Archive for the ‘Hillary Clinton’ Category

Hillary Clinton hits Trump’s budget cuts in Chicago – CNN

The 2016 Democratic presidential nominee criticized President Donald Trump's budget proposal for slashing funding for libraries, public broadcasting and the arts, saying the cuts "would have a disproportionate, adverse impact on rural and underserved communities."

"That is not only short-sighted; it is deeply disturbing. It's like something out of 'Fahrenheit 451,'" she said, referencing the 1953 dystopian Ray Bradbury novel.

Clinton spoke in Chicago at the American Library Association's convention, where she previewed a forthcoming memoir due out in the fall, as well as the children's version of "It Takes a Village."

Her memoir, she said, will cover "what it's really like to run for President -- especially if you're a woman. And there's a lot to that, not just hair and makeup. But ultimately it's about resilience -- how to get back up after a loss."

"It is the most personal book I've written. I am looking forward to sharing it with you and readers, because I know it doesn't have all the answers to every problem we face as a country, but I think it's important that we begin a conversation about who we are and what we stand for and the values we hold dear," she said.

See more here:
Hillary Clinton hits Trump's budget cuts in Chicago - CNN

Hillary Clinton and EMILY’s List announce 15000 women interested in running for office – Daily Kos

In the wake of the 2016 elections, EMILYs List renewed its efforts to recruit women to run for office, and apparently a lot of women are interested:

@HillaryClinton: For more than 30 years, @emilyslist has paved the way for women to run & succeed in elected office, including me.

@HillaryClinton: Today, @emilyslist announced that 15,000+ women have reached out since Election Day about running for office! 7,000+ want to help them run.

@HillaryClinton: Their determination & passion is truly inspiring. And I can't wait to see what this new generation of women leaders accomplishes. Onward!

Safe to say many of those 15,000 wont follow through, and it would probably be more helpfulif those proportions were flipped and twice as many women wanted to help other women run, but for those who are serious about running, EMILYs List will have resources:

EMILY's List's largest-ever national recruitment program, Run to Win, is focused on training, recruiting, and identifying opportunities for pro-choice Democratic women to run and win in state and local offices across the country. The campaign will train, politically advise and assess candidates from school board to Senate.

Republicans have been building their pipeline from local office to Congress and governors mansions for decades now. Its past time for Democrats to make a serious effort to do the same.

Continued here:
Hillary Clinton and EMILY's List announce 15000 women interested in running for office - Daily Kos

Report: Least Patriotic States Voted for Hillary Clinton – Washington Free Beacon


BY: Madeleine Weast June 27, 2017 11:34 am

The seven least patriotic states voted for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election, according to a new study released on Tuesday.

New Jersey was ranked the least patriotic state, followed by Illinois, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, Connecticut, and California,according to a report from WalletHub.

Each of these seven least patriotic states voted for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton in 2016.

States were graded on a 100-point scale stemming from data comparing 13 key indicators of patriotism based on military and civic engagement.A score of 100 would represent the highest level of patriotism.

The data factored inmilitary enlistees, active-duty military personnel,veterans, and share of adults who voted in the 2016 presidential election.

The lowest ranked state, New Jersey, received a patriotism score of 27.46, followed by Illinois with a score of 28.46. Clinton won by over 50 percent in both states.

New York garnered a patriotic score of 30.59, and California scored a 37.70. In both states, Clinton won with almost 60 percent of the overall vote.

Red states ranked higher in patriotism overall than blue states. Red states had an average score of 28.55, while blue states had an average rank of 23.47.

The top three most patriotic states were Virginia, Alaska, and Wyoming.

The data was collected from the U.S. Census Bureau, Department of Veterans Affairs, Defense Manpower Data Center, Corporation for National and Community Service, Peace Corps, Military OneSource, United States Elections Project, Administrative Office of the United States Courts, and Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement.

Read more here:
Report: Least Patriotic States Voted for Hillary Clinton - Washington Free Beacon

Clinton’s Slow-Motion Strikeout – Jacobin magazine

How I Lost by Hillary Clinton sets out to explain Clintons 2016 defeat in Clintons voice. The book presents a collection of Hillary Clintons speeches and emails, originally published by Wikileaks, annotated by journalist Joe Lauria.

Lauria relies on a series of addresses to Goldman Sachs and at various industry events, emails from the Wikileaks Podesta release from last fall, and public campaign statements to argue that Clinton was the victim of her own insider elitism and that her elitism is to blame for her defeat.

Ultimately Lauria doesnt make a compelling argument as to how Clinton became so widely disliked by Americans of all political stripes, and how that ultimately resulted in her defeat. But How I Lost succeeds in illustrating why she was widely disliked and distrusted, showing Clinton to be completely removed from ordinary Americans.

Clintons public persona has been so thoroughly managed and filtered through focus groups that its impossible to know how genuine her personality is, nor is it easy to grasp what she really believes politically.

But as these leaks show, the Democrats promises ran aground against the reality of her private statements. Voters instead chose the more fantastical promises of Donald Trump, a man who might actually be dumb enough to believe his own bullshit.

Still, as Lauria writes, Clinton [did] not see the rise of right-wing populism in the US as being connected with the elitism she and her backers represented.

One of the long-running national criticisms of Clinton, stretching back to her run for the nomination in 2008, was that she was too tied into the inside-the-Beltway money pipeline.

It was true that Clinton was reflexively invested in the institutions she had protected for her entire public career. As she told the American people during an October 13, 2015, primary debate with Bernie Sanders and other opponents, every so often the US government needs to save capitalism from itself.

This tone-deaf approach to the aftermath of the economic crisis was nothing new. Clinton had delivered remarks to that effect two years earlier to Goldman Sachs in October 2013. Then, Clinton suggested the victims of the financial crash of 2008 misunderstood the situation completely. People were yelling at her everywhere she went, she said, because the conventional wisdom was wrong.

Tellingly, Lauria writes of those comments, she names only two victims of Wall Streets perfidy: Wall Street itself and governmentnot ordinary Americans.

Clintons inability to conceive of new ideas and her lack of any interest in turning the clock back or pointing fingers at those who destroyed the economy meant she was exceptionally vulnerable to a challenge from someone like Sanders in the Democratic primary or Trump in the general election.

Clinton refused to accept the electorates desire for a new economic direction in a country where the majority of wealth recovery since the recession had gone to the top. People wanted a change, but Clinton wouldnt or couldnt give it to them.

In a fiercely anti-establishment year for both parties, it was risky for the Democrats to put up a quintessential insider like Clinton up against the demagogue Trump, Lauria writes.

Voters felt Clinton was neither as real nor as honest as Trump. They believed she was part of the elite, and nothing she had done in the years leading up to the election disproved their view of the candidate.

Her insistence on giving speeches to the banking institutions that had destroyed the economy only years later for fees in the hundreds of thousands was not a good look. Especially not for someone considering another run at the White House.

And the existence of the private email server she had as secretary of state was a perfect example of Clintons arrogance and disdain for playing by the rules. Using the server was a blatant violation of protocol, but Clinton didnt care.

The server, described by Clinton ally Neera Tanden as fucking insane, would be a constant theme on the campaign trail and an easy attack line from Trump (Sanders did nothing with the information during the primary, instead providing cover as the scandal grew. At a debate in October 2015, he told the crowd that he was sick of hearing about Clintons damn emails).

Beyond simply exposing the candidate as careless with sensitive intelligence, the server revealed Clinton for a career Washington insider, unwilling to play by the same rules as the rest of the country.

Lauria hammers this point home by referring to the easily exploitable cellphone hacks exposed by the Snowden leaks.

If Clinton knew about that crack in the countrys cybersecurity armor, Lauria wonders, how could she have thought using a private server in her home was a good idea? And if she hadnt been a member of the ruling elite, is there any doubt she would have faced grave legal consequences for her actions?

Of course not and thats the point. After all, no substantial punishment was given to General David Petraeus when he leaked classified information to his lover-biographer. Clinton was secure in the knowledge that her behavior would have no legal ramifications.

But there were political ramifications for Clinton. When Clintons documents were released by Wikileaks during October and November of 2016, the nation found itself staring into the insular world of a candidate representing the political and financial elite.

The existence of the server alongside the unrelated Podesta email leaks turned her damn emails into a maelstrom of corruption and scandal that the candidate would not be able to get out from under. Clinton found herself on the defensive where she would remain for the majority of the campaign.

Lauria could have used the data he collected to great effect by providing some perspective how specifically the information leaks damaged the candidate.

In the end, however, Lauria isnt able or willing to tie all the information together to make a cogent and compelling argument of the how behind the loss. He doesnt draw the reader into the kind of campaign intrigue that Shattered, the recent gossipy tell-all from the trail, was able to deliver.

Instead, Lauria wants us to interpret the speeches and comments he compiles as the explanation for Clintons loss, full stop. Clintons candidacy and campaign ultimately collapsed, Lauria argues, because the personality at the center of it was so obviously disingenuous and corrupt.

Clintons own words in this book portray an economic elitist and a foreign policy hawk divorced from the serious concerns of ordinary Americans, Lauria writes.

But how that elitism translated into her electoral downfall is never fully explained. It simply is.

Clintons elitism played a role, and not an insubstantial role, in turning voters off her campaign. But by not connecting that elitism to the many other factors that helped determine the outcome of the election, How I Lost fails to live up to the promise of its title.

The fact that Trump was able to defeat Clinton handily in November surely speaks to a widespread dissatisfaction with the politics of the center. In 2016, voters wanted something different than the same old, same old of Washington. The defeat of Clintons campaign threw this dissatisfaction into harsh relief. This, at least, is one lesson we can take from How I Lost.

Originally posted here:
Clinton's Slow-Motion Strikeout - Jacobin magazine

Republicans take tips from Obama, Hillary Clinton on how not to pass a bill – Washington Examiner

With the Social Security Act of 1935 and the Civil Rights Acts of 1964-65, Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson gave us precedents as to how to behave when trying to pass historic and world-changing measures.

First of all, you don't do it quickly, but slowly and carefully. Second, you don't move before you know you appeal to a broad base of people. Third, you have to make it bipartisan, because nothing that isn't has moral authority. There is no type of reform that does not cause disruption, and bipartisanship is protection of sorts from the accusations of callousness that will surely ensue.

Hillarycare in 1993-94, Obamacare in 2009-2010 and Republicare now broke and are breaking all three of these guidelines. And they have given rise to the need for a fourth: They were all done for political, not policy, reasons, not to solve a crisis but to scratch an ideological itch on the part of their bases and make their own leaders look good.

There was no need or demand for a healthcare bill in 1993 or 2009, and there isn't at present. But the Democrats had two bright young wunderkinds who wanted to vault themselves into FDR country. They thought a really big bill would probably do it, and it would placate their base, which should not be confused with the voice of the people. This time, Republicans have been in a rage since 2010 over how Obamacare passed more than for what was in it. They have been longing to push repeal down the throats of the Democrats in the same manner and spirit in which the bill had been pushed down their own.

Vanity, spite and revenge can be understood, but they are really bad reasons to fiddle around with the fortunes and lives of millions of people, especially when you have no idea what you're doing at all. Revenge can be sweet, but also short-sighted. And it's hardly revenge if you replace one badly planned and ruinous bill with another, that may bring upon you the same kind of ruin that has been your enemies' fate.

Let us recall where the Democrats stood when they began pushing healthcare in 2009. They had total control of the national government, a filibuster-proof Senate majority, and thirty state houses. In 2010, they lost the House in a landslide, and their Senate supermajority vanished. In 2014, the first election after the bill went into effect, the Senate went, too. In 2016, the first national election since the bill was enacted, they lost the White House too. Their bench was depleted at all of its levels, and their lawmaking power disappeared in all but a few states.

In 2010, Democrats thought the heavy lifting was in passing the bill, and that after that people would love it, or at least become used to it. They never did. The Republicans now believe the same thing, though their plan is less popular now than the Democrats' ever was. And that was before they received the equivalent of the 380,000 negative ads that they had flung at the Democrats in 2010.

Republicans should retreat for the moment under cover of fog, like the armies at Dunkirk, accepting that now' may arrive just a little bit later. In the meantime, they have to read up about Johnson and Roosevelt, to learn how these things should be done.

Noemie Emery, a Washington Examiner columnist, is a contributing editor to The Weekly Standard and author of "Great Expectations: The Troubled Lives of Political Families."

See the article here:
Republicans take tips from Obama, Hillary Clinton on how not to pass a bill - Washington Examiner