Archive for the ‘George Zimmerman’ Category

George Zimmerman: Barack Obama Is Racist? See His …

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So despicable. Two young journalists died on Aug. 26, when they were slain live on the air during a news report in Virginia. For reasons unbeknownst to, like, everyone, awful humanGeorge Zimmermanhas weighed in with his two cents, writing about whyPresident Barack Obama is a racist in light of the attacks. Sensitive as usual, George. Check outhis egregious tweet for a good LOL.

Pansy Vester lee Flanagan George wrote on Twitter on Aug. 26. Too much of a daisy to deal w/racism. Murders 2 whites. Hate crime, 100%. Racist Obama says nothing condemning.

We know, we know. So much stupidity to unload in a single tweet. Alas, we must soldier through it.

First of all, lets startwith the obvious that Georges Twitter icon is a picture of the confederate flag, the universal symbol of a person whos got their finger on the pulse of the direction of this country (severe sarcasm, obviously).

For those who may not recall, George was caught up in his own racially implicit incident back in 2012, when the former neighborhood watchcoordinator shot and killed an unarmed black teenager,Trayvon Martin. George was charged with murder, however, he was ultimately acquitted. Regardless, many, many (many) Americans believe Mr. Zimmerman is guilty of cold-blooded murder so maybe he should choose his words more carefully when deciding who to call out as a racist on Twitter.

Anyways, George also spewed a ton more ignorant garbage on his Twitter which you can peruse at your own risk, but for now well leave you with just the original tweet which you can check out below.

Do you think Zimmerman is a hypocrite for calling President Obama a racist?

Casey Mink

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George Zimmerman: Barack Obama Is Racist? See His ...

George Zimmerman Calls President Obama An ‘Ignorant Baboon’

George Zimmerman, the Florida man whoshot and killed an unarmed black teen in 2012 but was acquitted of second-degree murder charges, took to social media this week to call President Barack Obama an "ignorant baboon."

Zimmermanmade the comment in a series of tweets posted on Wednesday and Thursday while referencing the shooting deaths oftwo journalists on live television.

In one, Zimmerman quoted the president's remarks on gun violencewhile also insulting him:

Earlier this year, Zimmerman complained that Obama hadturned Americans against him, referring specifically to when the president said in 2012, "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon."

Obama was referring to Trayvon Martin, the 17-year-old slain by Zimmerman earlier that year.

On Thursday, Zimmerman tweeted an image purported to be ofMichael Brown, the 18-year-oldwhose shooting by police in 2014 triggered unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, along with a photo of Vester Lee Flanagan, who shot and killed the two journalistson Wednesday:

Zimmerman, who most recently made headlines by selling prints of a Confederate Flag painting to benefit a "Muslim-free" gun store, even posted what appeared to be a not-so-veiled reference to Martin,calling the deceased teen a "moron."

And just to top it off, Zimmerman tweeted an image of himself at a pool with a cigar in his mouth:

Zimmerman has been arrested a number of times since his acquittal. Earlier this year, he was charged with aggravated assault, but the case was later dropped when his ex-girlfriend stopped cooperating with authorities.

Zimmerman's acquittal in the Martin case helped spawn the Black Lives Matter movement, a call for social justice and racial equality marked by demonstrations around the country.

(h/t Mediaite)

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Go here to see the original:
George Zimmerman Calls President Obama An 'Ignorant Baboon'

George Zimmerman Virginia Shooting Vester Flanagan | The …

When we last left George Zimmerman, he was selling a Confederate flag painting to help pay the legal fees of anti-Muslim gun shop in Florida. Hes since moved onto the ultimate form of racism (besides shooting a black kid dead): Spouting right wing talking points on Twitter. Here he is expounding on the Virginia shooting which was committed by Vester Flanagan who turned out to be a gay black man, giving the right all kinds of ammunition to make this about anything but gun control. Which it still is because regardless if the shooter is gay, black, straight, or a transgender Eskimo, its way too easy to get a fucking gun in this country, but the chance for that conversation is already over because weve already moved to the poop-flinging part. Via Raw Story:

That would be George Zimmerman who personally declared himself The Lords Angel of Death (to black people) telling someone to deal with racism knowing full well that he, George Zimmerman, is still out there. Not that Im saying how Vester Flanagan chose to act was justified in any way whatsoever, at all, but the last person who should be criticizing him is the goddamn Florida Skittle Murderer. Who just made the same stupid joke everybodys racist relative made on Facebook yesterday:

Why are there never any funny conservative websites? Theres your answer. Says the guy who made an Internet post about Peter Dinklage strutting to Big Pimpin. Ill shut up now.

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Photo: Vimeo

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George Zimmerman Virginia Shooting Vester Flanagan | The ...

George Zimmerman: Virginia "hate crime" shootings …

George Zimmerman, the killer of Trayvon Martin who was last seen hawking paintings of the Confederate battle flag that praised the Second Amendment, took to Twitter in the wake of yesterdays shootings of Alison Parker and Adam Ward to condemn the Black [piece of shit] who murdered them and the Ignorant Baboon in the White House who mentioned gun control in his comments about their murders.

Presumably because he knows a thing or two about killing people in cold blood, Zimmerman expounded at Twitter-length on the murders of Parker and Ward, writing first that:

Pansy is, of course, a reference to the fact that the shooter, Vester Flanagan II, was a homosexual, which is relevant here because Zimmerman inexplicably chose to make it so. Flanagans motivations, at least as they were communicated in his 23-page-long manifesto, were based on a combination of a personal grudge against Ward and his feelings about the massacre in Charleston, South Carolina earlier this year. But Zimmerman felt it necessary to denigrate his sexuality anyway, as well as complain about what to him was the lack of timely manner in which President Barack Obama addressed the murders:

Putting aside the fact that Zimmermans complained, at length, that Obama jumped to conclusions about him and spoke too soon about his killing of Martin, its worth noting that Obama did, in fact, address Parker and Wards murder yesterday, saying that it breaks [his] heart every time [he] read[s] or hear[s] about these kinds of incidents, and that the number of people who die from gun-related incidents around this country dwarfs any deaths that happen through terrorism.

Which was in fact a statement, but to Zimmermans mind, the absolute worst one he could make:

Zimmerman also retweeted a sarcastic comment that praised him for being a uniter:

Because, of course, nothing unites the country quite like racist references to the president after a violent incident thats captured the nations attention.

See original here:
George Zimmerman: Virginia "hate crime" shootings ...

George Zimmerman Arrested While Visiting Ferguson …

Florida neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman, who was acquitted in July of 2013 of all charges related to the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, was arrested Wednesday morning in Ferguson, Missouri after an altercation outside of a Dunkin Donuts, where Zimmerman allegedly aimed a handgun at two black teenagers whoconfronted him.

Authorities say Zimmerman was exiting the Dunkin Donuts at approximately 9:45 am when he encountered the two teenagers, who are identified only as black males ages 16 and 17. In cell phone footage obtained by the police and shown, but not released, to the media, the two teens make every effort to evade Zimmerman, but finally confront him after he followed them for a short distance.

We just saw George Zimmerman, and hes in Ferguson, one of the teens says in the cell phone video. Hes following us. Were trying to walk away but hes following us. The camera shows Zimmerman, carrying a bag of food and a drink, who yells something illegible at the teens. We dont want anything to go down. Were just minding our own business. Were minding our business.

Zimmerman is heard yelling something again, and finally the teens stop. One of the teens rather articulately asks Zimmerman to leave him, his friend, and his town, alone. Sir, sir, we dont we dont have an issue with you, sir. Please leave us alone, the younger teenager says in the video, while Zimmerman continues to rant about something in the background. Mr. Zimmerman, I dont know why youre here in Ferguson, but Its pretty damn insensitive, you showing up here. This towns been through enough already, we dont need you here intensifying things, okay? And my friend and I didnt say anything to you.

I have a right to be here. Its a free country, were on a public street, Zimmerman angrily says to the teens. Why were you following me? Why were you harassing me?

We did no such thing, Mr. Zimmerman. You were leaving the store and we saw you and crossed the street, the younger teen replies. You followed us for a whole block. We said nothing to you and we were not following you.

Why are you here, George? the older teen asks. Ferguson has enough going on without you trying to get in the news again.

At this point, Zimmerman drops his beverage and reaches into his jacket. The teen holding the cell phone raises it, and thenthe videoabruptly ends. Authorities say a State Police cruiser, which just happened to be driving by at that moment, pulled over, and the officers found Zimmerman aiming a 9mm pistol at the two teens, who had their hands raised above their heads. After drawing their own weapons and ordering Zimmerman to drop his, Zimmerman was taken into custody.

Police found two handguns, a shotgun, and several knives inside Zimmermans car at the time of his arrest. It is unclear why Zimmerman was visiting Ferguson, when he arrived, or where in town he was staying. Police say the teens will be allowed to release the full video to the public after their investigation is complete.

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