Archive for the ‘George Zimmerman’ Category

George Michael Biography | George Zimmerman Trial – Video

George Michael Biography | George Zimmerman Trial
George Michael Zimmerman is an American known for fatally shooting Trayvon Martin on February 26, 2012, in Sanford, Florida. On July 13, 2013, his trial for second-degree murder and manslaughter...

By: Greg Norman

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George Michael Biography | George Zimmerman Trial - Video

Conservatarian Hero Phil Robertson "AIDS is God’s Punishment for Homosexuality/Promiscuity" – Video

Conservatarian Hero Phil Robertson "AIDS is God #39;s Punishment for Homosexuality/Promiscuity"
Another right-wing here along the lines of Ted Nugent, George Zimmerman, Cliven Bundy. Libertarians, conservatives, bigotry, racism, Duck Dynasty.

By: antilibertarian

Go here to read the rest:
Conservatarian Hero Phil Robertson "AIDS is God's Punishment for Homosexuality/Promiscuity" - Video

George Zimmerman Threatens To Kill AGAIN! – Video

George Zimmerman Threatens To Kill AGAIN!
George Zimmerman threaten to shoot and kill a man in a road rage incident. Zimmerman stalked the man and waited for him in a parking lot and followed him to ...

By: DionAndTennilleTV

George Zimmerman Threatens To Kill AGAIN! - Video

At Lake Mary gun show, Zimmerman details what life is like

With a smile on his face, George Zimmerman spent Saturday afternoon posing for photos, sharing hugs and shaking hands with gun enthusiasts at a firearms expo in Lake Mary.

"It's so odd to me," said Zimmerman, about the celebrity treatment he receives in public. "[But] it is appreciated."

In his first interview with the Orlando Sentinel, Zimmerman described life after his acquittal last year in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. The former Neighborhood Watch volunteer shot the unarmed black teen in Sanford on Feb. 26, 2012.

Now life for the 30-year-old is completely different.

He's always moving.

He's in debt.

And he's constantly receiving death threats.

"I just try to be smart where I go," said Zimmerman, who described the gun show at Gander Mountain Academy as a "friendly" event that didn't warrant extra protection.

Zimmerman said he carries a semi-automatic handgun for added safety.

"It's part of life," said Zimmerman, whose Twitter feed is a constant barrage of death threats. "It's unfortunately necessary right now."

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At Lake Mary gun show, Zimmerman details what life is like

George Zimmerman at Firearms Expo: Wont Use an Alias Because Im Not Able to Lie

George Zimmerman, who was famously acquitted last July in the death of unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin, attended a Florida firearm expo on Saturday and was given celebrity treatment by many attendees, the Orlando Sentinel reports. He also has, as of late, been encouraged to use fake names to disguise himself, but insists he can not lie.

He reportedly showed up to the gun show in Lake Mary with a smiling face and was posing for photos, sharing hugs and shaking hands with gun enthusiasts, the Sentinel reported. Zimmerman told the newspaper that he appreciated the celebrity treatment, and even received party invitations from complete strangers.

But its hot all happy-go-lucky for Zimmerman, who still receives death threats and is constantly on the move, leaving him in debt. He also travels around the country to accommodate speaking requests and to meet with lawyers.

A spokesperson for one of the events sponsors told the Sentinel that Zimmerman does not have a reason to be hidden from the public, while some event-goers were shocked and surprised he would show his face at such a gathering.

As our Matt Wilstein notes, Zimmerman has had more than a few run-ins with the law since his acquittal. In addition to a recent road rage incident in which he allegedly threatened to kill another driver, Zimmerman has been:

Pulled over at least three times by police for various infractions.

Detained after threatening his estranged wife and her father with a gun.

Arrested following a domestic violence incident with his girlfriend.

Questioned by police for voluntarily patrolling a Florida gun shop.

[n/t Orlando Sentinel]

See original here:
George Zimmerman at Firearms Expo: Wont Use an Alias Because Im Not Able to Lie