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8 biggest IT disasters of 2021 – CIO

IT is synonymous with business operations for just about any company of any size. So when tech goes down, the company can go down with it.

IT failure, whether its a complex system or project, is increasingly shooting to the top of the business news section, where its impact can become even more detrimental and embarrassing.

Weve gathered eight of the biggest tech crises of 2021 to spotlight the kinds of near catastrophic IT issues that can not only arise but have an outsize impact on your business. Beyond schadenfreude, we hope these tales of IT disaster have lessons for you, even if your organization is nowhere near as big or the stakes arent as high as some of the protagonists from these tales.

Many companies tend to take an if it aint broke, dont fix it attitude toward their IT tools, and if youve ever been part of a botched upgrade or rollout, you know why. But that can result in some truly outdated systems in production use with UIs dating from the earliest days of the software industry which in turn can mean usability problems with real-world consequences.

One of Citibanks back-end systems is a good example of this trend, and is one of the main causes of a half-billion dollar screwup. The story goes like this: Citibank was attempting to send a $7.8 million interest payment on behalf of Revlon, one of its customers, to several of Revlons creditors. Doing that in Flexcube, an ancient piece of in-house Citibank software, was a particularly clunky process: Citibanks employees had to set up a transaction as if they were paying off the whole loan so that the interest could be calculated correctly, then check multiple boxes in order to send the bulk of the payment to an internal Citibank account while only the interest portion went out to creditors. Despite the fact that three different people signed off on this transaction for Revlon, it went through without all the proper boxes checked, and $900 million, most of which wasnt due to creditors until 2023, was sent out.

You may find it surprising that this sort of mistake isnt unheard of and that the benefitting party usually returns the money sent in error back to the company that made the goof. But this time around things went differently: More than half the money sent out went to various hedge funds still bitter that the terms of the loan had been previously renegotiated to Revlons advantage. They said they regarded the money as an early payment of the debt they were owed, and this year a judge ruled that they didnt have to give it back.

The big lesson here is to at least modernize your UIs to ensure employees can perform their duties in a streamlined, coherent fashion and that it can be less painful to make mistakes if people arent mad enough at you to take advantage of it.

Customers of the French bank LCL logged in to their banking app on Feb. 23 only to find that they were looking at someone elses information. The word quickly spread on Twitter and many speculated that this could have been the result of a cyberattack. But according to the bank itself, it was actually the upshot of a software error that was corrected within a day.

Of course, these sorts of development mistakes are a sign of internal failures at the companies where they occur, and they especially shouldnt occur in the banking industry. The fallout illustrated the typical dance that follows on from these kinds of mistakes, with the company at fault minimizing matters: LCL said that no personal information was revealed, that customers could only see other customers accounts but not transfer money, and perhaps only a few hundred customers were affected. Others pointed out that transaction information couldve been used to suss out customer identities, and potentially tens of thousands of users were logging in while the bug was running on live code. In the end, LCL had to scramble to avoid a massive fine from European privacy regulators.

In 2019, the Arizona Legislature passed a law to allow certain prison inmates convicted of nonviolent offenses to complete programming in state prisons that would accelerate their release. But whistleblowers in February revealed that, more than a year later, the software that keeps track of prisoner release eligibility still hasnt been updated to accommodate the new law. While the state insists eligible prisoners can and do have their sentences recalculated manually, the truth is that many may not know theyre eligible for release, or dont have advocates on the outside to press their case, and so are languishing in prison when by law they have the right to go free.

There are several lessons for IT here. One is the importance of building flexibility and extensibility into any system. Another is that software isnt just software: It has real and profound impacts on human lives. Finally, theres the question of how law can be implemented in the form of code and whether the algorithms for enforcing the law should be developed during the legislative process rather than being left to be written after its already on the books.

The state of Maines HR and payroll is, as the Portland Press Herald describes it, run by a 40-year-old system programmed in an obsolete language only one state employee knows how to use. The system had already outlasted a 2016 attempt to replace it that flopped; another attempt, which was supposed to wrap up in 2020, imploded in mutual acrimony this past March, as Workday, the company hired to roll out a new cloud-based system for Maine, walked away from the project.

Rollouts of ERP systems and similar platforms are notoriously disaster prone, and Maines payroll needs were devilishly complex (state police were paid differently hourly rates if they carried a weapon, worked with a K9, or wore scuba gear, for instance). At the core of the dispute is a story that should sound familiar to anyone whos been involved in a big project like this: Maine says that the system came online with a 50% error rate, and Workday said Maines data as imported into the system was hopelessly riddled with errors. More fundamentally, it seems that Maine was hiring staffers to work on the project who didnt have the needed skills, and the state wasnt willing to pay enough to find workers who could make the grade. Throw in some accusations of nepotism and sexual harassment and you have a real IT management mess. Maine is still using its 40-year-old HR system.

If your takeaway from those previous two items is that government is incapable of competent project management, we regret to inform you that a not dissimilar crisis came to light this year in a private sector company and not just any private sector company, but Amazon, the archetype of the hyperefficient new economy that IT and the web made possible.

A New York Times investigation revealed that Amazons internal processes for offering various types of leave to its employees are extremely broken. This has resulted in a litany of horror stories affecting white and blue collar workers alike, such as employees being fired for not showing up to work even though theyre on approved leave, new mothers on maternity leave seeing mysterious cuts in their paycheck, and an injured worker on disability forced to sell his wedding ring for cash because his checks simply stopped showing up.

It turns out Amazon manages its leave system using multiple software products from a variety of vendors, a legacy of its rapid initial growth, so perhaps the lesson here is that the choices you make early in a companys history may reverberate years or decades later. Like the Arizona prison system, Amazon tries to make up for IT dysfunction with human labor: 67 full-time employees are dedicated to inputting data on employee leave, a job so stressful that many end up needing to take leaves of absence themselves.

On Oct. 4, people all over the world were unable to access Facebook, Instagram, or WhatsApp, as all the services run by the company now known at Meta were disconnected from the internet. We wont get too deep into the actual cause of the crisis, which involved an error in the Border Gateway Protocol essentially severing Facebook services from the rest of the internets DNS system. Instead, we want to focus on one detail that might be relevant to any IT shop, even those that arent part of one of the largest tech companies in the world.

Early in the outage, New York Times tech reporter Sheera Frenkel reported that Facebook employees couldnt enter company HQ because their ID badges no longer opened the doors. This in turn prevented techs from getting physical access to the servers they needed to fix the overall problem. Improbably, Facebooks electronic door locks were powered by Facebook. It seems that Facebook is rather obsessed with running all its internal systems on Facebooks own infrastructure, which meant its in-house communications system was also down and unable to deal with the crisis. The industry term for a company that does this is eating its own dogfood, and its generally seen as a vote of confidence in your own products, but Facebooks disaster goes to show that you need a backup food supply handy.

On June 8, millions of Internet users trying to access sites ranging from Reddit to important UK government departments found themselves confronted by 503 error codes, indicating that the server hosting the website wasnt able to handle the request. (Twitter was still working but, tragically, it could no longer display emojis.) How could so many different sites go offline at once? The answer, it turns out, is related to the rise of content delivery networks, which deploy proxy servers at strategic points across the internet for their clients to ensure superfast load times. Nearly every big content site uses CDNs these days, and there arent that many players in this space, and so when one goes down, it can lead to a big chunk of the internet going with it.

In this case, the single point of failure was Fastly, an edge computing provider with a booming CDN business. Fastly rolled out a software update on May 12 that included a bug that could be triggered by a specific customer configuration under just the right conditions. On June 8, a customer unwittingly updated their configuration and caused a crisis that lay at the intersection of software development and industry consolidation.

In October, a reporter from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, working with security expert Shaji Khan, discovered that a website that allowed the public to search teachers certification and credentials also inadvertently revealed those teachers Social Security numbers. While the numbers werent actually displayed on the search results page itself, they were in clear text in the HTML for the page, making them trivially easily to find. The Post-Dispatch informed the state education department about the flaw before the story was published, giving them time to correct it, and if matters had stood there we probably wouldnt be talking about this story now.

But two days after an Education Department spokesperson started crafting a (never sent) statement thanking the media for bringing the matter to their attention, the governor publicly accused the paper of hiring hackers to embarrass him and the state government and promised to launch a criminal investigation. After doubling down, he faced backlash and ridicule, including blowback from members of his own political party, and we definitely are talking about the story now. So maybe the lesson here is that how you deal with the fallout from an IT disaster is almost as important as the disaster itself.

8 biggest IT disasters of 2021 - CIO

The InfoQ eMag: Paths to Production: Deployment Pipelines as a Competitive Advantage –

Enabling developers to push code to production at an ever-increasing velocity has become a competitive advantage. By rapidly deploying applications, companies can easily keep up with changes in the business and surrounding market and thus maintain competitiveness. Automating deployments allow developers to reduce errors, increase productivity, and deploy more frequently.

In the early days,deployments from development environments to production were predominantly a manual process or consisted of utilizing a chain of custom scripts. Both developers and operations teams had to spend a lot of time on laborious manual chores like code testing and release. With the introduction of continuous integrations and deployments capabilities through tooling, this process became more automated. Moreover, pipelines were introduced with the primary purpose of keeping the software development process organized and focused.

Over the years, pipelines became more sophisticated and more critical for companies' IT departments that went through digital transformations. More software became available online as services, APIs, and products requiring a quick update and maintenance cycle. Furthermore, companies embraced the DevOps processes around pipelines and - once applied correctly - gained a competitive advantage, according to the research from the "Accelerate" book by Nicole Forsgren, Jez Humble, and Gene Kim.

In this eMag, you will be introduced to the paths to production and how several global companies supercharge developers and keep their competitiveness by balancing speed and safety. Weve hand-picked three full-length articles to showcase that.

We would love to receive your feedback via or on Twitter about this eMag. I hope you have a great time reading it!

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My 3 Top-Performing Stocks of 2021, and Why I’m Still Buying for 2022 – The Motley Fool

The final month of 2021 has been brutal for growth stocks, with some names down double-digit percentages again. Some companies' shares have struggled all year, suffering from a change in investor sentiment after a booming 2020 for all things digital in the midst of economic lockdowns.

But not all growth stocks are down in the dumps. As of this writing, Nvidia (NASDAQ:NVDA), Fortinet (NASDAQ:FTNT), and Upstart (NASDAQ:UPST) are up a respective 125%, 132%, and 258% year to date, making them by far my best stocks of 2021 and helping prop up my portfolio overall.

As I explained this time last year, over the long term, it pays to keep investing in companies riding strong momentum. Here's why I think Nvidia, Fortinet, and Upstart are still buys to kick off 2022 if you plan to stick with them over the next decade.

Image source: Getty Images.

2021 will go down as the year everyone woke up and realized how powerful a tech platform Nvidia is -- it's not just a top video game chip designer. Through the first nine months of the company's current fiscal year, revenue is up 65% to $19.3 billion, and free cash flow is up 85% to $5.37 billion, helping the stock more than double in year two of the pandemic.

But Nvidia's current financial explosion only tells part of the story. The company's pioneering work in artificial intelligence (AI) -- everything from advanced data center hardware to self-driving car training to healthcare and robotics applications -- could keep Nvidia's growth going strong for many years to come. For years, Nvidia has been talking about this coming wave of innovation, and has been steadily piling billions of dollars into research and development every year (at one of the highest rates among tech giants as a percentage of revenue). With many of these projects just now coming to fruition, everyone is suddenly taking note.

Data by YCharts.

This is likely the reason regulators around the globe are suddenly slamming on the brakes and indicating they may put the kibosh on Nvidia's acquisition of leading chip design licensor ARM Holdings. No worries, though -- Nvidia is itself now a top silicon designer, it's gradually expanding its reach into new areas of the semiconductor world, and it's building an incredible software division atop its best-in-class hardware. It doesn't need ARM to continue its march higher.

Nvidia stock is off 20% from all-time highs, but still trades for 103 times trailing-12-month free cash flow. I don't expect a repeat triple-digit percentage performance from shares next year. On the contrary, be ready for some serious volatility at some point. However, Nvidia is redefining the semiconductor industry, and I believe it will be one of the best stocks to own throughout the 2020s. I'm happy to be along for the ride.

Cybersecurity has had to undergo rapid change in the last two years. Cloud computing is booming, workforces have gone remote, and criminals are getting smarter to take advantage of a world in flux. As a result, young high-flying cloud-native security software firms like CrowdStrike Holdings (NASDAQ:CRWD) and Zscaler (NASDAQ:ZS) have been getting all sorts of attention.

In comparison, Fortinet goes mostly ignored, and that's a real shame. This year's blockbuster returns merely compound what has been an incredible run in the cybersecurity industry. The stock is up more than 4,000% since its IPO in late 2009. And while Fortinet has chosen to slowly expand its cloud-based offerings via mostly organic development, it is the leader in providing security hardware for data centers -- the very computing units that make the cloud possible in the first place.

Through the first nine months of 2021, revenue has climbed 29% higher to $2.38 billion, and free cash is up 43% to $988 million. That makes for an incredible free cash flow profit margin of nearly 42%. Given Fortinet's well-entrenched position in the fabric of the global security ecosystem and ample cash to continue developing new capabilities, I believe the company will enjoy double-digit percentage growth for a long time to come.

Fortinet isn't the fastest-growing cybersecurity stock around, but that's OK. If slow-and-steady wins the race, fast-and-steady can certainly help you reach your financial goals. And at 46 times trailing-12-month free cash flow, shares are a bargain compared to many of the company's youngest cloud security peers. Fortinet still looks like a fantastic buy for investors in it for the long haul.

Financial technology has been a hot investment theme the last two years. As younger generations born and raised in front of screens start to mature, digital payments and banking services are becoming the norm. A slew of fresh IPOs have hit the market, all looking to capitalize on this consumer banking sea change.

One of them is Upstart, which made its public debut at the tail end of 2020. It has been an absolute rodeo for this stock thus far. After multiple swings up and down, culminating in a near-70% decline from all-time highs the last few months, Upstart stock is up a whopping 258% with just a week and a half to go until 2022.

Will Upstart quickly recover its peak valuation in the new year? Perhaps, but I'm not holding my breath. Instead, I'm doing what I have been doing all year and focusing on the great work the company is doing. Its AI-powered software is being used by a fast-expanding list of banks and lenders to assess consumer creditworthiness for personal and auto loans. It's still early in the game, but early indications show Upstart's expanded use of data points not captured by traditional credit scores is helping more households get access to loans, while helping lenders get more efficient.

The result has been quarter after quarter of big financial guidance upgrades. Specifically, revenue is up 270% to $544 million, and free cash flow swung into positive territory to $170 million through the first nine months of 2021. I don't think the company's massive outperformance of expectations will continue at the same magnitude in 2022, but it's certainly on pace to extend its expansion in the multi-trillion-dollar-per-year lending industry. At 54 times trailing-12-month free cash flow, this is no value stock -- but it's not an unreasonable price tag if you think this company will remain in growth mode for at least a few years. I'm still a buyer headed into the new year.

This article represents the opinion of the writer, who may disagree with the official recommendation position of a Motley Fool premium advisory service. Were motley! Questioning an investing thesis -- even one of our own -- helps us all think critically about investing and make decisions that help us become smarter, happier, and richer.

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My 3 Top-Performing Stocks of 2021, and Why I'm Still Buying for 2022 - The Motley Fool

Why personal branding and reputation management need to be part of your professional toolkit – Maddyness

We have developed a thirst for uncovering whos behind the brand, who are they associated with, and what they stand for. Companies realise also that they need to celebrate the faces behind their brands if they are to stand any chance of gaining traction on social media.

Well, put it this way, if you are marketing yourself as being a credible and accomplished professional or bankable talent worth investing in, but internet searches on you throw up very little, then its not a good look and it undermines your claims.

If you dont control your narrative and give people enough to feed on, then someone else will draw their own conclusions, which may not be a fair reflection of who you are, what youve achieved, and what youre about.

Plus, whether its of our choosing or not, no job is for life: we are being plunged into the job market with far more frequency and having to consider career changes more so than ever.

Brands are a great way to consolidate all your facets into an identifiable, recognisable and memorable format. When I say brand, were not just talking about a logo and a slogan. In fact, for professionals, that may even mean no logo and no slogan. Building a brand is about creating something that generates economic benefit, allows you to charge a premium, boosts your presence, and brings social uplift within your network. In the eyes of your audience and peers, it means going to market with a value proposition, a promise, and a commitment towards making good on those claims.

Now that Ive made these points, ask yourself this: why would you spend your time building someone elses brand and not dedicate any time on building your own personal brand? Think of it as being your name, your uniqueness, your excellence, your story, your reasons for why that you can take with you throughout your career, wherever you work.

Even better, it could give you the opportunity to shape your professional identity into something that aligns more closely with more of your whole self. Some people call that authenticity, which I take as meaning a chance to be comfortable in yourself and for people to be comfortable around you. That takes time, intentional decisions, experimentation, and finding a way to take others on that journey with you, so that they understand too.

Some of you might argue that the qualifications you have, where you studied, and the places you have worked are enough in terms of signalling your credibility and excellence, but lots of other people have those same things too. Also, one thing that social media is showing us is that people are emotionally driven even when theyre thinking rationally so facts and information alone are not enough. They need to be packaged into a compelling and intriguing story that reinforces who you are, what you do, what you stand for, the direction you are going, why it matters to others, what you can do for them, and how they can work with you.

Its also worth remembering that colleagues will be spending approximately 40 hours a week around you, and thats why communicating your human side as a positive sales point for want of a better term is also important.

Well, you need to get your diary out and set time aside. Think about what you would like to achieve in a year, and then work back and set weekly and monthly targets. For example, if you are going to vlog, are you going to put out one vlog a month? If so, then you could actually film three in one day and then release one each month.

The big mistakes that many people make are thinking too short term, setting targets that they cant maintain, not planning properly, not being honest about what commitments they already have, and spending too much money on software and equipment. If you check my YouTube vlogs then youll find that I filmed them using my iPhone, a small tripod and a plug-in mic, and they were edited using free software.

The two most important things are what you say regularly, and that you commit to producing a body of work. If you think about magazines and musicians, then you judge them on several pieces of work building a personal brand works in exactly the same way.

The following is a list of things that I actually do regularly. From personal experience and talking to other influencers, youll really start to see returns on your investment in three to six years time so be realistic, prepare yourself for the grind, and remind yourself its not how much money you spend, its how much time youre willing to put in.

Also, dont worry too much about numbers of followers and likes quality of engagement is what matters. Your stats will grow with time and your focus should be on building your brand through telling your story and controlling your image. Remind yourself that before you started, you already had a professional profile and anything else that you gain is a bonus. Also, you only need a handful of the right people interested in you, for you to suddenly become in demand and really busy!

Check out Jonathans online course Personal Branding: How to Brand Yourself Professionally, Authentically, and with Passion.

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Why personal branding and reputation management need to be part of your professional toolkit - Maddyness

Yes, you can really get Microsoft Office with Word, Excel and PowerPoint for free – CNET

You can use Microsoft Office apps for free.

It's likely you've needed access to a Microsoft Word document, a PowerPoint presentation or other basic tools from Microsoft 365 at least once -- for either work, school or personal use. Although the software may seem like a necessity, its high price tag makes some people run the other way. If you don't want to spend your money onMicrosoft 365, don't stress. There are a few ways to get the service for free.

Microsoft's suite of productivity software contains Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Microsoft Teams, OneDrive and SharePoint. The collectiontypically costsbetween $70 and $100 every year for subscription access across devices and family members (as Microsoft 365). Microsoft also released a new stand-alone version of Microsoft Office for Windows and Mac, called Office Home and Student 2021 -- for a flat price, no subscription required -- on Oct. 5, the same day Windows 11 began its rollout.

Read more:How to download Windows 11 for free

Here are the versions of Office 365, Microsoft 365 and their apps that you can find online for free right now.

If you're a student, teacher or faculty member with an active school email address, you are likely eligible to get access to Office 365 for free through Microsoft, with Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Microsoft Teams and additional classroom tools.

All you have to do is enter your school email address on this page on Microsoft's website: Get started with Office 365 for free. In many cases, you'll be instantly granted access thanks to an automated verification process. If you attend an institution that needs to be verified, it might take up to a month to confirm your eligibility.

Recent graduates who want to stick with Office 365 can also get Microsoft 365 Personal for $12 for 12 months, with a valid school email address.

Anyone can get a one-month free trial of Microsoft 365 to try it out. However, it does require you to enter a credit card, and if you don't cancel before the month is up, you'll be charged $100 for a one-year subscription to Microsoft 365 Family (formerly called Office 365 Home).

The good news is if you don't need the full suite of Microsoft 365 tools, you can access a number of its apps online for free -- including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneDrive, Outlook, Calendar and Skype. Here's how to get them:

Use the browser-based version of the Microsoft Word app for free.

You may be saying, wait a minute -- if I can get all of those apps for free, why pay for Microsoft 365 in the first place? The reason is that the functionality of these apps is limited: They only run in your web browser, and you can only use them when you're online. They also have fewer features than the full Microsoft 365 versions.

There are still a number of benefits, however, including the ability to share links to your work and collaborate in real time, similar to what G Suite tools allow. If you're looking for basic versions of each of these apps, the free version should work well for you.

For more, check out all of the best new features in Windows 11and what you need to know about upgrading from Windows 10 to Windows 11.

Now playing: Watch this: Windows 11 review: New OS has us asking, update or wait?


Stay current on the latest Microsoft news, plus reviews and advice on Windows PCs.

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Yes, you can really get Microsoft Office with Word, Excel and PowerPoint for free - CNET