Jesse Jackson: Hillary Clinton #39;Likely To Win #39;
Jesse Jackson joins Marc in-studio to talk about Hillary Clinton #39;s potential run for office in 2016. Watch Full Segment Here: Subscrib...
By: HuffPost Live
More here:
Jesse Jackson: Hillary Clinton 'Likely To Win' - Video
2/11/14 Utah #39;s inane arguments to U.S. 10th Circuit Court of Appeals concerning same-sex marriage.
Dave calls out Hillary Clinton on the execution of Vince Foster. Dave explains why it appears Utah #39;s attorneys actually want to lose their federal appeal con...
By: Dave Champion
Here is the original post:
2/11/14 Utah's inane arguments to U.S. 10th Circuit Court of Appeals concerning same-sex marriage. - Video
Hillary Clinton #39;s #39;Hit List #39; vs. Pres. Nixon #39;s #39;Enemies List #39;
Fox (Fixed-News) is Dying!: ---------------------------------- ** Visit PoliticalAr...
By: politicalarticles
See the article here:
Hillary Clinton's 'Hit List' vs. Pres. Nixon's 'Enemies List' - Video
Hillary Clinton #39;s Foreign Policy Experience382
By: Barbara Poplits
Original post:
Hillary Clinton's Foreign Policy Experience382 - Video
Hillary Clinton - What difference does it make?
Hillary Clinton - What difference does it make? Gee, Hillary. It makes A LOT of difference to the families of the four Americans that you let die.
By: GlennS1956
Hillary Clinton - What difference does it make? - Video