Westfield Mayor to pay $53K in campaign sign violation case
Westfield Mayor Daniel Knapik on Monday accepted a federal judge #39;s ruling that he violated the First Amendment when he ordered campaign signs removed just before the 2011 municipal elections,...
By: WWLP-22News
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Westfield Mayor to pay $53K in campaign sign violation case - Video
Opposition To Proposed Monitoring Of Hate Speech By Federal Agency The Kelly File
Opposition To Proposed Monitoring Of Hate Speech By Federal Agency - The Kelly File What Happened To The First Amendment? =========================================== **Please Click Below...
By: Mass Tea Party
Here is the original post:
Opposition To Proposed Monitoring Of Hate Speech By Federal Agency The Kelly File - Video
America was just defeated from within TODAY 4/29/2014 - Martial law is next
We Just forfeited the FIRST Amendment and it was done by those who most need it and want it, Minorities. Because you insist on taking away the free Speech of one racist man, you will thereby...
By: David Vose
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America was just defeated from within TODAY 4/29/2014 - Martial law is next - Video
Retaining Government Power to Make Economic Policy for Internet Access: Role of the First Amendment
Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) High-speed Internet access providers claim that government-imposed limitations on their activities raise serious constitutional concerns. But given the current...
By: University of California Television (UCTV)
Excerpt from:
Retaining Government Power to Make Economic Policy for Internet Access: Role of the First Amendment - Video
Donald Sterling is my HERO
Hes exercising his first amendment right . everyone relax!!!!
By: bettinman24
Follow this link:
Donald Sterling is my HERO - Video