Letters: Hillary Clinton lost because people revolted; Dear …
Why Clinton lost
Your guest columnist, Nick Berry, could not have been more wrong in his analysis of why Hillary Clinton lost the presidency (The Capital, Dec. 14.) People revolted, Republican, Democrats and independents.
Lets analyze Hillary first. Well-qualified Democrat, you think so? But the rest of the country did not think so.
1) The Democratic primary. Bernie Sanders, as you mentioned not a Dem, wasnt going to get the votes needed to win the Dems primary let alone the general election. So the fix was in, literally for Hillary, people understood that.
2) You started with well-qualified for Hillary. For one, she signed government documents to get her clearances (perhaps multiple times in her career in government) and then went about breaking laws. Ignorance of the law is not an excuse for breaking the law that all of us must endure. Qualified, where does that apply for her? First lady, senator, secretary of state, and she still breaks laws.
3) You are right about the Dems message, a real joke. President Barack Obamas term was over and good riddance. No more apologizing for the United States of America. And telling us what we knew was wrong. High unemployment; looking like Europe rather than looking like the greatest country on the planet; a leader of a declining country for eight years. No more, please.
So Hillary was the Democrats Bob Dole sacrificial lamb. I get it. And, yes, the Republicans were unified behind one candidate, Donald Trump, even with all his so-called flaws. The people were willing to try something different than the run of the mill politician (from either party) telling us what was good for us.
The people united behind someone that would show them how the sausage is made because it was time to expose Washington for what it is, a swamp. Both parties are responsible for this. And, the way its going it will only stop if and when both parties are held to the same standards regular people are held too.
No private slush funds, no party cronies giving them immunity from prosecution, and no phony charges made to fit the crimes for others. Provable, fact-based real crimes. And, then those at the top going to jail for the crimes they commit. Equal justice for all
Stop explaining the excuses and let the country move on. I think it is doing fine now, perhaps write about all the positives going on now. But that doesn't fit your narrative, does it?
You are the Redskins director of player personnel. You should have the ability to fix the quarterback position.
You are the first African American quarterback to win a Super Bowl. You hold the record for the best one quarter in Super Bowl history And you are an outspoken advocate for civil rights.
You follow in Bobby Mitchells groundbreaking entry to the Redskin roster.
So hire Colin Kaepernick He has the ability to fix the Redskins quarterback deficiency and win.
Who knows someday he may follow you to a Washington victory in a Super Bowl.
I understand Bill Zambiasi s exasperation with todays double standards and ever-changing rules of political correctness, but I do not accept his premise that God impregnated Mary against Her will ( The Capital, Dec. 13).
Christians believe and profess the unalterable Truth that the inviolate Mother of Jesus Christ humbly consented to the honor of Divine Maternity with Her Fiat Be it done to me according to Thy Word.
There was no coercion, only purest Love. Blessed be Our God and His Holy Mother Mary.
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Letters: Hillary Clinton lost because people revolted; Dear ...