Archive for the ‘Hillary Clinton’ Category

Hillary Clinton's to-do list

Polls show Hillary Rodham Clinton drawing support far above any other prospective Democratic or Republican presidential candidate in 2016. The most experienced campaign operatives in the business are jostling to be by her side if she decides to run. Time magazine asks, Can anyone stop Hillary?

At first blush, the worlds most famous woman projects an air of invincibility.

And yet: An avalanche of coverage prompted by the relatively obscure Washington Free Beacon which scored an impressive scoop by exploring a cache of papers with a mix of gossipy and revealing insights into her personality and marriage in the 1990s highlighted a Clinton paradox. Her ability to dominate the national political conversation is nearly as much liability as asset, since the obsessive interest about her character, her past, and her future intentions leaves her acutely vulnerable to publicity storms that can hijack her public image and swamp her plans to carefully manage her reentry into public life.

(PHOTOS: Hillary Clintons 50 influentials)

While this weeks furor over the journal entries of Hillary Clintons close friend Diane Blair, who died in 2000, is likely to be ephemeral, the larger challenge facing her is not. Her professed view that there is plenty of time to worry later about presidential politics is not really true. If she decides to run for president a campaign that will almost certainly be vigorously underway as soon as the midterm elections are over nine months from now the window for making some decisions will start to close this year. This leaves Clinton with a very specific, very urgent to-do list in 2014, according to a variety of operatives who have been close to her previously or are watching from afar.

These are vulnerabilities she needs to start tackling right now:

Dont turn into Mitt Romney

Even many Democrats acknowledge that Romney might have been president if he could have narrowed the gap between himself and people who thought he was awkward, elitist, insular, and just a bit odd.

This clearly isnt as big a challenge for Clinton, who tops surveys of the countrys most admired woman. Unlike Romney, shes among the most well-defined politicians that exist. But she still has a considerable task in front of her to avoid making the mistakes of someone whos been cloistered her recent acknowledgment that she hasnt driven a car since 1996 exploded on the Internet.

(PHOTOS: Mitt Romney through the years)

Continued here:

Hillary Clinton's to-do list

Matt Drudge and Hillary Clinton: A History

An inverse relationship seems to exist between the length of time since a Clinton has orbited the White House and the power held by the mythology of Matt Drudge. However, there's a chance that the Drudge watercooler could start up again if his lucky charm decides to run in 2016.

As Drudge was quoted in New York Magazine in 2007,I need Hillary Clinton. You dont get it. I need to be part of her world. Thats my bank. Like Leo DiCaprio has the environment and Al Gore has the environment and Jimmy Carter has anti-Americanism I have Hillary.

Matt Drudge

And when Drudge links to stories about Hillary Clinton, the Internet often returns the favor by writing about Matt Drudge. The Washington Free Beaconreminded usof the beginnings of Clinton and Drudge's long saga this week, by diving into old documents from when he broke the Monica Lewinsky story in 1998. Hillary Clinton's friend, Diane Blair, wrote a note to the first lady back then asking,"Do we take Matt Drudge seriously?" During her 2008 run for the White House, she decided to, and reporters and commentators responded in kind. The question now is whether both will take him seriously again in 2016. Below, for posterity, find the long history of writers writing about Drudge writing about Hillary Clinton.

June 19, 1998, The New York Times:"People often wonder how the great social observers of the past would dissect the madness and the inanity in Washington today. How would Mark Twain skewer Kenneth Starr on Larry King? What would be left of Matt Drudge after Evelyn Waugh got through with him? And surely, the ideal chronicler of Hillary Clinton would be Edith Wharton, who sat in her own grand white house writing about women strangled in a cat's cradle of tribal constraints and pieties. She wrote about women forced to narrow their lives or disguise their natures or choke down indignities because of double standards. She wrote about the awful ironies that crushed women's dreams."

Sept. 16, 2000, The Washington Times: "The flap began earlier this week when Internet gossip Matt Drudge announced on his Web site -- -- that the New York Times was "sitting" on the story of Mrs. Clinton's overnight guests because the newspaper did not want to give ammunition to Mr. Lazio in Wednesday's debate between the two Senate candidates."

Sept. 17, 2000, Slate: "Is Matt Drudge good for the Democrats? Not intentionally, of course. But look at who benefits, objectively, as the Marxists say. Last week, Drudge discovered that the New York Times hadn't published a story it had been working on, a story about donors to Hillary Clinton's campaign being rewarded with overnight stays at the White House and Camp David. So Drudge posts an item on his well-read site chiding the Times for sitting on an anti-Clinton report. What happens? The White House goes on full alert, as other news organizations begin to chase the story. The account dribbles out through a variety of outlets, including Fox, a conservative TV network far easier for Clinton supporters to dismiss than the Times would be. When the Times finally prints John Broder's piece about the overnights, it runs in the B section, below the fold, with the headline Mrs. Clinton Denies Visits Rewarded Gifts. The news by this point isn't the overnights, it's whether there was a quid pro quo for them; the first three paragraphs detail the official denial that there was. And the paper has its back up--a prominent paragraph denies Drudge's report that the Times had been suppressing the story. What if Drudge didn't exist (or if he had just done nothing when he learned of the Times piece)?"

Nov. 6, 2000, The American Prospect: "Yet with e-spin, it often seems that for every success on the part of a campaign, there's a comparable blunder. In August, Florida Governor Jeb Bush's office was accused of 'bigotry' and of being 'anti-Semitic' after a staffer accidentally e-mailed out a Bible verse to reporters instead of Bush's schedule. (The verse read in part: '[Every] spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist.') And in a more serious slip-up in May, the Hillary Clinton campaign inadvertently sent out the e-mail addresses of hundreds of reporters at the top of an update on the First Lady's travel plans. Matt Drudge got his hands on the list and put a story about it on his Web site; before long, other sites advertised the whole list. Soon, reporters were getting blitzed with hate e-mails from right-wingers lurking in the neighborhood of the Internet. One such message, reported in The Washington Post, read: 'Since Hillary Klinton was nice enough to publish all your e-mail addresses, us in the right wing conspiracy wanted to drop each of you a note to say that you're all slime.'"

Feb. 2, 2001, The Washington Times: "'There's no fingernail polish on the nails. There have been Senate sessions without even any lipstick. It's pushing it to the Janet Reno, Donna Shalala crowd,' opines Internet scribe Matt Drudge, who weighed in on Mrs. Clinton's style crisis in a recent column. 'Even Patty Murray is more glamorous than Hillary," giggles Mr. Drudge, on the phone from his Miami newsroom. "It has Washington completely buzzing out.'"

March 5, 2007, Wonkette: "This is a conveniently context-free video clip of an audio clip of Hillary Clinton speaking supposedly before a southern Black church. You might notice that she's talkin' funny. Which is all well and good when beloved character actors or presidents do it, but when politicians do it, they're pandering. Or something. Anyway, Matt Drudge said this was important. So listen to it over and over again and start quoting it to your friends at happy hour. Now you're in the gang of 500!"

See original here:

Matt Drudge and Hillary Clinton: A History

Welcome to the presidential race, Hillary Clinton

The media tell us there is a huge groundswell of support for Hillary Clinton to run for the...

It is happening again. The media tell us there is a huge groundswell of support for Hillary Clinton to run for the presidency in 2016. Already an enormous political action committee has been formed. She is again -- as she was in 2008 -- the inevitable candidate and, by the way, the inevitable president. Moreover, the mainstream media are, of course, with her.

These are what I have been calling for over 20 years the media's Episodic Apologists. Their professional lives have followed a well-worn arc since at least 1992 when the Clintons first emerged nationally -- though the arc was there in Arkansas back in the 1980s. At first, the Episodic Apologists are full of hope for the Clintons -- they have such charisma, such political promise. Then, splat, they fall headlong into a scandal of their own making -- Troopergate, Travelgate, Monicagate, Impeachment, or their incomparable exit from the White House. Of a sudden, the Episodic Apologists fall into darkest despair. "How could they? They had it all," and The Episodic Apologists' funk continues.

After the Clintons exited the White House in 2000 it sounded like this. The Wall Street Journal's Al Hunt: Bill Clinton is the "albatross" of his party, he should "drop dead"; the New York Times' Bob Herbert: Clinton "has been a disaster for the Democratic Party; and the Times editorializing, the former president "has plunged further and further beneath the already low expectations of his most cynical critics."

I could go on, but then -- for no apparent reason -- the Episodic Apologists' hopes are renewed. Hope never completely dies.

To return to the present, reality is again intruding on the Episodic Apologists' hopes. Now Benghazi is again in the news. It appears that in the months preceding the attack Hillary was engaged in furthering one of her goofball boasts. The secretary of state was padding her frequent flyer account, flying hither and yon and ignoring warnings from her people on the ground in Libya. They wanted more security. They got less, and the ambassador and three others were killed. Furthermore, according to my sources, another American soldier may still be in the National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Md., recovering from wounds incurred during a valiant effort at relieving the besieged annex.

And drip, drip, drip, another familiar process is auspicated. The Clintons' tawdry past begins once again to haunt them. At first, it was the lonely voice of Kentucky Senator Rand Paul noting the Democrats' hypocrisy in charging the Republicans with a "War on Women," when the Democrats' leading personality is Bill Clinton, the famed "sexual predator," to say noting of ex-Senator John Edwards and ex-Congressman Anthony Weiner, and many more. Then began the deluge. The Washington Free Beacon uncovered a mother lode of documents from Hillary's White House years. Maintained by Hillary's Arkansas friend, Diane Blair, who passed away in 2000, the documents include diary entries, letters and memos of conversations with Hillary from her embattled White House. They are candid.

They include Hillary's insight that the journalists -- the Episodic Apologists? -- have "big egos and no brains." Her overbearing mentality, "I'm used to winning and I intend to win on my own terms." And her attempts to deal with perceived enemies. For instance, she discussed with Blair the need to depict Gennifer Flowers, Bill's on-again off-again mistress of 12 years, as a "fraud, liar and possible criminal to stop this story and related stories." As for Monica Lewinsky, Hillary described her as a clever bully who seduced her helpless husband. Monica was 22, Bill 49 and president of the United States of America. Writes Blair, "It was a lapse, but she [Hillary] says to his credit he [Bill] tried to break it off, tried to pull away, tried to manage someone who was clearly a 'narcissistic loony toon'; but it was beyond control." Incidentally, in attempting to "break it off" Bill had telephone sex with Lewinsky some 15 times, often after 10:00 p.m.

I happen to know of the above nocturnal amours because I wrote of them in a 2007 book, "The Clinton Crack-Up." I got that information from intelligence operatives. They reported to me that they were not the only intelligence professionals who had this information. Most likely the French, Israelis and Russians were listening in on Bill and Monica's calls. Will the contents of these calls remain secret if Blair's documents cannot even be kept quiet?

Hillary, it is a long way to 2016.


Welcome to the presidential race, Hillary Clinton

A Fresh Start for Hillary Clinton and Liberals? – ABC News

As Hillary Rodham Clinton mulls a second presidential bid, liberals are closely watching whether the onetime supporter of the Iraq war moves to the left or straddles the center.

Democrats say economic issues such as raising the minimum wage and protecting Social Security have become paramount for anyone aiming to lead the party after years of tough economic times.

During the 2008 primary campaign against Barack Obama, Clinton was hurt by her stand on the Iraq war while she was a senator. But she burnished her image among party loyalists during four years at the State Department in the Obama administration. Now liberals want to see how she might carry the torch from Obama.

"We're going to see income inequality play the same role that the war in Iraq played in 2008," said Ilya Sheyman, executive director of, a liberal advocacy group. "This is less about what she did before. The issue landscape right now is very different than in 2008."

Whether a viable Clinton alternative emerges for the 2016 campaign remains a looming question.

Vice President Joe Biden is leaving his options open. Some liberals hope Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., will reconsider statements that she has no plans to run. Others point to ex-Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer, who addressed a progressive group in Iowa in December, or Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley, who is considering a presidential run but endorsed Clinton in 2007.

Liberals have backed efforts by Warren to expand Social Security benefits instead of trimming them to keep the program solvent. In a speech at Colgate University last year, Clinton suggested she shared Obama's approach for a "grand bargain" style deficit reduction that would include increases to tax revenue and adjustments to entitlement programs such as Social Security and Medicare.

Progressives want Clinton to take a tougher stand on Wall Street. They grumble about her speeches at private financial conferences, where she can command fees of $200,000.

"It's a big unknown on where Hillary Clinton stands on issues like core economic populist issues," said Adam Green, co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee. He said there are "a lot of people who want to support her and are rooting for her to adapt to the times" but if she doesn't, there will be room for a challenger.

On Super Bowl Sunday, liberals reacted favorably when Clinton urged fellow Democrats to avoid tougher penalties against Iran as the administration negotiates a comprehensive nuclear deal.

Continued here:

A Fresh Start for Hillary Clinton and Liberals? - ABC News

Hillary Clinton Could Be Her Own Worst Enemy in 2016 …

AP Photo/Gerald Herbert

Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton delivers remarks to the National Automobile Dealers Association meeting in New Orleans, Monday, Jan. 27, 2014.

Cast about for Democratic presidential hopefuls in 2016, and there arent a whole lot of names that come up other than Hillary Clinton. Most of her potential opponents have already endorsed her as-of-yet-non-existent candidacy. And the few weighing runs arent serious threats, such as former Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

(MAGAZINE: Can anyone stop Hillary?)

But if the epic 2008 primary fight was any indication, Clintons greatest challengein a potential presidential bid isnt another candidateits her own candidacy. She entered the 2008 race as the front-runner and the campaign was hers to lose. Now, as it was then, she already wears the thorny crown of inevitability. But she has yet to show that shes learned from the mistakes of her last campaign debacle. Here are six reasons Clinton might be her own worst enemy.


Comfort breeds laziness. Last time around, Clinton didnt log the hours of retail politics needed to win Iowa, and then was shocked when she lost it. A month before the caucuses, shed been to less than half of Iowas 99 countiescompared to John Edwards, whod visited all 99, and Barack Obama whod been to 68. Part of the reason she lost the last time was because she ran as if she were the incumbent and she campaigned from behind the rope line as if she was in the White House, says one of Clintons top fundraisers. So she needs a complete attitude shift.

Out of touch

In 2008, Michelle Obama pooh-poohed the idea that her husband would run again in 2012 if he failed in 2008. Why? Because they would be too far removed from reality by then and not in touch with everyday Americans. Mitt Romney was hammered in 2012 for saying that while he didnt watch NASCAR, he had a lot of great friends who are NASCAR team owners.

And Clinton should know, since her husband used the presidential bubble against George H. W. Bush during the 1992 campaign. Clinton mocked Bush for not knowing the price of milk. So, perhaps Hillary should not be admitting that she hasnt driven a car since 1996, as she did at the National Automobile Dealers Association meeting in New Orleans last month.


Hillary Clinton Could Be Her Own Worst Enemy in 2016 ...