Archive for the ‘Illegal Immigration’ Category

FLASHBACK: Bill Clinton channels future Donald Trump on illegal immigration [video] – Twitchy

Posted at 1:54 pm on January 26, 2017 by Greg P.

Heres an oldie but a goodie from Numbers USA on President Bill Clintons immigration rhetoric from is 1995 SOTU speech (61 million views and counting!):


All Americans, not only in the states most heavily affected, but in every place in this country, are rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country. The jobs they hold might otherwise be held by citizens or legal immigrants. The public service they use impose burdens on our taxpayers. Thats why our administration has moved aggressively to secure our borders more by hiring a record number of new border guards, by deporting twice as many criminal aliens as ever before, by cracking down on illegal hiring, by barring welfare benefits to illegal aliens.

In the budget I will present to you we will try to do more to speed the deportation of illegal aliens who are arrested for crimes, to better identify illegal aliens in the workplace as recommended by the commission headed by former Congresswoman Barbara Jordan.

We are a nation of immigrants. But we are also a nation of laws. It is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years, and we must do more to stop it.

Positively Trumpian.


See more here:

FLASHBACK: Bill Clinton channels future Donald Trump on illegal immigration - Twitchy

Reality Check: Illegal immigration has plummeted – CNN

So how bad is the situation on the southern border? Much better than it has been. In a very long time.

Of those, 408,870 were caught trying to cross into the US from Mexico. That national figure is less than half the 1.1 million people caught on average annually between 1980 and 2008. According to the Border Patrol, "apprehensions are an indicator of total attempts to cross the border illegally."

The number of Mexicans who were apprehended trying to cross the border illegally in fiscal 2015 were near a 50-year low, according to a study by the Pew Research Center.

The falloff in illegal immigration from Mexico is so great that, according to Pew, in recent years, more Mexicans have returned to their country of origin than have tried to come here. The Border Patrol also notes that "far fewer Mexican nationals and single adults are attempting to cross the border without authorization, while far more families and unaccompanied children are fleeing poverty and violence in Central America."

What is different is that "a growing share" of these Central American migrants are surrendering to law enforcement "to seek humanitarian protection" rather than trying to sneak into the US undetected.

Whether the current situation on the southern border represents a crisis is in the eye of the beholder.

But to describe a country where illegal border crossings and apprehensions have dropped dramatically in recent years as a country with no borders is misleading.

Read more:

Reality Check: Illegal immigration has plummeted - CNN

Trump’s crackdown sparks fear and anger among immigrants here illegally – Los Angeles Times

President Trumps planned crackdown on illegal immigration has sparked fear in parts of Los Angeles, where until recently, those here without proper papers said they felt relatively safe.

Should wekeep the Statue of Liberty or maybe take it down for a while?asked formerCouncilwoman Veronica Guardado of Maywood, a small, predominately Latino immigration city south of downtown L.A. In my city alone, the people who are there, who are undocumented, pay taxes. They pay into the system. When immigrants come here, theyre not just sitting on the sidelines doing nothing. They come to work.

Details about Trumps crackdown remain unclear. On Wednesday, the presidentsigned two executive orders designed tobegin building a wall along the border with Mexico, add lockups for detaining immigrants who cross the border illegally, enhance enforcement powers for border agents andstrip federal funding to cities that refuse to cooperate with immigration enforcement.

According to a draft document reviewed by The Times, under the new order,the federal government would threaten to withhold fundsfrom so-called sanctuary cities that limit cooperation with immigration officials.

Morethan 400 jurisdictions acrossthe country have some sort of sanctuary policy, including Los Angeles, San Francisco and about 40 others in California.

Inside Sheilas flower shop in Cudahy, surrounded by Valentines Day gifts, Olga Torres, 44, and Susan Flores, 45, werent feeling the love.

The women were watching Spanish news about Trumps executive order.

Were worried,Torres said while staring at the television. We dont know whats going to happen.

Its hard enough to findwork without documents, and now Im sure its going to be even harder,she added.

Torres, who is in the country illegally, said shes happy to be living in a sanctuary city like Cudahy, where life isnt too stressful.

I feel secure living here, and you live life like everybody else,she said. I feel respected by the police.

Its a sanctuary. The word says it all,she added. And [Trump] wants to end that.

Flores said she empathizes withher friend Torres.

I spent three years without documents,she said. I know what its like to be walking around always in fear.

If yourein this city, youre fine, but if you go elsewhere, you dont know what peoples attitudes are toward immigrants,she added.

The women, however, fear that living ina city that wont cooperatewith immigration officialswill lead to roundups like those in the 1980s.

So far, nothing like that has happened,Torres said. I hope nothing like that happens.

Torres said she and her husband will do their best to try to find work and live without worrying too much about immigration officials.

Best thing to do is just not to do something that will put in you in a situation where you might get deported,she said.

Supporters of the president praised his tough stance, saying illegal immigration harms the nation and should stop. They also say immigrants here illegally drive down wages and take jobs from American citizens.

But in southeast Los AngelesCounty, the view is different.

Maria Ruiz, 55, sat quietly at the Maywood Riverfront Park watching her granddaughter climbing a playground animal sculpture.

Ruiz, who divides her time between Mexico and Maywood, said she couldnt understand why the president was threatening to punish cities because theyre not cooperating with immigration officials.

I think its unfair,Ruiz said. I support what theyredoing. The city will be fine. Theyll find a way to make up for the loss.

Not far away, drinking a Monster energy drink, Hernan Hernandez, 51, of Compton, said he doesnt agree with the presidents action.

If the president wants to deport illegal immigrants, he can technically do that, and I have no issues with that,he said. But I find it to be asad thingif he wants towithholdmoney from cities, because theyre entitled to it.

We allpay taxes. When I get my paycheck, the federal government takes a piece of it, so the city deserves it.

Hernandez said he doesnt understand why there is so much animosity toward immigrants.

People just want to blame immigrants for X reason when all werereally doing is working,he said. Its not right.


El Paso and Juarez know what happens when a wall divides two cities

After Mexico balks at paying for the wall, Trump says it'd be better 'to cancel the upcoming meeting'

Draft of Trump plan to halt refugee flow to U.S. causes alarm, but some welcome the idea

See the original post:

Trump's crackdown sparks fear and anger among immigrants here illegally - Los Angeles Times

Bill O’Reilly: Big crack down on illegal immigration | Fox News – Fox News

Fulfilling a campaign promise, President Trump has ordered the immediate construction of a wall on the Southern border. And not only that.


TRUMP: Our order also does the following, ends the policy of catch and release at the border. Requires other countries to take back their criminals. They will take them back. Cracks down on sanctuary cities. Empowers ICE officers to target and remove those who pose a threat to the public safety.


O'REILLY: Mr. Trump signing two executive orders earlier today, which send a signal, a strong signal, that illegal immigration is going to be dealt with in a very aggressive way. To explain further, catch and release is a policy reinstituted by President Obama, where those sneaking across the Southern border could ask for asylum and almost immediately be set free. Sometimes, handed a bus ticket that you and I paid for to an address anywhere in the USA.

Few of those released ever returned for their court hearings. That policy was a scandal. Now, it is finished. Secondly, the sanctuary cities, as you know, have openly defied federal law for decades. Now, federal funds may be denied to those places. So, on day three of President Trump's first week in office, he sent shock waves through the liberal communities. Also, Mr. Trump is calling for a federal investigation into voter fraud, where he alleges that millions of illegal aliens are voting.

That's a good thing, the investigation. We should know if fraud on Election Day is real or not. Also, the President has informed the city of Chicago that if the murder epidemic there doesn't stop, federal authorities will intervene. Another good thing. And that intrusion is likely to happen as Illinois Governor Bruce and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel will not stop the brutal gang killings. They just won't do it. Which have taken thousands of innocent lives.

How that situation has been allowed to go on for years is another scandal and perhaps the most vivid illustration of racism "Talking Points" is ever seen. So, President Trump is acting quickly and according to a Rasmussen daily presidential tracking poll, Americans are taking notice. Today, the pole has 57 percent of likely U.S. voters approving of Donald Trump's job performance, 43 percent disapproving.

It remains to be seen, however, whether a border wall will be effective, whether sanctuary cities will finally obey the law, and whether ending the Catch and Release Program will slow down illegal border crossings. But at this point, strong federal action is being taken. No question about it.

And that is "The Memo".

Bill O'Reilly currently serves as the host of FOX News Channel's (FNC) The O'Reilly Factor (weekdays 8PM/ET), the most watched cable news show for the past 13 years. He joined the network in 1996 and is based in New York. Click here for more information on Bill O'Reilly.

Follow this link:

Bill O'Reilly: Big crack down on illegal immigration | Fox News - Fox News

Duncan Hunter tells governor to nix illegal immigrants instead of cutting middle class scholarships – Washington Times

Before California strips middle class families of assistance for college tuition, it should first cancel tuition benefits it pays out to illegal immigrants who attend the states public universities, a key congressman said Wednesday.

Gov. Jerry Brown has proposed phasing out the Middle Class Scholarship program, saying money needs to go to the poorest families instead.

I struggle to understand the justification for putting illegal immigrants ahead of middle class American families, said Rep. Duncan Hunter, a California Republican, in a letter to Mr. Brown. Doing so puts a clear, undue burden on the backs of hard-working families in our state while further incentivizing illegal immigration with the promise of education benefits.

Mr. Hunter earlier this year introduced a bill to punish sanctuary campuses that protect illegal immigrants, shielding them from federal immigration agents. The bill would also strip federal funds from sanctuaries.

In his letter he asked Mr. Brown to disclose how much California expects to spend on illegal immigrant students.

See original here:

Duncan Hunter tells governor to nix illegal immigrants instead of cutting middle class scholarships - Washington Times