Archive for the ‘First Amendment’ Category



By: natedegroff

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(Open Records Project) Seminole County First Amendment Audit – Video

(Open Records Project) Seminole County First Amendment Audit
Florida horror school alumnus recalls bloody beatings after discovery of skeletal remains The Arthur G. Dozier School for Boys in Marianna gained a...


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(Open Records Project) Seminole County First Amendment Audit - Video

How the First Amendment applies to Jennifer Lawrence

Amy Gajdas new book overstates the threat to press freedom in digital-age court rulings

The First Amendment Bubble: How Privacy and Paparazzi Threaten a Free Press By Amy Gajda

Harvard University Press 306 pages; $35

In late August, someone anonymously posted hacked nude photographs of the actress Jennifer Lawrence and other celebrities on an internet bulletin board. Celebrity blogger Perez Hilton posted the photos on his gossip website. Shortly afterward, buffeted by angry social-media responses and the specter of litigation, Hilton apologized and took them down.

Any second-year law student could concoct a legal defense to an invasion of privacy claim by Lawrence: These are truthful images of a public figure who has courted public attention worldwide. Hilton broke no laws; he simply showed images made public by others, heightening awareness of the important controversy over internet privacy.

Its not a good defense, though. I think a court could reject it without doing damage to the First Amendment. Amy Gajda, a former broadcast journalist turned law professor, would probably agree. But she also would worry that more cases like this one would, in time, erode freedoms for serious journalism.

The Lawrence flap occurred too late to be included in The First Amendment Bubble: How Privacy and Paparazzi Threaten a Free Press. The book begins with an account of a video posted on Gawker in 2012 of the professional wrestler Hulk Hogan in a private sexual encounter. A Florida state trial judge ordered Gawker to take it down, showing, in Gajdas words, a new willingness to limit public disclosure of truthful information.

The federal courts quickly stepped in to reverse this result, she notes; the Hogan tape, in all its glory, remains available online today. So the courts new willingness might more properly be called ambivalence. Gajda nonetheless believes that the new willingness is growing stronger, and that the obtuseness of mainstream media outlets runs the risk of making things worse. [T]here seems to be a modern-age shift back toward 1890s sensibilities, she writes. [C]ourts are signaling a new sensitivity to threats to privacy posed by evolving social and cultural conditions.

Gajda succumbs to the tendency to see even minor slights to press freedom as omens of onrushing dystopia.

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How the First Amendment applies to Jennifer Lawrence

Our First Amendment rights

The Founding Fathers of the United States believed that the rights of the people were granted by God and not by government. These basic God given rights were embodied in the United States Constitution and, the most basic of these rights, were set out in the First Amendment. Our most basic rights are the right of speech, the right of religion and the right of free assembly.

Over the past 25 years, there has been a war waged on religion and that war is being waged, primarily, against Christians and the Christian church. In the most recent attack, the elected officials in the city of Houston, Texas, violated the First Amendment rights of several Houston churches, pastors and congregations because these pastors, churches and congregations disagreed with a new Houston ordinance requiring that all restrooms in all businesses in the city of Houston be gender-neutral. Apparently, the Houston mayor and city council believe that pastors, churches and congregations can speak freely so long as they agree with the city council.

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Our First Amendment rights

Bald lies in politics have First Amendment blessing


Are you absolutely sick to death of all the snarky campaign ads on television?

Yeah, me too.

November 5th cannot come fast enough. Lets get this midterm election over!

Nasty cracks, smarmy innuendo, selective editing of opponents interviews and downright lies. Isnt there something that should be done to a candidate who deliberately tries to deceive the electorate?

Actually, 16 states have laws that punish candidates and independent organizations that recklessly make false statements during an election.

Thats the good news.

The bad news: In the first real test of those so-called political-lie laws, the courts ruled they are an unconstitutional violation of freedom of speech.

Yes, you read that right. The First Amendment gives us all a constitutional right to lie.

Im not for anything that erodes our First Amendment rights. But doesnt it sound odd that the law protects those who deliberately choose to deceive the electorate?

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Bald lies in politics have First Amendment blessing