DM School Board members sport ‘Black Lives Matter’ shirts –
Des Moines Public Schools board members sported Black Lives Matter shirts and their Tuesday meeting.(Photo: Molly Longman/The Register)Buy Photo
It was business as usual at the weekly Des Moines Public Schools board meeting at Des Moines Central Campus High Schoolon Tuesday evening.
But one thing was different six ofDes Moines School Board's seven members were sporting black T-shirts that read "Black Lives Matter" in thick, white lettering.
There was no mention of the shirts duringthe formal part of the meetingas board members and Superintendent Thomas Ahart, who did not wear a Black Lives Matter T-shirt,discussedissues such as Des Moines Central Academy upgrades andearly literacy programs.
The shirts spoke for themselves.
Board member Dionna Langford spearheadedDMPS'Black Lives Matter initiative, selling the shirts for $10 and donating 50 percent of the proceeds to two Des Moines organizations that work to improve the welfare of Des Moines' black community:Brother 2Brother, which partners young men of color withmentors, andInvesting in MyFuture,which pushes black students to pursue higher education.
Langford said $655 were raised for the organizations after selling 131 locally printedshirts.
Black Lives Matteris an international movement, foundedby three black women in 2013 after the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the Florida shooting of black teen Trayvon Martin.
At the meeting, Langford explained why the school board felt it was important to stand in solidarity with their black students and community.
"The statement we want to make today as a board is that we care about our black students," Langford said. "We care about their families and we care about our black workforce While weve seen progress throughout the years, our education system is still rife with inequities and our poor, brown, and, yes, black children often pay the price."
According tostatistics from the Iowa Department of Education, in the 2014-2015 school year,the African-American dropout rate in Iowa is over double the rate of white students. Black students were the only group with a graduation rate of under 80 percent, the statistics show.
Des Moines Public Schools states on its website that 18.8 percent of its population is black.
Black Lives Matter T-shirts were waiting for board members on their seats at the Tuesday meeting.(Photo: Molly Longman/The Register)
"We are still vigorously working to close the achievement gap between our poor and our black students of color," Langford said. "As a school district, it is our responsibility to ensure every single child as my grandma would say, whetheryoure black, brown, white, orange or purple graduates with the knowledge they need to be successful at the next stage of their lives."
Both Langford and school board vice chair Cindy Elsbernd said they'd received negative feedback from members of the community after they announced they'd be wearing the Black Lives Matter shirts at Tuesday's meeting.
"I've been asked why I would support the violent Black Lives Matter group," Elsbernd said. "I don't. In fact, I don't support violence at all neither does Black Lives Matter Black students, I see you. I've learned from you. Your successful education is important to me. You matter."
Board chairTeree Caldwell-Johnson assured attendees at the end of the meeting that the school board supports students of all walks of life.
"I hope that the people in our community understand that we support all of our children," Caldwell-Johnson said."Tonight we're focusing on a particular cohort, but we supportand want to educate all of our children and, again, not only do black minds matter and black lives matter, all children matter in this district."
Board member Rob Barron, who was the only board member who didn't don a Black Lives Matter shirt, explained that his clothing choice was "not for any lack of solidarity or belief in the movement, but purely based on an outvoted belief of not wearing a T-shirt at a board meeting and a belief in professionalism."
Barron draped his Black Lives Matter shirt over his desk so attendees could read it during the meeting.
Debbie Griffin, a pastor at Des Moines urban ministryDowntown Disciples, attended the board meeting wearing a Black Lives Matter shirt and a clerical collar.
I wore this shirt to stand in solidarity, not only with the school board that's supporting black students, but in solidarity with black students and my black neighbors," Griffin said. "It's a way for me to express my lovefor my neighbor and my concern for their equality, justice, dignity and honor."
During the meeting, Langford left attendees with a statement about why the movement was important to her.
"As an alum of the Des Moines public school system, I could share my own stories of moments where I was made to feel as an other and how that impacted my thoughts about my ability to succeed in the classroom. And if you talk to many other black students, I would not be surprised if you would hear similar stories," Langford said. "Every single one of our student's lives matter within the Des Moines public school district and that includes black children."
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DM School Board members sport 'Black Lives Matter' shirts -