Hillary Clinton, who is smarter than most of us, myself included, surely knows that her partys activist base is closing ranks against her. This is the likely explanation for her recent ludicrous statement reported at Breitbart: Dont let anybody tell you its corporations and businesses create jobs. She is taking evasive action.
Elite political commentators continually assure us that Hillary Rodham Clinton is indomitable. The Democratic nomination, should she choose to run, is hers. This, of course, is somewhere between borderline delusional and, as they say in Silicon Valley of products prematurely announced, vaporware.
Karl Marx wasnt wrong about everything. One thing Marx nailed was that history repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce. The elites belief in the indomitable Madam Clinton is entering the realm of farce. Whats really going on?
Hillary Rodham Clinton, January 2007 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
In October 2008, I wrote in the Washington Examiner about how Seven Web Samurai Transformed Obama from Novelty to Nominee:
Seven Web samurai transformed Obama from novelty to nominee, setting the stage to deny the indomitable Hillary Clinton her partys nomination.
Obamas candidacy was initially seen as completely implausible. Clinton had the party establishment, many loyalists among powerful elected officials, the Name, a brilliant campaign team, a near monopoly on big donors and fire in the belly assets that forestalled potential rivals and quickly stalled out challengers, many formidable in their own right.
Except for one. The splendid eloquence and charisma of Clintons most exotic and improbable challenger alone do not provide an adequate explanation of his rise, considering how far left Obama is to his own partys center, much less Americas.
What the heck happened?
Although all the dots are not fully connected, the record shows that the Obama phenomenon was not a fluke. The likely suspects are MoveOns Wes Boyd and Eli Pariser, [and] Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes.
Read more:
Hillary Clinton, Running Scared