Archive for the ‘Illegal Immigration’ Category

NC apartment fire suspect was in the country illegally, report says – Fox News

A 20-year-old man accused of torching a North Carolina apartment building that left 130 people homeless last week was in the U.S. illegally, the sheriff's office told theCharlotte Observer.

Jesus Reyes Lopez, who was arrested Thursday in connection with the fire at the Woodscape Apartments, is an illegal immigrant from Mexico and is wanted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the paper reported.

He will likely be deported no matter the outcome of his arson and attempted murder case, according to the paper.

Police say 40 apartments were damaged as a result of the fire Monday, leaving the 130 residents without a place to live.

Sources told a local TV news outlet that Lopez set the fire as an act of revenge against an ex-girlfriend and the fire got out of control, the Observer reported.

The Red Cross was working to find new homes for the displaced residents.

Seven people were hospitalized trying to escape the fire.

Residents reportedpeople dropping children from the third floor of the building because the stairwell was on fire, blocking their escape, Fox 46 Charlotte reported.

Lopez was jailed on a $1 million bail.

Authorities checked his immigration status when he was booked into the jail, the Observer reported.

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NC apartment fire suspect was in the country illegally, report says - Fox News

California farmers bemoan loss of illegal alien workers, robots – Hot Air

So were at least all in agreement that the steep decline in illegal alien border crossings from Mexico since Trump took office is a good thing, right? Dont be silly. There is no argument, debate or policy point put forward by conservatives where you cant find at least some liberals willing to kvetch over it and illegal immigration is no exception. Out in California, farmers growing fruits and vegetables are increasingly upset at the prospect of having to either upgrade to robotic technology or offer higher wages and benefits to get their crops picked. The story begins with a discussion of AgroBot, a contraption in use at Driscolls farms which picks strawberries.(LA Times)

AgroBot is still more John Deere than C-3PO a boxy contraption moving in fits and starts, with its computer-driven sensors, graspers and cutters missing 1 in 3 berries.

Such has been the progress of ag-tech in California, where despite the adoption of drones, iPhone apps and satellite-driven sensors, the hand and knife still harvest the bulk of more than 200 crops.

Heres a refreshing twist to the story which ICE might want to look into. The LA Times has actually found an executive at a company that supplies labor to agricultural interests who is willing to come out on the record and admit that the industry has been knowingly hiring illegal aliens and participating in a scheme involving forged documents. (Emphasis added)

Weve been masking this problem all these years with a system that basically allowed you to accept fraudulent documents as legal, and thats what has been keeping this workforce going, said Steve Scaroni, whose Fresh Harvest company is among the biggest recruiters of farm labor. And now we find out we dont have much of a labor force up here, at least a legal one.

Stated bluntly, there arent enough new immigrants for the states nearly half-million farm labor jobs especially as Mexico creates competing manufacturing jobs in its own cities, Taylor said. He has calculated that the pool of potential immigrants from rural Mexico shrinks every year by about 150,000 people.

Youll notice how the LA Times once again chooses to disingenuously use the phrase, there arent enough new immigrants when what they actually mean is that there arent enough illegal aliens. In a number of columns here over the years I have repeatedly stated that one surefire way to reduce the number of illegal aliens coming to the country would be to divert some resources away from arresting the actual workers and begin prosecuting the CEOs of the major companies who employ or recruit them. As soon as that happened the jobs would dry up overnight and the incentive to cross the border would be vastly diminished.

Now youve got a potential candidate for this bold plan, or at least somebody who probably knows enough to bring down the perpetrators. Steve Scaroni is one of the principals of SFC, the Scaroni Family of Companies. They employ more than 3,000 workers in that region and right on their front page they brag about their participation in the H-2A guest worker program. But it certainly sounds from this interview like Steve is aware that either he or his competitors are accepting fraudulent documents as legal in their organizations. Perhaps ICE would like to have a chat with him.

So what are the farmers to do if the supply of illegal aliens is drying up? The robots theyve developed for picking more fragile crops arent up to speed yet, but they are better than they used to be. Necessity is the mother of invention, and that progress would continue if the demand is there. And as the Times article notes, other competitors are already offering higher wages and even health care and other benefits to attract workers. Believe me if you offer a good enough deal you will find citizens willing to do the work. Combing better compensation packages with improved technology to make the work less onerous would eventually solve the problem in a free labor market. Does that mean that well be paying a bit more for a salad? Maybe. But thats how the market works.

Progress is being made in fighting illegal immigration. The agricultural industry is simply going to need to keep up with the times and adapt.

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California farmers bemoan loss of illegal alien workers, robots - Hot Air

Illegal Immigrant Repeatedly Raped 12-Year-Old Girl, Police Say – The Daily Caller

An illegal immigrant has been arrested in Geneseo, New York for allegedly raping a 12-year-old girl, according to local news reports.

Fernando Alvarado-Perez, a 37-year-old male, allegedly had sex with the girlmultiple times while she was between 12- and 13-years-old, Livingston County News reports.

Alvarado-Perez told officers that he came to the United States illegally about 10 years ago.

The Department of Homeland Security has reportedly issued an immigration detainer on Alvarado-Perez.

He is being charged with, rape, criminal sexual act, and four counts of endangering the welfare of a child, reports.

The Genessee Sun also reports that he had sex with the girl while in front of a baby.

This news comes as Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) under President Donald Trump has increased arrests of illegal immigrants by 43 percent, with ICE arresting 13,914 people in June alone. (RELATED:Texas AG: Trump Has Done More To Stop Illegal Immigration Than Anyone In World History)

Republican Lindsay Graham also recently made headlines for working on a news proposal to keep illegal immigrants in the country, saying that those who dont support DREAMers shouldnt vote for him.

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Illegal Immigrant Repeatedly Raped 12-Year-Old Girl, Police Say - The Daily Caller

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Welcome to our illegal immigration website where you can find information about Illegal immigration and illegal immigrant problems, facts, statistics, news, articles, reports, history, and resources!

Whether you are looking to Report illegal immigration or find more information about the history of illegal immigration, or even Barack Obama and Illegal Immigration, then you have come to the right place. We are building one of the largest collections of facts and statistics about illegal immigration in the world here at []

Illegal immigration and Illegal immigrants are causing great harm to American workers, taxpayers, students, and voters while corrupt politicians from both major parties in Washington DC support this transforming invasion of America. So few Americans are accurately informed about the negative impact illegal immigration and illegal immigrants have on our health care, wage depreciation, and lost American jobs.

Most illegal immigrants engage in document fraud and identity theft which greatly harm Americans.

Take a look at these shocking legal & illegal immigration Statistics and weigh the consequences for Americans carefully.

Please share our site with others and join the conversation about illegal immigration and amnesty. Americans of all races and walks of life working together to support the existing US Illegal Immigration Laws and borders can stop and reverse illegal immigration! Please read more info below...

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Illegal Immigration is a Crime – Home | Federation for …

Illegal Immigration is a Crime

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Each year the Border Patrol apprehends hundreds of thousands of aliens who flagrantly violate our nation's laws by unlawfully crossing U.S. borders. Such illegal entry is a misdemeanor, and, if repeated after being deported, becomes punishable as a felony.

The illegal alien population is composed of those who illegally enter the country (referred to as "entry without inspection EWI") in violation of the immigration law, and others enter legally and then sty illegally (referred to as overstayers). The immigration authorities currently estimate that two-thirds to three-fifths of all illegal immigrants are EWIs and the remainder is overstayers. Both types of illegal immigrants are deportable under Immigration and Nationality Act Section 237 (a)(1)(B) which says: "Any alien who is present in the United States in violation of this Act or any other law of the United States is deportable."

Apologists for illegal immigration try to paint it as a victimless crime, but the fact is that illegal immigration causes substantial harm to American citizens and legal immigrants, particularly those in the most vulnerable sectors of our population the poor, minorities, and children.

Illegal immigration causes an enormous drain on public funds. The seminal study of the costs of immigration by the National Academy of Sciences found that the taxes paid by immigrants do not begin to cover the cost of services received by them.1 The quality of education, health care and other services for Americans are undermined by the needs of endless numbers of poor, unskilled illegal entrants.

Additionally, job competition by waves of illegal immigrants desperate for any job unfairly depresses the wages and working conditions offered to American workers, hitting hardest at minority workers and those without high school degrees.

Illegal immigration also contributes to the dramatic population growth overwhelming communities across America crowding school classrooms, consuming already limited affordable housing, and increasing the strain on precious natural resources like water, energy, and forestland. Until the recent economic recession and high unemployment, the immigration authorities estimated that the population of illegal aliens was increasing by an estimated half million people annually.

While most illegal immigrants may come only to seek work and a better economic opportunity, their presence outside the law furnishes an opportunity for terrorists to blend into the same shadows while they target the American public for their terrorist crimes. Some people advocate giving illegal aliens legal status to bring them out of the shadows, but, if we accommodate illegal immigration by offering legal status, this will be seen abroad as a message that we condone illegal immigration, and we will forever be faced with the problem.

The Border Patrol plays a crucial role in combating illegal immigration, but illegal immigration cannot be controlled solely at the border. The overstayers as well as the EWIs who get past the Border Patrol must be identified and removed by the interior immigration inspectors of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Today, the policies of the Obama administration are working at cross purposes to this objective. ICE is constrained from detaining and deporting most illegal aliens they encounter with the exception of those with criminal convictions or threats to the national security.

There must be a comprehensive effort to end illegal immigration. That requires ensuring that illegal aliens will not be able to obtain employment, public assistance benefits, public education, public housing, or any other taxpayer-funded benefit without detection.

The three major components of immigration control deterrence, apprehension and removal need to be strengthened by Congress and the Executive Branch if effective control is ever to be reestablished. Controlling illegal immigration requires a balanced approach with a full range of enforcement improvements that go far beyond the border. These include many procedural reforms, beefed up investigation capacity, asylum reform, documents improvements, major improvements in detention and deportation procedures, limitations on judicial review, improved intelligence capacity, greatly improved state/federal cooperation, and added resources.

Effective control and management of the laws against illegal immigration require adequate resources. But those costs will be more than offset by savings to states, counties, communities, and school districts across the nation.

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