Archive for the ‘Hillary Clinton’ Category

Jennifer Rubin — columnist and author of the "Right Turn" blog for the Washington Post – Video

Jennifer Rubin -- columnist and author of the "Right Turn" blog for the Washington Post
joins Steve to discuss her recent columns on the Hillary Clinton "attacks," Jill Abramson #39;s departure, and how the GOP needs to handle the Benghazi Select Committee.

By: NewsmaxTV

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Jennifer Rubin -- columnist and author of the "Right Turn" blog for the Washington Post - Video

Monica Lewinsky Conspiracy Claim Complimented Hillary Clinton? – Video

Monica Lewinsky Conspiracy Claim Complimented Hillary Clinton?
Lynne Cheney was pretty silly to claim Hillary Clinton conspired to get a Monica Lewinsky article in a recent issue of Vanity Fair, but Lynne Cheney #39;s defense of her conspiracy claim was even...

By: LiberalViewer

Monica Lewinsky Conspiracy Claim Complimented Hillary Clinton? - Video

Ed Rendell Calls Joe Biden a ‘Pinch Hitter’ in 2016 – Video

Ed Rendell Calls Joe Biden a #39;Pinch Hitter #39; in 2016
Former Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell (D) told MSNBC #39;s Alex Wagner the Democrats have a deep "bench" if Hillary Clinton decides not to run for president Monday on NOW. "We have a very powerful...


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Ed Rendell Calls Joe Biden a 'Pinch Hitter' in 2016 - Video

Hillary Clinton's not a candidate, yet the talk about her doesn't stop

If Karl Rove wanted to jump start the conversation on a potential Hillary Clinton presidential candidacy, floating the idea that she might have suffered a traumatic brain injury in late 2012 was a good way to do it.

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New York Times Jackie Calmes, Wall Street Journals Gerry Seib, The Nations Katrina Vanden Huevel, and CBS News Political Director John Dickers...

Former President Bill Clinton brushed off that idea at forum last week, and even mocked Rove for the suggestion: "First they said she faked her concussion and now they say she's auditioning for a part on 'The Walking Dead,'" he said.

Although the former president testified to his wife's robust health, Rove, former President George W. Bush's political strategist, successfully got the political world talking about Hillary Clinton's age this week. That, he indicated, was the plan all along.

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Former President Bill Clinton is defending his wife, Hillary Clinton, against Karl Rove questioning her health. CBS News political director John ...

For some, this was a legitimate criticism.

Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus observed on NBC's "Meet the Press" that there's no "graceful way to bring up age, health and fitness for a candidate that wants to be president of the United States." But in his opinion, the issues that should make Clinton rethink a presidential bid is "another month like she just had" where her tenure as Secretary of State was called into question repeatedly over issues like the ongoing investigation into the 2012 attacks in Benghazi and the kidnapping of Nigerian school girls by the extremist group Boko Haram.

That was the point made by former Vice President Dick Cheney, who said that any candidate is going to have to be open about their health. But, like Priebus, he suggested Benghazi might be a bigger issue for a Clinton presidential bid.

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Hillary Clinton's not a candidate, yet the talk about her doesn't stop

Iowa Democrats see Hillary Clinton through new lens

By Dan Balz and Philip Rucker, Washington Post

CEDAR RAPIDS Eleven Iowa Democratic activists had been talking about the state of the country, the politics of 2016 and a prospective presidential campaign by Hillary Rodham Clinton one recent night when they were asked two questions.

The first was who they would invite to a dinner party if they could pick from among four prominent Democrats. Six picked President Barack Obama. Two each named Vice President Joe Biden and former president Bill Clinton. Just one said they would invite Hillary Clinton.

Next they were asked who among that same group they would call first if they faced a family emergency. The response was overwhelming. Seven of the 11 said they would want Hillary Clinton at their side.

The responses crystallized nearly two hours of conversation and captured the range of Democratic sentiment about the politician whose possible candidacy is eagerly anticipated by those in her party. But a separate conversation with a smaller group of Republican activists highlighted the degree to which she remains a polarizing figure.

No state frustrated Clinton more during her 2008 campaign than Iowa, which launched Obama, then an Illinois senator, and dealt her a demoralizing setback with her third-place finish in the nations first caucuses.

Today, Iowa activists see her through a new lens. Democrats, including those who backed Obama in 2008, offer strong encouragement.

When Clinton ran the first time, Kay Hale, 62, a school bus driver, worried that Clinton cannot bring the country together and backed then-Sen. Christopher J. Dodd (Conn.) for president. Now she says of Clinton, I think were ready for her now. ... I think shes proved herself. Shes earned it.

At the same time, these Democratic activists offered cautionary warnings, saying Clinton must run a different kind of campaign and show a warmer side of her personality if she hopes to be successful.

I think shes going to have trouble with the middle class, said Charles Crawley, 60, a technical writer. She went to Wellesley College, Yale Law School, and from that point on shes been in the upper class. She may have middle-class parents, but that was a long time ago.

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Iowa Democrats see Hillary Clinton through new lens