George Zimmerman blames Obama for racial divide - LoneWolf Sager(_)
In a new video, George Zimmerman says President Obama is to blame for racial tensions in the wake of the killing of Trayvon Martin - LoneWolf The Three Muskadoggies(_)
By: LoneWolf Sager
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George Zimmerman blames Obama for racial divide - LoneWolf Sager(_) - Video
In a new video, George Zimmerman says President Obama is to blame for racial tensions
George Zimmerman says he bears a grudge against President Obama, accusing him of inflaming racial tensions around the Trayvon Martin case.
By: WorldStar News
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In a new video, George Zimmerman says President Obama is to blame for racial tensions - Video
#39;I can #39;t feel guilty #39;: George Zimmerman releases new video
#39;I can #39;t feel guilty #39; George Zimmerman says in ... - Daily Mail Video for I cant feel guilty George Zimmerman 17 hours ago George Zimmerman...
By: NewsIZation A17
'I can't feel guilty': George Zimmerman releases new video - Video
George Zimmerman blames Obama in new video
In a new video, George Zimmerman says President Obama pitted Americans against each other in the wake of Trayvon Martin #39;s death. To watch Zimmerman #39;s full interview, go to ...
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George Zimmerman blames Obama in new video - Video
George Zimmerman Blames Obama
George Zimmerman says he bears a grudge against President Obama, accusing him of inflaming racial tensions around the Trayvon Martin case. Zimmerman, who was acquitted of murder in 2013 over ...
By: wochit General News
See the original post here:
George Zimmerman Blames Obama - Video