Would you watch a reality TV show starring George Zimmerman? That was his brother, Robert's "ultimate goal," according to an in-depth interview with GQ magazine.
Robert Zimmerman Jr. said his family wanted to "rebrand" George after he was acquitted of murder last year for the 2012 shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in Sanford.
Robert told GQ he wanted to turn George into a reality star modeled after "America's Most Wanted's" John Walsh, and the Kardashians.
The younger Zimmerman brother said the trial forced him to take on a role of "family savior" in an attempt to defend his brother and family to the media. Before the shooting of Trayvon Martin, which his family refers to as "the incident," Robert said he felt he was a disappointment to his parents, describing himself as an "unemployed, college dropout with a DWI and a boyfriend."
Even after George's acquittal more than a year ago, Robert Zimmerman said his entire family has continued to live in hiding, prepared to flee in a hurry with pre-packed "go-bags" in case they were attacked.
Robert said George and his ex-wife, Shellie, wore disguises to avoid being recognized in public. He said George called his disguise, consisting of a blond wig and sunglasses, as his "Bieber look."
GQ contributor Amanda Robb even tagged along with Robert and George's mother, Gladys, to a concealed weapons certification class, which George had arranged for his mother and brother to take in Orlando. The Zimmermans said they had to draw up their own security protocols, including using a color-coded threat system and keeping guns close by at all times. Robert said he still sleeps with his gun.
Robert said his brother hated the media, blaming them for "turning him into a national villain," and refused to give any interviews. The one exception was Sean Hannity, to whom George Zimmerman gave his first TV interview in July 2012.
George eventually agreed to an interview with CNN in February 2014 after the network agreed to pay for a hotel room and expenses.
According to Robert, a hotel manager handed him a $3,600 for room expenses, and a CNN producer accused the Zimmermans of "splurging" on their dime, telling Robert, "You and your brother are evil!"
The rest is here:
George Zimmerman's brother talks to GQ