Archive for the ‘Hillary Clinton’ Category

Karl Rove vs. Hillary Clinton: Whisper campaign explodes on Internet

Judged strictly as strategy, and not, say, for its morality, Karl Roves blast at Hillary Clinton on Tuesday demonstrated how the game of political trickery manifests itself in the Internet age. Allegation reported, allegation denied, outrage from the victimized party, all bouncing across the Web, the initial accusation repeated each and every time -- a whisper campaign given full baying voice.

The Republican strategist's questioning of Clintons health was a joint assault on the minds of voters and the heart of the would-be White House contender, and it probably worked, at least minimally, by injecting into the conversation something no one had been talking about, and spreading a negative assertion without any proof.

The New York Post reported Monday night that Rove, in remarks to an assembled crowd last week, had repeatedly suggested that Clinton had suffered from a traumatic brain injury when she fell and suffered a concussion and blood clot in late 2012.

Or, as the Post headline succinctly put it: Karl Rove: Hillary may have brain damage.

We need to know whats up with that, Rove, who gained fame with the election of his client George W. Bush, was said to have told his audience. Rove based his diagnosis on special glasses Clinton wore after her concussion to lessen double vision fallout of the concussion itself and one that was disclosed by Clinton. (He also told them Clinton had been hospitalized for 30 days, which was not true.)

By Tuesday morning, as Clinton aides pointed at her marathon schedule to insist she was operating at full strength, Rove was cleaning up around the edges. He said that he had never used the words brain damage, yet he reasserted the bulk of his claim.

"This was a serious deal. She basically was out of action," Rove told Fox News, which beneath a picture of Clinton ran the headline Health a 2016 hurdle?

"She spends over a month fighting this, Rove said. And they're not particularly forthcoming."

Barring the release of audio, it is impossible to determine whether Rove uttered the words brain damage, but its also beside the point. The point was that through his words prospective 2016 voters were reminded of Clintons 2012 health issues and, by extension, a host of loosely related things, including her age (69 were she to be elected in November 2016) and her familys past resistance to transparancy.

And Clinton was reminded that, if she runs, her opponents will be merciless and not always bound by reality.

Excerpt from:
Karl Rove vs. Hillary Clinton: Whisper campaign explodes on Internet

Hillary Clinton drawn back into political fray by health remarks

Hillary Clinton wearing glasses after a fall in January, 2013. Photo: AFP

Washington: Hillary Clinton has tried to steer clear of partisan fights while considering a second bid for the Oval Office.

Karl Rove just changed that. The mastermind behind George W. Bush's two presidential victories drew Clinton back into hand-to-hand political combat by raising a question about her health.

''Thirty days in the hospital? And when she reappears, she's wearing glasses that are only for people who have traumatic brain injury?'' Rove said, referring to Clinton's 2012 fall, concussion and subsequent diagnosis of a blood clot, according to a New York Post report. ''We need to know what's up with that.''

Clinton's camp didn't hesitate to fire back. ''Karl Rove has deceived the country for years, but there are no words for this level of lying,'' Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill, a former State Department official, said in a statement. ''She is 100 per cent,'' Merrill added. ''Period.''


Since Clinton resigned from the State Department in February 2013, her aides have declined to respond to most Republican attacks, preferring not to engage in campaign-style rapid response for a boss who insists she hasn't made up her mind about whether to run.

Two prospective presidential Republican rivals have taken shots at her. Florida Senator Marco Rubio gave her an ''F'' as secretary of state. Kentucky Senator Rand Paul raised the spectre of Monica Lewinsky. And just this week, Rush Limbaugh said she didn't designate Boko Haram, the group that kidnapped more than 200 Nigerian schoolgirls, as a terrorist organisation because many of the group's members are black. None of it was enough to get a real rise out of Clinton.

The difference between Rove's comments and the others, said one Democratic strategist who does not work for Clinton, is that health problems could disqualify a presidential candidate in the minds of voters.

For that reason, Clinton had to respond quickly and forcefully about her health, said the strategist, who asked not to be identified talking about a potential political vulnerability of a possible Democratic presidential candidate.

Hillary Clinton drawn back into political fray by health remarks

How many pro-Clinton super PACs is too many?


Washington (CNN) -- A group of pro-Hillary Clinton super PACs had it all figured out a few months ago: One would handle the email list, another the rapid response and another would spearhead the big-dollar fundraising. Strategists touted their cohesion and efficiency, two attributes they admitted were not usually applied to Democratic groups.

But the excitement they created around a possible presidential bid had a somewhat unintended byproduct when a few eager and ambitious young politicos with no connection to Clinton or her aides realized that they, too, could get in on the early organizing game by starting their own super PACs.

So that's what they did.

And while these organizers feel they are just adding their voice to the chorus of pro-Clinton groups, representatives from those PACs with longstanding ties to the former first lady and secretary of state see the new entries as an uncontrollable variable.

Inside Politics: Rubio gives Clinton an 'F' as secretary of state

And these organizers feel that could siphon attention from other efforts to get Clinton to run.

Right now, there are at least eight pro-Clinton super PACs registered with the Federal Election Commission.

The highest-profile groups -- Ready for Hillary, American Bridge and Correct the Record -- have deep connections to the Clintons and are staffed by longtime confidants who regularly attend Clinton events and receptions.

But then there are the unaffiliated groups -- Hillary 2016, Hillary Clinton Super PAC, Hillary FTW, Hillary PAC, Madam Hillary 2016 and more.

Original post:
How many pro-Clinton super PACs is too many?

Milbank: Birth of a scandal blaming Hillary Clinton for Nigerian kidnappings

Dana Milbank

Dana Milbank writes a regular column on politics.


On Fox News last week, Elisabeth Hasselbeck attributed the attack to Clintons failure to put the group on a list of foreign terrorist organizations when she was secretary of state. That perhaps could have saved these girls earlier, Hasselbeck declared.

Rush Limbaugh, on his radio show, suggested that Clinton didnt designate the group as terrorist because its members are black.

Foxs Megyn Kelly floated the idea that Clinton didnt put the group on the list because doing so would have angered them, and a guest on her show said Clinton gave Boko Haram a green light.

House intelligence committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) and others argued that the Twitter campaign raising awareness of the kidnappings, #BringBackOurGirls, was evidence of the toothless foreign policy favored by Clinton and President Obama. Clinton, who along with first lady Michelle Obama participated in the campaign, was derided for trying to fight Boko Haram with hashtags.

Former congressman Allen West, always a step ahead, asserted that focus on the kidnapping is a wag the dog conspiracy by the Obama administration to distract attention from the Benghazi, Libya, investigation (of which Clinton is also a target).

Former House speaker Newt Gingrich called for congressional hearings which would also provide the opportunity to explore whether Clinton suffered a brain injury, as Karl Rove has alleged, and whether she orchestrated the Monica Lewinsky article in Vanity Fair, as Lynne Cheney suggested.

The nascent effort to pin blame for Boko Haram on Clinton is still far from a full-blown Benghazi conspiracy theory. But its worth examining, because it shows how a scandal is born.

See more here:
Milbank: Birth of a scandal blaming Hillary Clinton for Nigerian kidnappings

Hillary Clinton On the Global Progress of Women (Hoping She’ll Buy The 2016 Race) Remember Bengazhi – Video

Hillary Clinton On the Global Progress of Women (Hoping She #39;ll Buy The 2016 Race) Remember Bengazhi
Stand Up...America Keep Our Dollars At Home! Vote For America Not Germany Or Angela Merkel Two Women Libbers Joined Together In Conspiracy! No Wonder Hillary...

By: LoneWolf Sager

Original post:
Hillary Clinton On the Global Progress of Women (Hoping She'll Buy The 2016 Race) Remember Bengazhi - Video