Archive for the ‘George Zimmerman’ Category

The George Zimmerman Gun Show Orlando Florida Autograph Signing! – The LanceScurv Show – Video

The George Zimmerman Gun Show Orlando Florida Autograph Signing! - The LanceScurv Show
There is much controversy and uproar on the recent George Zimmerman Gun Show appearance in which he was invited to this event to sign autographs for his ador...

By: LanceScurv

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The George Zimmerman Gun Show Orlando Florida Autograph Signing! - The LanceScurv Show - Video

George Zimmerman grand jury hears civil rights testimony …

ORLANDO, Fla., Nov. 13 (UPI) -- Nearly three years after George Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon Martin, a grand jury is considering whether he violated the unarmed teen's civil rights.

A federal grand jury convened Wednesday to consider whether there is enough evidence to indict Zimmerman, who was acquitted of second-degree murder last July. Zimmerman maintained he acted in self-defense.

One of Zimmerman's supporters from his first trial has turned against him, saying he wants to "make amends" with Martin's family. Frank Taaffe, Zimmerman's former neighbor, says he now believes Zimmerman's actions were racially charged.

"This is a young man who didn't deserve to die," Taaffe told reporters before he testified on subpoena by a U.S. Department of Justice attorney Wednesday.

Taaffe said the recent deaths of both of his sons changed his perspective on Zimmerman's actions.

"If there's a young man not doing anything but talking on the phone, in the rain, sauntering about, let it go," he said, of what Zimmerman should have done the night he saw Martin walking through a Sanford neighborhood. "You know, that's why they have law enforcement. Let them handle it."

Taaffe said he expected to testify about a phone call he received in the days before Zimmerman was arrested. The caller, who claimed to be Zimmerman, made a "racial comment," but the number was unregistered and Taaffe said he can't be sure it was Zimmerman on the phone.

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George Zimmerman grand jury hears civil rights testimony ...

Frank Taaffe Testifies Before Federal Grand Jury (INTERVIEW) – Video

Frank Taaffe Testifies Before Federal Grand Jury (INTERVIEW)
Former George Zimmerman supporter, Frank Taaffe, gives a revealing interview to Orlando reporters moments before testifying to a Federal Grand Jury. Will Zimmerman be charged with a HATE CRIME ...

By: SanfordWatch

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Frank Taaffe Testifies Before Federal Grand Jury (INTERVIEW) - Video

‘George Zimmerman’ made racist call about Trayvon Martin …

A man claiming to be George Zimmerman made racist comments during a phone call with a confidant a few days before his arrest in 2012.

Florida resident Frank Taaffe once defended the neighborhood watch coordinator who fatally shot Trayvon Martin at a gated community in the sunshine state two years ago.

But Taaffe testified before a grand jury on Wednesday that he received a call from an unknown number and a man who identified himself as George Zimmerman who said something that was pretty disparaging to Trayvon [Martin] and to African-Americans, WFTV reported.

He wouldnt confirm what the comment was that George allegedly said to him.

Taaffes decision to testify against Zimmerman this week will help the jury decide whether he will face federal charges for allegedly violating Martins civil rights.

Taaffe had publicly defended Zimmerman during his murder trial, which ended in July 2013 with an acquittal of second-degree murder and manslaughter charges.

Taaffe admitted that the call he received more than two years ago is baseless because he couldnt confirm who in fact it was that was on the other end of the line.

It came from an unknown number, so you know, I just shared with them the information with my last meeting with them in July and I can't swear that it was him, because you know, anytime someone calls you up on the phone, and says they're so-and-so, you know, someone calls you up and says it's Abraham Lincoln you know it's not him because he's dead...I could not establish who the person is... I can't - you know, it's baseless.

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'George Zimmerman' made racist call about Trayvon Martin ...

Former Zimmerman supporter appears for grand jury, says …

Once George Zimmerman's vocal defender, Frank Taaffe said Wednesday that he wanted to "make amends" with the family of Trayvon Martin by testifying for a federal grand jury convened in downtown Orlando.

The grand jury is believed to be hearing testimony in the civil rights probe into 17-year-old Trayvon's shooting in Sanford. Zimmerman said he shot the teen in self-defense. He was found not guilty of second-degree murder at trial last year.

Taaffe, a former Zimmerman neighbor, was subpoenaed by a U.S. Department of Justice attorney to testify Wednesday.

Before entering the courthouse, Taaffe spoke to reporters, offering a complete about-face from his original stance on the case. Asked why his views had changed, Taaffe's reply was blunt: "Death."

Taaffe explained both of his sons died recently, leading him to reflect on the loss felt by Trayvon's parents.

"This is a young man who didn't deserve to die," Taaffe said.

Zimmerman was driving through his neighborhood when he saw Trayvon walking through the rain Feb. 26, 2012, and called police to report the teen as suspicious.

Zimmerman left his vehicle. During a confrontation that left Zimmerman bloodied, he fatally shot the teen.

Trayvon's killing became a cause clbre after Zimmerman initially wasn't arrested, sparking protests and a national debate about self-defense laws. Many believed that Trayvon was racially profiled by Zimmerman.

Taaffe said he now counts among them.

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Former Zimmerman supporter appears for grand jury, says ...