Archive for the ‘Hillary Clinton’ Category

Ep 10: Hillary Clinton Fails Logic 101 – Video

Ep 10: Hillary Clinton Fails Logic 101
The Peter Schiff Show Podcast - Episode 10 AMERICA #39;S TAX-FREE ZONE: SIGN UP FOR MY FREE NEWSLETTER: ...

By: Peter Schiff

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Ep 10: Hillary Clinton Fails Logic 101 - Video

Hillary Clinton: Not answering questions should be 'disqualifying'

By Dan Merica, CNN

updated 4:24 PM EDT, Wed October 29, 2014


Cedar Rapids, Iowa (CNN) -- Hillary Clinton swiped Republican Senate hopeful Joni Ernst on Wednesday for canceling a meeting with the Des Moines Register Editorial Board last week, telling a labor audience that not answering "tough questions" is "disqualifying" in the state.

"I have concluded that Iowans take politics really seriously," Clinton said. "You test your candidates, you actually force them to be the best they can be and they have to be willing to answer the tough questions."

Democrat Bruce Braley "has been willing to do and his opponent has not," she said.

"It truly seems like it should be in disqualifying in Iowa of all states to avoid answering questions," Clinton added to a sustained round of applause.

Of course, the comment could extend beyond the Iowa Senate campaign. Clinton has acknowledged she is thinking about running for president and many in Iowa think she will decide to run. Should she do so, she will be asked a number of difficult questions from Iowa voters and journalists.

Clinton also knocked Ernst - a female candidate - as someone who didn't stand with women because her stances on reproductive rights.

"It is not enough to be a woman," Clinton, the prohibitive favorite for her party's nomination in 2016, said of Ernst, "You have to be committed to expanding rights and opportunities for all women."

Originally posted here:
Hillary Clinton: Not answering questions should be 'disqualifying'

Rand Paul hits Hillary Clinton on jobs remarks

U.S. Senator Rand Paul, R-Kentucky, speaks to students at the College of Charleston during a town hall meeting on September 30, 2014 in Charleston, South Carolina. Richard Ellis, Getty Images

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kentucky may not be ready to announce his own presidential aspirations just yet, but he's already taking aim at a likely Democratic contender, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

He told the crowd at an event for Kansas Republicans, "Hillary Clinton comes up and she says, 'Businesses don't create jobs.'"

"Anybody here think businesses don't create jobs?" he said, according to Buzzfeed, as he referenced one of Clinton's comments from the campaign trail earlier last week.

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Sen. Elizabeth Warren and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had nothing but kind words for each other at a rally for Massachusetts Democr...

Clinton came under fire last week after telling a crowd, "Don't let anybody tell you that it's corporations and businesses that create jobs. You know that old theory, trickle-down economics. That has been tried, that has failed. It has failed rather spectacularly." She was campaigning for Massachusetts Democratic gubernatorial nominee Martha Coakley.

Paul turned Clinton's line on its head, telling the crowd, "I'm here today to endorse Pat Roberts and Sam Brownback, because you know what? They know that businesses do create jobs, and I hope you know that too."

Both Roberts, Kansas' senator, Brownback, the governor, are fighting to hang onto their jobs during the 2014 midterm elections. The latest CBS News/New York Times Battleground Tracker has Roberts leading independent businessman Greg Orman, 42 percent to 38 percent, and Brownback leading Democratic State Rep. Paul Davis, 43 percent to 40 percent.

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Rand Paul hits Hillary Clinton on jobs remarks

Hillary Clinton speaks at Michaud rally – Video

Hillary Clinton speaks at Michaud rally
Hillary Clinton spoke to a crowd of about 1400 people at Scarborough High School Friday at a campaign rally for Democratic candidate for governor Mike Michaud.

By: Portland Press Herald

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Hillary Clinton speaks at Michaud rally - Video

Hillary Clinton Dont Let Anybody Tell You that it’s Corporations and Businesses that Create Jobs – Video

Hillary Clinton Dont Let Anybody Tell You that it #39;s Corporations and Businesses that Create Jobs
It wasn #39;t that long ago didn #39;t Burger King move to Canada to get away from nutty chic #39;s like this? And it was that great mathematician Bill Clinton that sent jobs to China in exchange for campaign...

By: ShockDoctrin

See the article here:
Hillary Clinton Dont Let Anybody Tell You that it's Corporations and Businesses that Create Jobs - Video