Phil Robertson to be honoured at CPAC for standing firm in his faith
(Photo: A&E)
Phil Robertson
Conservative nonprofit organisation Citizens United will honour "Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson with a First Amendment Award at next week's Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), the group recently announced.
Robertson is being recognised for continuing to share his conservative, Christian viewpoint despite the controversy that has followed.
"In a time where conservative Christians are under attack by the media and pop culture, Phil Robertson continues to courageously stand by Truth and his convictions," David N Bossie, President of Citizens United, said in a statement.
"I can think of no better person to present the 'Andrew Breitbart Defender of the First Amendment Award' to than Mr Phil Robertson."
Last month, the reality star spoke out against the "rise of radical Islam" in a controversial interviewon "The Sean Hannity Show."
Robinson echoed previous statements that compared Shintoists and Muslims to Nazis, and said the rejection of Jesus contributed to the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris.
"The five ideologies of the 20th century, two of them are still vibrant," the 68-year-old began. "The one we're currently facing - the Islamists, the terrorists - and this political correct-ism. Atheism, basically.
"Look, no Jesus with Hitler, with the Nazis," he continued. "They wanted to dominate the world, they were famous for murder. The Shintoists came along, no Jesus there, Sean. They were famous for murder. They wanted to conquer the world."
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Phil Robertson to be honoured at CPAC for standing firm in his faith