in churches, schools, government, and even in the military. The ACLU (Arrogantly Championing Lucifer's Underground) MY personal acronym has haughtily, godlessly, erroneously determined: The First Amendment is based upon the belief that in a free and democratic society, individual adults must be free to decide for themselves what to read, write, paint, draw, see and hear.

Compare this insipid, flawed ideology with Proverbs 14:12: There is a way which seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death (eternally). That is precisely why Jesus instructed his true followers to live their lives in accordance to Gods Living Word (Matthew 4:4), and the reason why the Apostle Paul refers to the worldly proud who profess to be wise, as becoming mere fools (Romans 1:22).

Seemingly, worldwide events are rapidly beginning to occur which reveal our present generation might very well be the one wherein the minute hand of the noted doomsday clock, is inching closer and closer to the midnight hour with each notorious, infamous tick. Unfortunately, prophetic perilous times await (2 Timothy 3:1-5) as the entire globe may be witnessing, with careless disregard and abandon, the infant stages of reaping what they have brazenly sown towards their Creator.

Sam Lukes is a resident of Visalia

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ACLU, courts' ungodly interpretation of First Amendment - Visalia Times-Delta