Letters (Feb. 21, 2017) – Stockton Record
Realities of water politics
While everyones eyes have been focused on the aftermath of the election mine included the devil has been keeping his hands busy with Dianne Feinstein in the Senate.
Feinsteins water bill is a charade. Her bill is a fraud on Michael Eggman and the San Joaquin Valley farmers, to send the Delta water to Los Angeles, to pay back certain very, very wealthy Hollywood television and media moguls for financing her and Jerry Browns election campaigns, and Feinsteins pick to replace Barbara Boxer, Loretta Sanchez.
And to fund Browns pet high-speed rail project connecting Sacramento to Southern California. Hollywood wants greater influence and access to the capitol dome.
It is not about the Delta smelt; that is a red herring. It is about shipping Northern Californias precious water supply to a bunch of very wealthy and thirsty people who choose to live in the desert and water their lawns.
They drank the Colorado River dry, and now Feinstein and Brown want us to pump the Delta water up over the Los Angeles Grapevine to make the desert bloom again. We all need to write a letter to Feinstein and Brown and tell them about the chasm between refreshed angels of heaven and the thirsty devils of hell.
Norman J. Moore
Take pulse of press reports
I commend The Record for The Associated Press article about how to recognize fake internet news (Feb. 14).
In addition to their advice, I suggest that people also consider the reliability of the source when reading or viewing legitimate news.
Are they biased in their reporting? Do they make inferences rather than providing proven facts. Do they use words such as some or many? Do they actually provide quotes attributed to verifiable people or do they use a reliable or anonymous source?
Much of what is presented as news is merely gossip. This change in reporting could be more aptly called distorting as formerly trusted media has become highly partisan and biased.
They report news that has not been verified and no evidence supports their conclusion. These news stories are repeated by other print and media outlets as truth, when they are conjecture or worse, deliberate attempts to lie and mislead the public.
WikiLeaks proved that journalists colluded with the Hillary Clinton campaign in providing questions prior to a debate and asking for approval before printing a story about Clinton. The campaign did not deny the veracity of the evidence but, instead, decried how it was obtained.
Prior to that, it was revealed that one of the major media outlets deliberately edited the 911 tape of George Zimmerman to give the false impression that he was a racist. There are other examples of respected journalists falsifying news stories to promote their bias. In other words, they lie.
Most recently, news reports about Russian hacking supposedly to assist the Trump campaign have not been verified but that does not stop them from reporting this gossip. If you repeat a lie often enough it is believed.
We deserve better.
Nancy L. Boone
States infrastructure woes
When California has its largest Dam, Orville Dam, in disrepair and 200,000 residents have to leave their homes and run for their lives, its disastrous.
Our Sacramento elected government leaders controlling California need a wakeup call. Aside from the critical need to update and repair Californias levees, dams, roadways, bridges and pot holes, Gov. Jerry Brown should now bite the bullet and forget the bullet train. Were talking about his desire to spend Californias taxpayer dollars on his costly billion dollar bullet train to nowhere when so many other major problems need to be addressed.
Another thought is the idea of California becoming a sanctuary state and how ridiculous this would be. Gov. Brown and his group in Sacramento are asking President Trump and our current administration for federal money to help Californias recent horrific flooding problems. If in fact California was a Sanctuary State and we did not have access to federal funds for repairs what would those elected officials in Sacramento do for the money needed?
Please wake up Gov. Brown and the rest of you in Sacramento leadership positions and see the states priorities.
Betty K. Thomas
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Letters (Feb. 21, 2017) - Stockton Record