Need help filing taxes? Free assistance is available through IRS-sanctioned service – The Arizona Republic
There might not be any such thing as a free lunch, especially in the financial field, but a tax-help service staffed by IRS-certifiedvolunteers certainly comes close.
Granted, not everyone can qualify for the personalized, no-cost service available at dozens of sites around Arizona, and thousands nationally, through the VITA/TCE program. Butpeople with moderate incomes,generally $58,000 or less, and fairly uncomplicated returnscan take advantage of it, along with higher earnerswho are 60or older,disabled individuals and those for whom English is a second language.
Erika Cooper, a graphics designer,decided to give the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance/Tax Counseling for the Elderlyprograma try after paying an accountant friend $100 last year to file her tax returns, only to realize later that he missed some breaks thatreducedher refund.
Cooper, who is also a part-time college student, said she had a "fantastic" experience with the new service, wrapping up her 2021 federal andArizona returnsthis year. She also isfiling amended returns for 2020 through theVITA/TCE program to capture a bigger refund for that year.
Valerie Edwards, who reviewed Cooper's return,is a volunteer who received training from the IRS. Shelikes the challenge of helping people complete their returns. "It's kind of like putting a puzzle together," she said.
Edwards also tries to instruct people about their tax situation. "I don't wantanyone leavingmy table who doesn't understand their tax return," she said. Sometaxpayers are fearful of the whole tax-return preparation process, she added.
Even with free, in-person help available, the VITA/TCE program hasn't been preparing as many tax returns as in past years, said Jim Simpson, a certified public accountant who oversees the program at Scottsdale Community College, where Edwards helped Cooper with her returns.The COVID-19 pandemicprobably played a role in that, as the VITA/TCE program had to shut down late in the 2020 tax season and never opened at all last year, he said.
Also, many taxpayersdon't know about the VITA/TCE program and might confuse it with IRS Free File, where moderate-income individualscan use software to prepare their returns at no cost, but without in-person assistance.
"I'll bet 50% of the people who can qualify for thisprogram aren't aware of it," Simpsonsaid.
Taxpayers also might assume they won't receive as large of a refund going with a free service staffed by volunteers, but the software used in the VITA/TCE program will prompt preparers to ask about breaks such as the Earned Income Tax Credit andthe Retirement Saver's Credit.
One other benefit: The volunteer VITA/TCE preparers don't try to sell other financial services, as is often the casefor-profit companies. Nor are the volunteers "under pressure to crank out returns," Simpsonsaid. In fact, the session whenEdwards helped Cooper prepare her returnonMarch 23 at Scottsdale Community College was lightly attended at times.
Appointments are required at some locations to make sure the sessions are adequately staffed. Anyone interested in finding a nearbylocationand making anappointment shouldgo to and search for "find a location for free tax help" or goto Some 46 sites arelisted within a 50-mile radius of downtown Phoenix.
That said, the volunteer preparers in the VITA/TCE program don't tackle some tax situations, largely because of complexities,Simpsonwarned. These includepeople owning rental homes and who mustfile Schedule E, those claiming home-office deductions, small businesses that generate losses and anyone with taxable cryptocurrency transactions. All that is addition to the general $58,000 income cap.
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But for many others, taking advantage of VITA/TCE help can be aa convenient, no-cost way to navigate the annual income-tax ritual.
"We do quality returns, make sure they understand their situation and file the returns electronically," Edwards said. "All they have to do is wait for their refunds."
IRS offices in Arizona have opened again following pandemic shutdowns last year.
Typically, theseTaxpayer Assistance Centers are open Monday through Friday and operate by appointment only. Taxpayers seeking in-person assistance can schedule a meeting by calling the agency at 844-545-5640.
However, the IRS office at 4041 N. Central Ave. in Phoenix has two walk-inSaturdays coming up, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.on April 9 and May 14, whenappointments won't beneeded. The IRS office at 300 W. Congress St. in Tucsonwill be open on April 9 only.
This year'sregular filing deadline, for federal and Arizona returns, is April 18. However, automatic extensions may be requested, giving taxpayers another six months to complete and file their returns.
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Need help filing taxes? Free assistance is available through IRS-sanctioned service - The Arizona Republic