Sybrina Fulton, left, the mother of Trayvon Martin, and George Zimmerman who was acquitted on second degree murder charges in Martin's Feb. 26, 2012 killing. Getty Images
MIAMI -- The mother of Trayvon Martin says she's disappointed that federal prosecutors decided not to charge a neighborhood watch volunteer with a hate crime for killing her son three years ago.
Speaking with The Associated Press on Wednesday before the third anniversary of her 17-year-old son's death, Sybrina Fulton says she still believes George Zimmerman got away with murder.
"He took a life, carelessly and recklessly, and he shouldn't deserve to have his entire life walking around on the street free. I just believe that he should be held accountable for what he's done," Fulton said.
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The U.S. Justice Department announced it will not prosecute George Zimmerman on civil rights charges in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. The...
Zimmerman claimed he shot the unarmed teenager in self-defense after confronting Martin while volunteering for his neighborhood watch group. A jury acquitted him of second-degree murder the next year.
The case sparked a national conversation about race, bias and crime in part because Zimmerman, who identifies himself as Hispanic, was not immediately arrested after shooting Martin, who is black.
The U.S. Justice Department announced Tuesday that it found insufficient evidence to establish that Zimmerman willfully deprived Martin of his civil rights or killed him because of his race.
"The Justice Department is the top of the line here," Fulton said. "But what they found just wasn't enough."
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Trayvon Martin's mother: George Zimmerman got away with ...