Archive for the ‘Free Software’ Category

League Of Legends RP HACK 2014 Free DOWNLOAD Update may 2014 – Video

League Of Legends RP HACK 2014 Free DOWNLOAD Update may 2014
Download: Instructions: 1.Download from the above link 2.Install the software 3.Follow instructions from video 4.Enjoy! Thanks for downloading this...

By: Matthew A. Brown

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League Of Legends RP HACK 2014 Free DOWNLOAD Update may 2014 - Video

FSF slams Mozilla for 'shocking' Firefox DRM ankle-grab

The Free Software Foundation says it is "deeply disappointed" in Mozilla's decision to support digital rights management (DRM) software in future versions of its Firefox browser and has published an open letter condemning the move.

Mozilla announced on Wednesday that it will work with Adobe to ensure that Firefox supports Encrypted Media Extensions (EME) which are being added to the HTML5 spec at the behest of major content providers even though it is ideologically opposed to DRM.

In an editorial posted Wednesday evening, the FSF characterized that choice as "unfortunate" and "shocking", and said Mozilla risked compromising the principles that set it apart from other browser makers.

"We recognize that Mozilla is doing this reluctantly, and we trust these words coming from Mozilla much more than we do when they come from Microsoft or Amazon," the letter reads. "At the same time, nearly everyone who implements DRM says they are forced to do it, and this lack of accountability is how the practice sustains itself."

The FSF was particularly critical of Mozilla's decision to partner with Adobe, which it described in its letter as "the company who has been and continues to be a vicious opponent of the free software movement and the free Web."

"With this partnership in place, we worry about Mozilla's ability and willingness to criticize Adobe's practices going forward," the FSF said, adding that the partnership meant Mozilla would be devoting some portion of its resources to "delivering users to Adobe and hostile media distributors."

Mozilla's stated plan is to build an open source "sandbox" technology that will allow users to install proprietary Content Delivery Modules into the Firefox like plugins. No DRM technologies will be built into the browser itself, which will remain purely open source.

But to the FSF which is so zealous in its promotion of free software that it objects to the concept of open source that's not good enough. By allowing Firefox to host proprietary components the sole purpose of which is to restrict users' rights, the FSF says, Mozilla is doing an about-face from its track record of"sticking to Web standards in the face of attempts to impose proprietary extensions."

The FSF says it hopes Mozilla will reverse its decision. But if it doesn't, the FSF's letter challenges it to begin "devoting as many of their extensive resources to permanently eliminating DRM as they are now devoting to supporting it."

See more here:
FSF slams Mozilla for 'shocking' Firefox DRM ankle-grab Offers Complimentary HR Software Buyer's Guide

Orlando, FL (PRWEB) May 15, 2014

HRIS systems website,, based in Orlando, FL is pleased to announce it has added a complimentary new resource to HR professionals going through the HR software buying process. The HR Software Buyer's Guide walks the HR professional through the steps involved in buying a new HR software systemfrom researching different vendors' products all the way to implementation.

"We're excited to provide HR pros with yet another tool from our arsenal of HRIS resources," said Dave Rietsema, HRPayrollSystems.nets Founder. "The guide was developed based on my own practical experience going through the HR software buying process. The first time around, I made mistakes and it's my belief that no one should have to go through this process blindly. Therefore, we developed this guide to equip HR with the knowledge they need to successfully identify, evaluate and select HRIS software."

The following free HRMS software resources and tools have helped make the leading website for HR professionals who are looking for HCM software applications.

HRIS Software Articles: A library of helpful articles pertaining to the selection, evaluation and utilization of HRMS software.

HR Software Selection Tool: A quick and easy tool which gathers information regarding the HR professional's HRIS needs. The information is reviewed and processed by HR Software Selection Experts to identify HRMS solutions that may best meet the companys needs. The tool takes less than 5 minutes to complete and saves time in finding the right HR software solution.

HR Blog: The HR Blogs philosophy is to be HR's destination for interesting yet easy-to-read articles. The blog receives contributions from HR professionals who have a passion for the profession and are knowledgeable in their respective HR disciplines.

Read more: Offers Complimentary HR Software Buyer's Guide

How to Unblock YouTube in Pakistan with Full Speed Downloading Without using Any Software – Video

How to Unblock YouTube in Pakistan with Full Speed Downloading Without using Any Software
How to Unblock YouTube in Pakistan with Full Speed Downloading Without using Any Software or Proxy ve daha binlercesini takip etmek iin kanalmz izlemeye devam edin. In this video you...

By: renciyiz Biz

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How to Unblock YouTube in Pakistan with Full Speed Downloading Without using Any Software - Video

Injustice Gods Among Us Iphone Ipad FREE WORKING Cheats Hack 2014 – Video

Injustice Gods Among Us Iphone Ipad FREE WORKING Cheats Hack 2014
Download Here : Download Here : Download Here : 1.Download from the above link 2.Install the software 3.Follow instructions found...

By: Melaniya Pushkina

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Injustice Gods Among Us Iphone Ipad FREE WORKING Cheats Hack 2014 - Video