Archive for the ‘Hillary Clinton’ Category

Hillary Clinton Email Scandal Fun Game (FULL 14min. PLAY-THRU) – Video

Hillary Clinton Email Scandal Fun Game (FULL 14min. PLAY-THRU)
A game I drew and programmed, and played through, with a decent high score. This game footage does not exist anywhere else.

By: Lokk #39;s Games

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Hillary Clinton Email Scandal Fun Game (FULL 14min. PLAY-THRU) - Video

Hillary Clinton E-Mail Scandal Getting Worse Amid New Details – Video

Hillary Clinton E-Mail Scandal Getting Worse Amid New Details
New allegations state that Hillary did not just delete tens of thousands of e-mails, she also wiped the servers clean. ABC News

By: yazchat

Here is the original post:
Hillary Clinton E-Mail Scandal Getting Worse Amid New Details - Video

Did Hillary Clinton destroy evidence in 'wiping clean' her email server? (+video)

Behind the saga of Hillary Rodham Clintons personal email account and the messages said to no longer exist is the implication that she has something to hide.

None of her critics at least those among congressional Republicans pushing her to reveal more have come right out and said she purposely destroyed politically-damaging evidence that could hamper any plans to run for president next year.

But thats the impression left among her political rivals, an impression that can be said to be of her own creating.

Friday was the deadline for Mrs. Clinton to respond to a congressional subpoena for emails and documents related to Libya, including the 2012 attack on a US diplomatic compound in Benghazi that killed the US ambassador and three other American personnel.

The subpoena was from the House Select Committee on Benghazi, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R) of South Carolina. Rep. Gowdys statement Friday is worth reading in its entirety:

After seeking and receiving a two week extension from the Committee, Secretary Clinton failed to provide a single new document to the subpoena issued by the Committee and refused to provide her private server to the Inspector General for the State Department or any other independent arbiter for analysis.

We learned today, from her attorney, Secretary Clinton unilaterally decided to wipe her server clean and permanently delete all emails from her personal server. While it is not clear precisely when Secretary Clinton decided to permanently delete all emails from her server, it appears she made the decision after October 28, 2014, when the Department of State for the first time asked the Secretary to return her public record to the Department.

Not only was the Secretary the sole arbiter of what was a public record, she also summarily decided to delete all emails from her server ensuring no one could check behind her analysis in the public interest.

In light of the Secretarys unprecedented email arrangement with herself and her decision nearly two years after she left office to permanently delete all emails and because the equities at stake involve not only those of the Select Committee and Congress more broadly, but also those of the American people and their right to the full record of her tenure as secretary of State, we will work with the leadership of the House of Representatives as the Committee considers next steps. But it is clear Congress will need to speak with the former Secretary about her email arrangement and the decision to permanently delete those emails.

If Benghazi seems a long way off to most Americans, its very much at the center of Clintons time as secretary of state and therefore at the center of her record as a potential presidential candidate. Thus do Benghazi and the long-gone emails come together, whether or not those emails would have revealed anything startling.

See the article here:
Did Hillary Clinton destroy evidence in 'wiping clean' her email server? (+video)

Ex-governor challenges Hillary Clinton

"Let's be honest here," O'Malley said. "The presidency of the United States is not some crown to be passed between two families."

READ: Can this Democrat really beat Hillary Clinton?

The Democrat's comments, in an appearance on ABC's "This Week," are another signal that he's likely to challenge Clinton in the 2016 Democratic presidential primary.

He's focusing in recent weeks on issues like income inequality and wage stagnation -- which liberal darling Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren has made her signature, but that haven't found a champion in the presidential race.

O'Malley said he won't decide until this spring whether he'll seek the Democratic nomination. But his shots at Clinton have been the most direct of any of the party's likely challengers -- with Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders seeking to avoid the topic of Clinton at all costs.

Recalling the 2008 primary, when then-upstart Sen. Barack Obama challenged an inevitable-looking Clinton and won, O'Malley hinted he thinks Clinton could be defeated.

"History is full of times when the inevitable frontrunner is inevitable right up until he or she is no longer inevitable," O'Malley said.

The pro-Clinton group Correct the Record hit back at O'Malley on Sunday afternoon, saying voters have seen Clinton "work her entire life" to earn her status as the Democratic front-runner.

"Hillary Clinton has earned the trust and the respect of Americans because they have seen Hillary work her entire life to ensure, through improving education, health care, fair pay and fighting every day for working and middle class Americans, that all of us have the opportunity to succeed," said the group's spokeswoman, Adrienne Watson.

Originally posted here:
Ex-governor challenges Hillary Clinton

Rewarding failure: Democrats eagerness to back Hillary

An abscess of anger seems to gnaw at Hillary Clinton, but the reasons for her resentments remain unclear. The worlds oldest party, which governed the nation during two world wars and is the primary architect of Americas regulatory and redistributive state, is eager to give her its presidential nomination, in recognition of ... what?

The party, adrift in identity politics, clings, as shipwrecked sailors do to floating debris, to this odd feminist heroine. Wafted into the upper reaches of American politics by stolid participation in her eventful marriage to a serial philanderer, her performance in governance has been defined by three failures.

Her husband, having assured the 1992 electorate that voting for him meant getting two for the price of one, entrusted to her the project that he, in a harbinger of the next Democratic presidents mistake, made his immediate priority health-care reform. Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan urged him to begin with welfare reform, just as wise Democrats wanted President Obama to devote 2009 to economic recovery rather than health care, perhaps sparing the nation six years and counting of economic sluggishness.

Hillary Clinton enveloped her health-care deliberations in secrecy, assembling behind closed doors battalions of the best and the brightest think of many Jonathan Grubers weaving complexities for the good of, but beyond the comprehension of, the public. When their handiwork was unveiled, it was so baroque that neither house of a Congress controlled by her party would even vote on it. This was one reason that in 1994 Democrats lost control of the House of Representatives for the first time in 40 years a harbinger of 2010, when ObamaCare helped end Nancy Pelosis tenure as the first female speaker.

Clintons Senate interlude was an uneventful prelude to her 2008 presidential quest, which earned her, as a consolation prize, the State Department. There her tenure was defined by the reset with Russia and by regime-change-by-bombers in Libya.

Russia has responded by violently dismembering a European nation. Libya was the object of humanitarian intervention, an echo of Bill Clintons engagement in the Balkans that appealed to progressives because it was connected only tenuously, if at all, to the US national interest. Today, Libya is a humanitarian calamity, a failed state convulsed by civil war and exporting jihadists.

These episodes supposedly recommend a re-immersion in Clintonism, a phenomenon that in 2001 moved The Washington Post to say, more in anger than in sorrow, that the Clintons defining characteristic is that they have no capacity for embarrassment. This judgment was rendered as two episodes were demonstrating that the Clintons in power were defined by their manner of leaving it.

Bill Clinton punctuated his presidency by pardoning the late Marc Rich, a fugitive who 17 years earlier had been indicted for tax evasion, fraud and racketeering. He also traded with Libya and South Africa in contravention of embargos, and traded with Iran during the hostage crisis. Richs former wife reportedly contributed more than $1 million to assorted Democratic causes, $450,000 for Clintons presidential library and $10,000 to the legal-defense fund necessitated by Clintons glandular life that led to the Supreme Court effectively disbarring him from practicing before it.

A year before the Clintons decamped from Washington to begin planning their return to it, they began trucking away from the White House $190,000 worth of furnishings. Perhaps exigencies dictated this; the couple was, Hillary Clinton says, dead broke. The furnishings became, as things often do with the Clintons, another occasion for an it depends on what the meaning of the word is is tiptoe along the ledge of illegality.

The White House chief usher thought many of the items were government property donated in 1993 to a redecoration project. Several donors of items said they were told this. Although the Clintons said that all the removed furnishings were personal gifts, they returned $28,000 worth of them.

More here:
Rewarding failure: Democrats eagerness to back Hillary