Hillary Clinton Was Cursed to Fail by Siberian Mummy – Observer
Rethinking her loss in the presidential race as a mere setback after her long walks in the woods and lots of sleep, Hillary Clinton bravely stated recently that she was ready to get back up and keep going.
But whilespeaking ofgirl power in the U.S. in the 21st century last Tuesday, Clinton likely didnt suspect she was fighting a more powerful obstacle: acurse by the lady-shaman of Siberia, with whom she had the misfortune of crossing pathsabout 20 years ago.
Afuzzy photograph of Clinton by the mummy of the Princess of Ukok is one of the most revered exhibits atthe City Museum of Novosibirsk, in the capital of Siberia.
Will heracquaintance with the Princess bestowacurse on Hillary tonight? askedone headlineonelection day. (The Princess did not like Clintonand Clinton lost! avictorious readerremarked the next day, in the comments section beneaththe article.)
The remains of the immaculately dressed 20-something princess, preserved for several millennia in the Siberian permafrosta natural freezerwere discovered in 1993 by Novosibirsk scientist Natalia Polosmak during an archaeological expedition, The Siberian Timesreported in 2012. Six saddled and bridled horses, her spiritual escort to the next world, were buried around hera symbol of her evident status as a healer or a holy woman.
Ameal of sheep and horse meat was placed by her side, as well as ornaments of felt, wood, bronze and goldand a small container ofcannabis.
This discovery,in the middle of theUkok Plateauthe holiest place of the native people of the Altai Mountains, direct relatives of Native Americanshas beencalled one of the most important archaeological momentsof the modern era.
Even today, only a chopper can deliver one to this unreachableplace.
Both of the ancient girls armsfrom shoulders to wristswere covered with exquisite, modern tattoos. It is a phenomenal level of tattoo art. Incredible, Dr. Polosmak, who found the mummy, said. The tattoos on the left shoulder of the princess show a fantastical mythological animal: a deer with a griffons beak and a Capricorns antlers.
Her head was completely shaven and she wore a horse hair wig. She died over 2,500 years ago.
She was called Princess by the media. We just call her Devochka, meaning Girl,' explainedIrina Salnikova, head of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography.
Herbrain andinternal organs had been removed, so it was not possible to determine the cause of death. The Princess of Ukok was not related to any of the Asian races, scientists areconvincednor was sherelated to the present day inhabitants of Altai. She had a European appearance and blond hair before shaving her head.
Local shamans declared that the mummy belonged to the Altai Princess Ochi-Bala or White Lady of Ak-Kadynthe progenitor of the Altai people, the keeper of peace, who stood guard, preventing evil from penetrating our world.
Leave her in peace, rebury her inthe same spot, or there would be dire consequencesher ire and curse, for anybody who would cross her paththe shamans warned.
From day one, many Altai locals were alarmed by the removal of the ancient girls remains from thesacred burial moundsknown as kurgansregardless of the value to science of the discovery.In a land where the sway of shamans still holds, they believed that the princess removal would immediately lead to consequences.
Locals insisted the excavation disrupted her protective mission and the revenge she would inflict would reachglobally.
Archaeologists confirmed that as soon as the mummy was found, there wasthundereven there wasnt a cloud in the sky above. When the remains were removed, anearthquake began.
Some say the curse of the mummy caused the crash of a chopper carrying her remains out of Altai. Then, in Novosibirsk, her bodypreserved so well for so longsuddenly beganto decompose. The mummy had been stored in a freezer used to preserve cheese and fungi began growing on the flesh, it was claimed.
The princess remains had to be taken to Moscow and to be treated by the same scientists whotook such great care of the body of Vladimir Lenin, founder of the Soviet state.
After the body was brought to Novosibirsk (some 400 miles from the burial site), the constitutional crisis of 1993 began in Moscow. Ordered byRussian President Yeltsin, Russian tanks shelled Russian Parliament.
Soon after, economic disaster followed.
Even the war in Chechnya that began in 1995 was blamed on the Princess of Ukok.
Back in Altai, many ills had been explained by the princesss removal: forest fires, high winds, illness, suicides and an upsurge in earthquakes in the region,The Siberian Timesreported.
In November 1997, first lady Hillary Clinton visited Russia during her solo Human Rights Tour. One of her stops was in thecity of Novosibirsk.
On November 16, while on her trip, Clintonwas lured into the most dangerous trap: to meet face-to-face with the scientific sensation, the Princess of Ukok.
At the History and Archeology Institute of Novosibirsk Akademgorodok, in the company of archeologists Vyacheslav Molodin and Natalia Polosmak, the first lady observed the remains of the Princesson exhibit just for Clinton herself.
Was it a trap deliberately set by the Russian Secret Service?
Clinton was greeted by the local governor, sharedvodka and tea with him, and then paid a visit to atraditional Siberian familythe Vdovins. Father Vdovin was an engineer and mother Vdovin was anEnglish teacher at the local school, NGS Newsreported.
Clintons life, as well as the lives of those she met whilethere, dramatically changed soon after.
The governor lost his post two years later and died, while the Vdovin family split and moved to Canada.
In January, 1998, exactly two month after Clintons visit to the mummy of the Siberian Princess of Ukok, the Monica Lewinsky scandal broke and the course of U.S. history was changed forever.
And, most importantly, Hillary Clintons goals became ever more elusiveno matter how hard she workedto reach them.
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Hillary Clinton Was Cursed to Fail by Siberian Mummy - Observer