Letter to the Editor: What’s the future of the First Amendment? – Gridley Herald
The First Amendment says, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
The First Amendment says, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. This Amendment is being tried already after just a few weeks into a new administration:
Four journalists jailed while reporting on the demonstrations in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 1. They will be charged with felonies for showing America what was going on after the inauguration.
Steve Bannon, senior advisor to the President, tells America to ignore journalists and the news. Does this mean we are to listen to the AltTruth coming out of the Press Room, early morning tweets and Conway instead of what photographs show of the sparse crowds on Jan. 20? On Nov. 12, 2013, at a book signing in D.C., Steve Bannon said the following when asked what his political philosophy was: Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and thats my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of todays establishment.
It looks like hes well on his way to doing just that.
The news channel watched by the president for news is FOX (Faux) News. This source of information has been proven to be accurate only 40 percent of the time. This is his source while he calls CNN a source of fake news. Again, photographs shown on this station that were taken at 12:01 by a Routers photographer from the Washington Monument and shown on CNN dont lie.
Instead of focusing on the issues confronting our country, tweets and speeches about the election being rigged that he would have won by 45 million votes if it werent for fraud. He defined fraud as being registered to vote more than once. Perhaps he forgot to check with his daughters, Ivanka and Tiffany, his son-in-law, who is another senior advisor or senior advisor Bannon all of whom are registered in two different states, thus meeting the presidents definition of voter fraud.
An Executive Order banning entry of people from six countries even if they have valid green cards based on religion is against a law passed by Congress 50 years ago. Where is the legal counsel to advise when Executive Orders break the law and cause chaos at airports here and around the world? And why were Congressmen denied access to those detained at Dulles airport after a Federal Court intervened Saturday?
Kelly Conway dissed the judge since he was an Obama appointee is the Oval Office and its unelected spokespeople saying the president can choose what judicial decisions they will uphold?
One last note: Trumps approval rating after just 8 days in office was a 51 percent disapproval rating according to Gallup. In Gallups history, no president has had a disapproval rating like this in such a short period of time. By the same pollster using the same methodology, it took Reagan 727 days to reach a disapproval rating under 50 percent, Bush I took 1,336 days, Bush II 1,205 days.
If you havent read George Orwells 1984 this might be a good time to read it (or re-read it if you havent in a few years). It may just move you to action.
Have a great day ...
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Letter to the Editor: What's the future of the First Amendment? - Gridley Herald