Archive for the ‘Hillary Clinton’ Category

Top Doctor: Concerns Over Hillary’s Health ‘Not a …

Top doctor and Rutgers University Professor of Medicine Bob Lahita says that concerns over Hillary Clintons health are not a conspiracy theory and that Clinton should be assessed by an impartial panel of physicians.

Lahita told Fox Business that he agreed with Dr. Drew on several points about Hillarys health. Last week, Drew told KABC that he is gravely concerned about Hillary Clintons health, noting that the treatment she has received is bizarre.

This is a very unusual story with Hillary, said Lahita, making reference to her suffering two blood clots, a stroke and post-concussive syndrome, which caused Hillary to have to wear special prism glasses to counter her double vision.

The very fact that shes having these clots and shes had two bouts of thrombosis is disconcerting to say the least, said Lahita.

Asked whether the concerns over Hillarys health were objectively authentic regardless of politics or whether the leftist media were right to label the issue a conspiracy theory, Lahita responded, I dont think its a conspiracy.

You go back to the history of our presidents and weve had many presidents up until Lyndon Johnson whove concealed their health during their campaigns and it had dire effects for our country, going from Kennedy to Roosevelt, to Woodrow Wilson whose wife ran the White House for some time so we have issues here and I think both candidates should be very forthcoming and perhaps have an impartial panel of physicians review the data and make that kind of decision before Americans go to the polls, remarked Lahita.

Dr. Lahita also dismissed claims by the media that a summary released last year by Hillarys personal physician Dr. Lisa R. Bardack saying she was in good health was enough to satisfy questions over Clintons fitness to serve as president.

Calling for a more recent assessment, Lahita said, We should be able to see the laboratory results ourselves, the letter is kind of a summary (it) doesnt go into much detail, adding that more information on Hillarys hypothyroidism would also be quite interesting.

We owe it to the country, we owe it to the voters, not only for the presidential candidates, but also for the vice-presidential candidates particularly in this election, concluded Lahita.

According to his bio, Doctor Lahita is Professor of Medicine at Rutgers University, the medical school of New Jersey, and an adjunct Professor at Mount Sinai School of Medicine and the Chairman of Medicine and Vice President of the Newark Beth Israel Medical Center. He is a fellow of the American College of Physicians, a master of the American College of Rheumatology, and fellow of the Royal College of Physicians.

Lahita has also authored more than 16 books and 150 scientific publications in the field of autoimmunity. He doesnt really fit the picture of an Internet conspiracy theorist, which is how the Clinton campaign is attempting to characterize anyone who questions her health.

In a related story, a New York Times columnist even called on Google to censor searches pertaining to Hillarys health in order to silence conspiracy theorists.


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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of and Prison

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Top Doctor: Concerns Over Hillary's Health 'Not a ...

Dont believe everything you read about Hillary Clintons …

If you search for Hillary Clinton and health on Google, youre likely to come up with some pretty terrifying stuff and much of it is false.Photos of the 68-year-old Democratic presidential nominee apparently soweak that she has to behelped up a short flight ofstairs by aides. Speculation that thehead injury she suffered in 2012is still affecting her.Documents purportedly summarizingvisits to a medical provider for an unspecified illness.

Regardless of whether you think its fair, Clintonshealth is becoming an issue in the campaign, and its almost impossible for the average personto sort through themisinformation and fake information online to get to the facts.

For the record, Clinton hasreleased a letter from herpersonal physicians attesting to hergood health and fitness toserve as president of the United States, should she be elected.(Clintons Republican rival, DonaldTrump, who appears to be healthy, has done the same, althoughthe letter is highly unusual.)

[Opinion: Trumps sickening attacks on Clintons health]

Also for the record,the photos of her being helped up the stairs arent recent but from months ago; her doctor has specifically addressed the issue of lingering effects of the old accident on her brain (there are none); and those papers which appeared, then disappeared were apparentlyforgeries.

That hasnt stopped some critics of Clinton from seizing on the rumors to portray her as being in poorhealth.Rudy Giuliani urged people toGo online and put down, Hillary Clinton illness, and take a look at the videos yourself. Fox Newshost Sean Hannity has described Clinton shaking her head as almost seems seizure-esque to me. And who can forget Trump's allegations that she took a short-circuit in the brain?

For more specifics, check out The Washington Posts Fact Checker, where reporterGlen Kesslerhas posted a detailed analysis of what has been said about her health and how those comments hold up.

[Zika may be linked to the disability that Donald Trump mocked]

From the days ofWoodrow Wilson (whose failinghealth was concealed by his inner circle of advisers) and Franklin Roosevelt (who despitehis weight loss and weakness ranfor his fourth and final term),thehealth of presidential candidates and presidents has long been a source of public interest and debate.In 1999, when John McCain first ran for the highest office, he made public1,500 pages of medical and psychiatric records. Then in 2008, after he had been diagnosed and treated for cancer, McCain allowed reporters to review even more records toconfirm that he was cancer-free. During the2004 campaign, George W. Bush released records that showed, among other things, extensive dental work.

As with every other presidential candidate in the past including the youthful Barack Obama questionsabout Clintons health are legitimate. In December 2012, shecontracted a stomach virus while in Europe as secretary of state, became dehydrated, fainted at her home and suffereda concussion. Doctors monitoring her found a blood clot, and she was treated withanti-coagulants and soon returned to her regular routine representing the country.

Since then, her health and age have periodically been an issue. In 2014, when her name began to be mentioned more frequently as a presidential contender, theNew York Post ran this headline Karl Rove: Hillary may have brain damage. Rove told The Washington Postthathe had not gone that far but only said that she should provide more information about the head injury.

Of course she doesnt have brain damage, Rove said, according to my colleagueKaren Tumulty. However, he said, it was a serious health episode andshe is going to have to be forthcoming.

But in todaysera of social media, sometimes the most important (that is, true) information doesnt always riseto the top.

That leads us totodays news and the fact that Farhad Manjoo, the influential New York Times tech columnist, has called on Google to figure out a way to solve this issue of bogus information.

Google should fix this. It shouldnt give quarter to conspiracy theorists, hetweeted.

The search enginedid recently revampits medical symptoms searches.But Googletypically doesnt like to fiddle around with search results, and the controversy is another reminder that health informationcan be among the most tricky things to research online.

This post has been updated.

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Dont believe everything you read about Hillary Clintons ...

Hillary Clinton health: Syringe photo sparks seizure rumours

Do you know what Hillary Clinton's nickname is? Or her favorite bands? What about how she met husband Bill Clinton? In this edition of Celebrity 101 by Splash News TV, press play to find out 8 things you didn't know about the Democratic presidential nominee.

Is Hillary Clintons health in trouble, or is this just another conspiracy without evidence?

ALL IT took was one photo.

One zoomed-in photo of a Secret Service agent standing beside Hillary Clinton holding an unidentifiable cylindrical object, for the internet to collectively embrace their inner Sherlock Holmes and launch a fresh take on the Democratic candidates health.

In this case, right-wing social media users immediately concluded that the agent was holding an autoinjector containing Diazepam, a muscle-relaxant drug used to treat seizures and anxiety.

The story was soon picked up by prime-time US news outlets, before it was finally debunked by a simple phone call which, by the way, the blogger who started the hysteria never bothered to make.

A Secret Service spokeswoman, Nicole Mainor, confirmed that the so-called Diazepam-filled syringe was actually a flashlight.

While this rumour is now being put to rest, its just one in a series of many that have been associated with the conspiracy around Clintons health.


For a number of years now, Hillarys physical health has been the subject of much debate and scrutiny, often with the absence of medical evidence.

Its become an ongoing part of the Trump campaign, to promote the idea that Clinton is physically unwell and therefore incapable of running the country.

Just last week, Trump told a rally in Wisconsin that Hillary Clinton doesnt have that strength and stamina to defeat Islamic State and radical terrorism.

A day before that, he similarly said she lacks the mental and physical stamina to take on IS, and all the many adversaries we face.

Donald Trump continually suggests Hillarys physical health is not up to standard.Source:AP

Around the same time his campaign spokesperson, Katrina Pierson, went as far as to say Clinton had dysphasia, a language deficiency provoked by brain damage.

Speaking to radio host Hugh Hewitt earlier this month, Trump described his opponent as a total mess.

Shell do an event, and then you dont hear from her, he said. Just follow where she goes... shell do an event, shell make a short speech off a teleprompter, and then she goes home and goes to sleep. I tell you, she is dangerous.

The motive here is pretty simple make out that the opponent is comparatively weak, hiding that weakness from the public, and incapable of running the country as a result.


Rumours have surrounded Clintons health for years now.

Back in 2012, Clinton suffered a concussion, which her spokesman attributed to a stomach virus that caused the then-Secretary of State to become dehydrated and faint.

The timing of the incident days before she was scheduled to testify over the Benghazi terror attack led Republicans to speculate that she was faking it to avoid the inquiry.

A few weeks later, she was prescribed blood thinners to dissolve a blood clot located behind her right ear. According to her doctors, the clot did not result in any complications related to her brain.

Clinton appeared at the Benghazi tribunal and testified at length the following month.

Hillary gave evidence at the tribunal a few weeks after suffering a concussion, which some claimed was an excuse to avoid making an appearance.Source:AFP

But in 2014, Republican strategist Karl Rove infamously suggested Clinton had suffered brain damage from the incident.

Thirty days in the hospital? And when she reappears, shes wearing glasses that are only for people who have traumatic brain injury? he said. We need to know whats up with that.

The whole thing, unfortunately for Rove, ended up being untrue. She was there for three days, as opposed to 30, and her longtime physician later delivered her a clean bill of health.

Rove later attempted to walk back his comments, claiming he never used the phrase brain damage.

Last month, pro-Trump blogger Jim Hoft posted a video of Hillary Clinton speaking to the press a few months back.

At one point, numerous reporters pipe up from the right to ask questions at once, and she turns to them, momentarily startled.

Hoft shared the 10-second clip with the headline Wow! Did Hilary (sic) Clinton Just Suffer A Seizure On Camera?, and wrote: Wow! The poor woman is in worse shape than we thought.

The video went viral, and gifs of the interaction were extracted and shared repeatedly online.

AP reporter Lisa Werer, one of the reporters who prompted Clintons startled reaction, later came out acknowledging there was no seizure.

Perhaps eager to avoid answering or maybe just taken aback by our volume, Clinton responded with an exaggerated motion, shaking her head vigorously for a few seconds, wrote Werer. Video of the moment shows me holding out my recorder in front of her, laughing and stepping back in surprise. After the exchange, she took a few more photos, exited the shop and greeted supporters waiting outside.

But the incident soon found its way into the mainstream media, with Fox News host Sean Hannity dedicating a week to analysing Clintons health, using a team of medical experts.

None of these experts had ever examined Clinton personally. As neurologist Fiona Gupta even said: You know, its just so hard to speculate based on snippets of the clips that, you know, what is going on without having a full examination and workup.

Likewise, Fox News medical pundit Marc Siegel called on both candidates to release their medical histories, saying he would need to see the records to make a judgment.

She may very well be completely fit, but we want to know.

Conspiracy theories over Clintons health have even made the mainstream US press.Source:AP

But despite a lack of attainable evidence, the issue of her health had still gone viral.

In a separate incident this month, a new Twitter account called @HillsMedRecords published what it claimed to be Hillary Clintons leaked medical records.

The documents, allegedly written by her physician, Dr Lisa Bardack, claimed she had been diagnosed with early-onset Subcortical Vascular Dementia in 2013, and suffered intensified Complex Partial Seizures between 2013 and 2014.

The fake documents claimed Hillary had serious health issues.Source:Supplied

Despite the fact that the documents didnt resemble standard medical records, and did not include the doctors signature, they still made the rounds on social media as though they were factual.

This prompted Dr Bardack to release an official statement putting the rumour to rest: As Secretary Clintons long time physician, I released a medical statement during the campaign indicating that she is in excellent health.

I have recently been made aware of allegedly leaked medical documents regarding Secretary Clinton with my name on them. These documents are false, were not written by me and are not based on any medical facts.

To reiterate what I said in my previous statement, Secretary Clinton is in excellent health and fit to serve as President of the United States.

How such sketchy documents penned by a random new Twitter account were passed around as fact is another mystery altogether.


This week, Clinton appeared on Jimmy Kimmel to put the rumours to rest. She jokingly told him to take her pulse while they spoke about it, and was later challenged to open a jar of pickles to prove she was physically fit (which she successfully did).

She dismissed the assertions over her health as part of the wacky strategy to undermine her candidacy.

I dont know why they are saying this, she said.

I think on the one hand its part of the wacky strategy on the other hand it absolutely makes no sense. And I dont go around questioning Donald Trumps health. I mean, as far as I can tell hes healthy as a horse.

If it helps put the rumours to bed, physicians for both presidential candidates have declared them fit to run for office.

See the original post:

Hillary Clinton health: Syringe photo sparks seizure rumours

On Jimmy Kimmel, Hillary Clinton Jokes About Health Rumors …

Hillary Clinton opens a pickle jar for Jimmy Kimmel on Monday, Aug. 22. ANDY HOLMES/ABC

"Back in October, the National Enquirer said I'd be dead in six months. So with every breath I take I feel like it's a new lease on life," she quipped. "I do feel sometimes like this campaign has entered into an alternative universe."

"I don't know why they are saying this. I think on the one hand it's part of the wacky strategy," Clinton said of the GOP push to paint her as unhealthy. "On the other hand, it absolutely makes no sense."

With the first general election debate approaching next month, Kimmel asked Clinton how she was preparing to face GOP nominee Donald Trump.

"You've got to be prepared for wacky stuff. I'm planning on drawing off my experiences from elementary school," she said, noting that she also wanted Kimmel's advice on how best to perform.

Later in the interview, Kimmel, acknowledging the continued fallout from the Democratic nominee's use of a private email server, suggested that Clinton maybe consider "FaceTime" as an alternative to email.

"I think that's actually really good advice," she said with a smile. The grandmother of two often talks about how much she loves using the technology while on the road and said she would be "distraught" without it.

Monday marked Clinton's third appearance on the show this cycle.

Read the original post:

On Jimmy Kimmel, Hillary Clinton Jokes About Health Rumors ...

Dr. Drew turns whistleblower on Hillary Clinton’s failing …

(NaturalNews) Board-certified internist, addiction medicine specialist and TV personality, Dr. Drew Pinsky, recently made headlines after commenting on the declining health of Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, and the inadequate medical care she appears to be receiving.

After being asked to appear on a radio show in California to "debunk questions" about the candidate's health, Pinsky surprised listeners by saying he is "gravely concerned" about Clinton's physical well-being.

The doctor, known for his role as an addiction therapist on VH1's Celebrity Rehab, said that after reviewing Clinton's public health records, he grew concerned about the type of medical care she is receiving, describing it as antiquated, particularly for an elitist with strong political influence.

"Both of us concluded that if we were providing the care she was receiving, we would be ashamed to show up in a doctors' lounge. We would be laughed out. She's receiving sort of 1950s-level care by our evaluation," Pinsky stated on KABC's McIntyre in the Morning show.

"Pinsky said Clinton has received unconventional treatments over the years, calling the medical decisions 'bizarre' and speculating that it could be causing uncommon side effects," Fox News is reporting.

Certain of Clinton's health records that have been made public reveal that she had two episodes of deep venus thrombosis, a blood clot usually occurring in the legs, as well as that she has been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, a condition common in women over the age of 60.

The records show that Clinton was treated for the blood clots with an anticoagulant that's rarely used anymore, said Pinsky, adding that a woman of her caliber should have been prescribed a newer drug.

"So the very medicine doctors are using may be causing this problem and they're using an old fashioned medicine to treat it what is going on with her health care? Maybe they have reasons, but at a distance, it looks bizarre," noted Pinsky.

So far, the Clinton campaign has dismissed theories that the presidential candidate is in poor health, calling them nothing more than "right-wing conspiracies." However, recent footage of Clinton requiring the help of three men to assist her up a small set of stairs suggest otherwise.

The conservative news publication reported in January that Clinton had suddenly disappeared from the debate stage, leaving some to speculate whether the presidential candidate had simply been on a bathroom break.

However, "a law-enforcement source with inside connections is alleging that Clinton was missing from the stage due to health issues stemming from a previous brain injury.

"These long-lasting symptoms stemming from a concussion and blood clot, according to a neurologist, suggest Clinton is suffering from post-concussion syndrome, which can severely impact her cognitive abilities," Breitbart reported.

Still, the Clinton campaign insists the candidate is in good health, and perfectly fit to serve as president of the United States.


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