Archive for the ‘Illegal Immigration’ Category

Illegal Immigration in California | US Immigration News

In California, illegal immigration is a serious issue. Since California has a large coastline and shares a border with Mexico, for illegals California presents an easy point of access into the United States. Although Californias borders and sea ports receive quite a lot of security support, the sheer size of the states borders make it possible for illegal immigration to occur.

There are many reasons why illegal immigration in California is considered a serious issue. While California welcomes immigration, illegal immigration poses a serious threat. Illegal immigrants are not carefully vetted the way that legal immigrants are for potential diseases, criminal records, and other issues which may pose a threat to California residents. Since illegals enter California without speaking to authorities, they sometimes enter with criminal records, criminal intent, and illnesses which can be passed on to residents. As well, some people who speak out against illegal immigration in California note that illegal immigrants entering California often need to commit illegal acts such as working illegally in order to stay within the country.

Illegal immigrants also place a financial burden upon the state. According to some reports, there were more than 2.9 million illegal immigrants in California in 2009. Legal immigrants and residents of California pay taxes in order to support social programs which they use. However, illegal immigrants do use the public school system, emergency rooms, and other public services without paying taxes. According to the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), illegal immigration costs of California more than $10 billion annually. In addition, many experts on immigration point out that illegal immigrants may remove jobs and lower working conditions for legal residents and legal workers within the state and across the country.

Those who argue for illegal immigrant reform and amnesty sometimes point out that illegal immigrants actually often perform jobs that legal immigrants and residents do not wish to perform. Undocumented workers take on hard and low-paying jobs, such as picking fruit, and cleaning jobs which are difficult to fill at low wages with documented workers. Some experts argue that offering amnesty to some or all illegal immigrants in California would help safeguard California wages and would help protect both undocumented workers and residents of the state. Both sides of the California immigration debate have tried to come up with solutions to illegal immigration California issues but so far no catch-all solution exists. For illegals, California is still a plausible place to enter the country and for legal residents of the state illegal immigration continues to be a difficult and expensive problem.


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Illegal Immigration in California | US Immigration News

Illegal Immigration Is A Powder Keg In LA –

My oldest daughter lives in Los Angeles, a short walk from MacArthur Park. Shes not political. Not that politics is bad, but the practicalities of surviving in a tough city requires her to be no-nonsense about whats important to her success.

Im convinced she knows nothing about Beto, Bernie, Biden, Booker or Buttigieg. But living at ground zero of one of the most sanctimonious of sanctuary cities, she knows more about the perils of illegal immigration than all of them combined. Politics was dumped at her doorstep and, like many, shes cracking under the weight.

Her message? The situation in LA is unbearable.

Far outside the political incubators of Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, Eric Swalwell, Adam Schiff and Maxine Waters all of them California lawmakers my daughter bears the brunt of the raw political debris created by deeply devious politicians who excrete pious lies about how much they care about minorities.

In utter frustration, my daughter texted me a video that she filmed near her apartment. I was shocked at what I saw: Cluster after cluster of illegals lined along public streets selling anything they could find, spread over raggedy blankets or anything else they could use to form a boundary for their slipshod sidewalk stores.

They are above the law, she wrote. How can you sell so much food on the street without a permit? Without the grading system? I didnt know you could have a business and not pay taxes. They're spreading, too. It used to be just several blocks but if you turn the corner, theyre further down than ever before. Both sides of the street. There are so many of them. This! Is! Their! Country!!! Lol.

My daughters video was strikingly similar to one shot by LA resident Shirley Husar, CEO of Urban Game Changer, near LAs MacArthur Park last year. The park, renamed after Gen. Douglas MacArthur in the 1940s, was where Jimmy Webb composed the song MacArthur Park that Richard Harris recorded in 1968.

MacArthur Park is melting in the dark, Harris sang. Today, its melting in the light as it has become quasi-home to an influx of illegals who live and sleep there.

Husars video showed a woman using a shopping cart wrapped in aluminum foil to cook food. A man sold heaps of crawdads stuffed inside a baby carriage. No ice. No refrigeration. Another man sold piles of chili peppers sprawled on the bare sidewalk under a rickety table. Others sold bootleg CDs, phone chargers, hats and stuffed animals.

I really believe that they skim from the stores that they work in, and then they bring them down here, Husar said. This is a public sidewalk. This happens every weekend. I call this an underground economic operational system where they pay cash, they dont pay taxes, they dont pay for the space on the ground, they dont pay sanitation [fees] or licensing.

She asked eight policemen chatting across the street how they could stand by while laws were being broken.

The mayor says its legal, one policeman said. That mayor is Eric Garcetti, a visceral Trump-hater who vowed to keep defending his sanctuary policy after the president said that defying federal law would cost these cities federal funding.

Slashing funds for first-responders, for our port and airport, for counterterrorism, crime-fighting and community-building serves no one, Garcetti said. Not this city, not the federal government, not the American people.


That kind of Trojan Horse rhetoric falls on deaf ears for the people who are stuck in the Twilight Zone of illegal immigration. They have no political connections. They have no voice. Theyre unsophisticated in the twisted political language that defies the realities on the ground. They are placated, marginalized and ignored, and theyre growing angrier as they realize that no one speaks for them.

No one except Trump.

One black man wearing a MAGA cap and a red Trump-Pence T-Shirt told county leaders that hes ready to take the law into his own hands.

Make California Great Again! he said in a County of Los Angeles Board of Supervisors meeting about SB 54, Californias sanctuary state bill. We gonna handle this! If you guys dont, I will! And if Mr. Trump would have lost, I would have organized some brothers, and we [would] put all your asses under citizens arrest (pointing to a group of pro-illegal immigrant protesters).

At a different meeting about the bill, long-time activist Lupe Moreno offered deeply emotional comments about the murder victims of illegal immigrants.

Our beautiful children have been sacrificed at the altars of elected officials and non-profits; as we could see how many non-profits are making money off of our dead children ... We want you to stop this now! Now! I have it on good authority that our side wins because you have weeping mothers, not only in California, but throughout the United States. Stop trying to blur the difference between legal and illegal. Theres a big difference! Were Americans!

Ted Hayes, an articulate Civil Rights homeless activist in Los Angeles has been speaking out for years against the perils of illegal immigration, especially on black people.

I dont blame the people, he said. I blame the politicians for failing to protect us.

Unlike Hayes, I do blame illegals for knowingly breaking laws to pursue a better life at the expense of others. Politicians hand them the keys to someones house against the owners will, and illegals gladly rush in to help themselves while police sit back and do nothing. Politicians have fortified the plight of illegals with police power.

Like my daughter, LA residents who once recoiled at the noise of todays politics are finding themselves at city halls, watching political programs and chiming in on social media because, for them, this issue is dire and getting worse. And growing numbers of these minorities are MAGA-hat-wearing Trumpsters.

Partly to spite Trump, California politicians have forced illegal immigration down the throats of their most vulnerable citizens. And while they clippity-clop around the country promising to bring La-La Land to the entire nation, theyre telling their most powerless citizens to shut up and get over it while they make them second-class citizens at the taxpayer's expense.

From a safe distance, California politicians are playing with matches on top of a political powder keg. Chatting with my daughter from ground zero, you get the feeling that it wouldnt take much for things to explode, not only in LA but across the nation.

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Illegal Immigration Is A Powder Keg In LA -

What’s Wrong With Illegal Immigration? | Federation for …

March 2005

By draining public funds, creating unfair competition for jobs with Americas least prepared workers and thereby lowering wages and working conditions, and by imposing unwanted strains on services designed to provide assistance to Americans, illegal immigration causes harm to Americans and legal residents.

FAIR estimates there are between 10-12 million illegal aliens residing in the country in 2005. According to the Census Bureau, there were an estimated 8.7 million illegal aliens living in the United States in 2000. According to the Migration Policy Institute, roughly 500,000 illegal aliens are added to that population every year. The immigration authorities also estimate that there are over one million temporary illegal aliens, such as seasonal workers, here at any given time. The population of illegal aliens would be higher, but in 1986 our government gave amnesty to nearly three million illegal aliens, allowing them to become legal members of our society, and we have allowed additional millions to gain amnesty through other loopholes.

There is a list of several million eligible people waiting to be legally admitted as immigrants to our country; some of them have been on that list for many years waiting for one of the numerically limited visas to become available. Illegal immigration makes a mockery of those people's adherence to the rules and of our country's sovereignty.

According to a study in 1996 of the costs of illegal immigration by Rice Univ. economist, Dr. Donald Huddle, illegal aliens were displacing roughly 730,000 American workers every year, at a cost of about $4.3 billion a year, and the supply of cheap labor depresses the wages and working conditions of the working poor. The approximate doubling of the illegal alien population since the time of that estimate means that the number of jobs lost to American workers and the costs of displacement would also likely have more than doubled.

The costs of illegal immigration to the taxpayer are numerous, but the largest costs are the educationof their children, emergency medical care and incarceration for those arrested for crimes. Despite being ineligible, some illegal aliens also get welfare the same way they get jobs: with identity documents falsely identifying them as U.S. citizens. In addition, if they have U.S.-born children, they may collect welfare assistance in the name of those children. The annual net cost of illegal immigrants (after subtracting their tax payments) to the American taxpayer is likely to be more than $45 billion. Our study of the net fiscal The Costs of Illegal Immigration to Californians estimated the partial costs at $10.5 billion in that state alone.

Compared to the size of the illegal alien population, the number of annual deportations is shockingly small. Infiscal year2003, only 186,151 aliens were formerly removed.1Many of the deportees are caught by the police after they have committed a crime. In FY03, 39,600 of the deported aliens fell in that category. The federal Bureau of Prisons estimates that nearly three-tenths of its prisoners are aliens.

Although the number of deported illegal aliens is more than triple the average during the 1990s, we are only treading water in a rising tide. The Department of Homeland Security has no plan for identifying and removing the bulk of the illegal alien population, whose number continues to rise. Most illegal aliens remain safe from capture and deportation unless they are arrested for a crime.

Stung by criticism from companies about worksite raids, often accompanied by criticism from elected representatives, the immigration authorities instituted in 1998 an innovation called "the Phoenix Plan." Instead of raiding a company, they informed it on the basis of a review of employment documents that they appeared to have hired illegal alien workers, giving the companies the opportunity to dismiss the workers. When this happened, the workers were free to simply walk away with their counterfeit identity documents to another employer. The interior immigration inspectors have only the resources to focus on a few large violators at a time, so most illegal alien workers and the companies that employ them get off scot-free.

As millions of illegal aliens are allowed to remain here year after year, pressure rises from immigrant advocates to grant them amnesty. But this is the equivalent of pardoning criminals en masse because it is easier than capturing them. It encourages further illegal immigration and, by creating new "legal" immigrants out of old illegal ones, adds dramatically to the backlog of relatives abroad who apply for legal admission. It also adds to the costs to the taxpayer, because when illegal aliens are given legal residence, they become eligible for additional tax-funded services.

Critical to the success of the deterrence of further illegal immigration and reducing the current illegal alien population is single-minded support by our elected leaders for our immigration authorities in their law enforcement efforts.

The Center for Immigration Studies, Don Huddles The Net Costs of Immigration, the INS Statistics Division.

[1] 2003 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics, September 2004, Department of Homeland Security. In addition, another 887,115 persons were offered and accepted voluntary departure in lieu of deportation.

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What Defines Illegal Immigration? – ThoughtCo

Illegal immigration is the act of living in a country without government permission. In most U.S. contexts, illegal immigration refers to the presence of 12 million undocumented Mexican-American immigrants in the United States. Lack of documentation is what makes illegal immigration illegal; Mexican workers, recruited by U.S. corporations since the 1830s, have historically been allowed by the government to cross the border to work indefinitely -- initially on railroads and later on farms -- without interference.

Lawmakers have recently made more of an effort to enforce immigration paperwork requirements, partly as a result of terrorism-related fears stemming from the September 11th attacks, partly because of the emergence of Spanish as a second national language, and partly because of concerns among some voters that the United States is becoming less demographically white.

Efforts to crack down on immigration paperwork violations have made life more difficult for U.S. Latinos, three-quarters of whom are U.S. citizens or legal residents. In a 2007 study, the Pew Hispanic Center conducted a poll among Latinos in which 64 percent of respondents stated that the immigration enforcement debate had made their lives, or the lives of those close to them, more difficult.

Anti-immigration rhetoric has also had an effect on the white supremacist movement. The Ku Klux Klan has reorganized around the issue of immigrationand is subsequently experiencing tremendous growth. According to FBI statistics, hate crimes against Latinos also increased by 35 percent between 2001 and 2006.

At the same time, however, the current state of the law with respect to undocumented immigrants is unacceptable -- both because of the security risk posed by a completely porous borderand because of the marginalization and labor abuses that undocumented immigrants often encounter. Efforts have been made to extend citizenship to undocumented immigrants under certain conditions, but these efforts have so far been blocked by policymakers who favor large-scale deportation.

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What Defines Illegal Immigration? - ThoughtCo

Most illegal immigration isn’t at Mexican border where …

Trump's claims about the southern border also fail to emphasize that the majority of illegal immigration occurs when immigrants overstay their temporary visas. During fiscal 2017, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) found that 701,900 immigrants with visas remained in the U.S. past their expected departure date, more than double the 303,916 immigrants apprehended at the border during that same time frame. A report by the Center for Migration Studies found this pattern to be true for every year since 2007.

One population at the border that has grown in recent years is asylum-seekers. In fiscal 2018, 92,959 people at the southern border requested asylum, up 67 percent from the previous year. Asylum-seekers made up 18 percent of all apprehensions at the border, "a dramatic departure from 2000-2013, when fewer than 1 percent of those encountered by CBP initiated asylum claims," according to a CBP report.

The Trump administration has intentionally limited the number of asylum cases processed at the border each day, a practice known as "metering," in an attempt to dissuade immigrants from coming to the country. However, DHS has acknowledged that the practice "may have led to additional illegal border crossings."

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Most illegal immigration isn't at Mexican border where ...