Archive for the ‘Illegal Immigration’ Category

House Republicans demand answers on policy allowing illegal immigrants on planes with warrants for ID – Fox News

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FIRST ON FOX: House Republicans on Tuesday are calling for the Biden administration to provide additional information on what they call an "extremely troubling" policy that allows illegal immigrants to board planes using civil arrest warrants and other related documents as ID.

Two dozen Republicans, led by Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., have written to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas seeking answers on the Transportation Security Administration policy, which allows illegal immigrants to use civil immigration arrest warrants and deportation orders that are not included on TSA's acceptable form of ID list.

"These documents are not secure documents and can easily be forged, copied, or otherwise manipulated," the letter, obtained by Fox News Digital, says. "Given the fact that American citizens are constantly being reminded that their IDs will soon need to be REAL ID compliant to board an airplane, it is extremely troubling that TSA is allowing illegal aliens to use nonsecure documents as IDs to board planes."

DHS has previously stated that it allows notices to appear, civil arrest warrants (which are immigration documents and separate from criminal arrest warrants), order of release on recognizances, orders of supervision and other documents as ID to board aircraft if migrants do not have other typically accepted ID.


Travelers line up to go through a TSA checkpoint at Orlando International Airport before the Memorial Day weekend Friday, May 28, 2021, in Orlando, Fla. (AP Photo/John Raoux) (AP)

Last month, TSA Administrator David Pekoske was asked at a Senate hearing how many with arrest warrants or deportation notices have been allowed to travel this calendar year.

"Under 1,000 sir," Pekoske told Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo.

The House Republicans on Tuesday were skeptical of that number.

"This number seems extremely low given the fact that DHS has released nearly 500,000 illegal aliens into the United States so far this year," they wrote.


TSA has argued that the process involves additional vetting. Pekoske said at the Senate hearing that the presentation of a warrant marked the beginning of a further verification process.

"These individuals who have these arrest warrants, these arrest warrants were issued by Border Patrol or a customs officer, and they serve as a beginning of our identity verification process so you can't walk up to a checkpoint, wave that form and then go right through into screening," he said.

The agency has previously said that any such document will then be validated via an "alien identification number" that involves personally identifiable information being checked against a number of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) databases, including the CBP One mobile application and TSAs National Transportation Vetting Center (NTVC).

But that process has not assured Republicans, with the 24 House Republicans arguing that illegal immigrants should be being deported rather than being transported deeper into the U.S.

"The fact that U.S. taxpayer dollars are being used directly or indirectly to pay for illegal aliens to be transported throughout the country is a slap in the face to all law-abiding, tax-paying Americans, they write. "Instead of using taxpayer funds to transport illegal aliens, DHS should be using those funds to acquire additional detention space so that it may detain the illegal aliens as required by law."

Previously, Hawley had asked Pekoske why he would allow illegal immigrants on flights at all.


"We arent looking at whether a person is legal or illegal in the country," Pekoske said. "Our role is to make sure that people who may pose a risk to transportation that is significant enough to require enhanced screening or to not allow them to fly."

The letter requests that DHS provide answers on how many illegal immigrants it has allowed to board flights without acceptable forms of ID, including a breakdown on the IDs used.

It also seeks more information about additional screening and vetting measures that are used to verify identities, the number of migrants DHS has paid to transport via bus, plane or train across the country -- as well as the funding that has gone toward non-governmental organizations that assist migrants in traveling deeper into the U.S.

Adam Shaw is a politics reporter for Fox News Digital, with a focus on immigration. He can be reached at or on Twitter: @AdamShawNY

House Republicans demand answers on policy allowing illegal immigrants on planes with warrants for ID - Fox News

ICYMI: Illegal immigrant tried to kill ex while out on bail, Nickel voted to let it happen again – National Republican Congressional Committee

August 24, 2022

The Washington Free Beaconreports, an illegal immigrant in North Carolina tried to kill his ex-girlfriend just days after his release from prison. A month later, Wiley Nickel opposed a bill that would have prevented the ordeal from happening again.

Nickel has also opposedstronger laws for violent rioters and drug distribution.

NC-13 cant rely on Wiley Nickel to keep them safe.

In case you missed it

An Illegal Immigrant Tried To Kill His Ex While Out on Bail. This Soft-on-Crime Candidate Voted To Let It Happen Again.

North Carolina state lawmaker Wiley Nickel opposed bill to keep illegal immigrant criminals behind bars

Washington Free Beacon

Collin Anderson

August 23, 2022

In May 2019, an illegal immigrant in North Carolina tried to kill his ex-girlfriend just days after his release from prison. A month later, Democratic congressional hopeful Wiley Nickel opposed a bill that would have prevented the ordeal from happening again.

As a North Carolina state lawmaker, Nickel roughly three years agovoted againstHouse Bill 370, which required sheriffs in the state to comply with Immigration and Customs Enforcement detainers issued against illegal immigrants. Those detainers help ICE take custody of illegal immigrants when theyre arrested on local charges and subsequently released on bail. Just one month before Nickels vote, a self-described progressive sheriffs refusal to honor an ICE detainer prompted a violent rampage.

On May 15, 2019, police arrested 37-year-old Honduran national Luis Analberto Pineda-Anchectawho was deported from the United States in 2006 but reentered the country illegallyafter heassaulted his ex-girlfriend.

One day later, ICE placed a detainer on him, which, if honored, would have kept the illegal immigrant criminal in custody. But progressive Mecklenburg County sheriff Garry McFadden ignored that detainer, and Pineda-Anchecta was free to roam the streets following his release on bond on May 17, 2019. Four days later, Pineda-Anchecta kidnapped his ex-girlfriend, tied a rope around her head to keep her quiet, told her he intended to kill her, and took her to a secluded, wooded area near a highway. The victim escaped, and Pineda-Anchecta was latersentenced to 20 years in prison.

Three years after the incident, Nickel is running to replace outgoing Republican congressman Ted Budd in North Carolinas 13th Congressional District. Nickelsayshes running in part to support law enforcement and make sure everyone feels welcome and safe in our communities. For the North Carolina Sheriffs Association, however, Nickels vote on House Bill 370 did just the oppositethe associationsupported the billwith high priority, arguing that it provided an appropriate and careful balance under the Constitution for the rights of the accused and for the public safety of our communities.

Nickel did not return a request for comment. His decision to vote against the sheriffs association-backed bill could become a flash point in his race against Republican Bo Hines, who hascalledto enforce our laws, deport all criminal aliens, and save Americans from dying.

Nickel first entered the political arena in 2006, when he ran for state Senate in his native California. Nickel lost to Republican incumbent Jeff Denham by approximately 20 points, despitefunnelingthousands of dollars of his own money into the race and running in a district that was carved out specifically to elect a Democrat. Nickels own family donated to Denhams campaign before Nickel entered the race.

Nickel went on to work for Barack Obamas 2008 presidential campaign before he launched another state Senate run in 2018, this time in North Carolina. He went on to serve two terms as a state legislator before announcing his 13th district congressional bid after Budd vacated his seat to run for U.S. Senate. North Carolinas redistricting process made the district considerably less red, prompting the Democratic Congressional Committee toadd Nickelto its competitive Red to Blue program.

Nickel will square off against Hines in November. Both candidates have raised roughly $1.7 million as of June 30.

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ICYMI: Illegal immigrant tried to kill ex while out on bail, Nickel voted to let it happen again - National Republican Congressional Committee

Poll: Majority of Arizona voters want border wall built in the state – Heartlander News

(The Center Square) A majority of Arizonans support building a wall at the Mexican border in the state and say that the surge in illegal immigration constitutes an invasion, according to new polling.

Pollsters Scott Rasmussen andRMG Researchalso show that a large majority of Arizonans think that illegal immigration is bad for the U.S., but legal immigration is good.

The poll of likely voters in the Grand Canyon State asked: Do you favor or oppose building a wall on the border between Arizona and Mexico?

Forty-five percent of those surveyed said they strongly support building a wall, and an additional 17% said they somewhat support it, for a combined 62% support. Twenty-four percent said they strongly oppose building a wall, and an additional 9% said they somewhat oppose it, for a combined 33% opposition.

On the question, Do you consider the surge of illegal immigrants across the southern border to be an invasion of the United States?, 56% of those surveyed said yes, 38% said no, and 6% werent sure.

Fifty-six percent also said Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey should declare an invasion at the southern border, giving him more authority to detain and deport illegal immigrants, while 35% said he should not and 9% werent sure.

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovichs office has said that the surge in illegal immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border since President Joe Biden took office constitutes an invasion, as The Center Square previouslyreported. In Texas, 11 counties havedeclaredan invasion. More are expected to do so.

The pollsters contacted 750 likely Arizona voters between Aug. 16 and Aug. 22 and weighted results to match the states population of likely voters. The polls margin of error is 3.6%.

When asked to describe their views on immigration overall, a large majority of those surveyed in the Rasmussen poll said they support legal immigration but oppose illegal immigration.

Seventeen percent of Arizona voters believe all immigration legal and illegal is bad for America. The same number 17% believe both legal and illegal immigration is good, while 61% think illegal immigration is bad for America but legal immigration is good.

Voters make an important distinction between legal and illegal immigration, Rasmussen said. In Arizona, 78% say that illegal immigration is bad for America, and 78% say that legal immigration is good for America. These numbers are very similar to those we see in nationwide polls.

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Poll: Majority of Arizona voters want border wall built in the state - Heartlander News

‘If We Can Do It, They Can Too,’ Border Mayor Says of DC, NYC – Daily Signal

A border mayor has a message for the mayors of Washington, D.C., and New York City as busloads of illegal immigrants continue to arrive in those cities from Texas and Arizona.

My message is theres a lot of encouragement, and we did it when we had several thousand at[Anzalduas Park] and during the height of COVID, and a thousand-something coming in a day, Javier Villalobos, mayor of McAllen, Texas, told The Daily Signal in a phone interview Thursday.

If we can do that, they can too. They just need to make sure the logistics are correct and do what they have to do, Villalobos, a Republican, said of New York City Mayor Eric Adams and D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, both Democrats. Their numbers [of illegal immigrants] are pretty low. I know they can do it.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican, announced in April that he would begin busing illegal immigrants to the District of Columbia in response to the Biden administrations plan to rescind Title 42, a public health policy aimed at preventing the spread of communicable diseases.

At the time, the administration sought to end the application of Title 42 at the border by the end of May.

However, a federal judge blocked Biden from doing so May 20.

Abbott announced in August that he also would bus illegal aliens to New York City. Two more buses carrying migrants arrived in the Big Apple as recently as Sunday, CNN reported.

Texas has also bused over 7,000 migrants to our nations capital since April and over 900 migrants to New York City since August 5, the governors office said in a press release on Friday. The busing mission is providing much-needed relief to our overwhelmed border communities.

Villalobos, who was sworn in as McAllen mayor in June 2021, said the number of asylum-seekers in his border town has decreased since he took office.

During the first week of August 2021, 11,026 migrants were dropped off in McAllen by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, which equates to nearly 1,600 a day,CBS News reported.

The mayor also said that his city opened an emergency shelter in Anzalduas Park in Mission, Texas, because of the number of migrants.

We had Border Patrol picking up the people, the asylum-seekers, and of course doing a lot of their paperwork over there by [Anzalduas Bridge], Villalobos said, adding that agents took the migrants to a Catholic Charities affiliate in downtown McAllen.

Now, roughly 105 to 120 migrants a day are dropped off by Border Patrol in McAllen, according to Villalobos, who said he initially questioned Abbotts plan to bus illegal immigrants to New York City and the District of Columbia.

When I did talk to the governor about the issue, when I first found out that he was going to try to bus some immigrants out, the initial concern was under what authority? Villalobos said, noting that often the destination for the migrants is a northern state, New York, or [Washington,] D.C.

But it turns out that, no, these are the individuals that voluntarily want to go to those areas, so if they voluntarily want to go [and] thats the ultimate destination, then it speeds up the process for us here if theyre from this area or from whatever other area, the McAllen mayor said. So, I think its a good situation if thats the ultimate destination, theyre being assisted, and I hope we can keep on going.

Lora Ries, director of the Border Security and Immigration Center at The Heritage Foundation, slammed the Biden administrations handling of the ongoing border crisis and its resistance to deporting illegal immigrants. (The Daily Signal is Heritages multimedia news organization.)

The Biden administration is intent on bringing an unlimited number of illegal aliens into the country as fast as possible. The administration is abusing the parole law and encouraging asylum fraud to complete their scheme, Ries said. Meanwhile, the administration is executing historic low numbers of deportations.

It is incumbent on Congress to defund this chaos, take back control over immigration law, give CBP and ICE both the tools they need to prevent illegal immigration and significant resources to fully enforce our immigration laws, she said.

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey, a Republican, followed in Abbotts footsteps a month later, in May, when he began busing illegal immigrants to the District of Columbia.

This is a problem caused by Washington. So we are bringing it to Washington, Ducey spokesman C.J. Karamargin told the Daily Caller News Foundation at the time. This is the flow of asylum-seekers, migrants entering into the United States or entering through Arizona because its easy, and bearing the burden for this is our communities.

Like folks in Yuma, where hospitals, community organizations, [and] nongovernmental organizations are being strained tremendously. So, the goal here is to alleviate the burden for Arizonans, Karamargin said.

Bowser has twice unsuccessfully requested the National Guards assistance in processing about 200 buses of illegal immigrants from Arizona and Texas arriving at Union Station, estimated at over 4,000 so far.

After her July 19 request was turned down by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, Bowser sent another letter to White House aides July 22 in which she harshly criticized Abbott and Ducey.

The migrant crisis facing our city and our country through cruel political gamesmanship from the governors of Texas and Arizona must be dealt with at the federal level. Our ability to assist people in need at this scale is very limited, Bowser said in the letter.

Instead of rolling up their sleeves and working with the Biden/Harris administration on a real solution, Governors Abbott and Ducey have decided to use desperate people to score political points, Bowser wrote.

Abbotts program has sent roughly 5,000 migrants seeking asylum to New York City, a move that Adams has called unimaginable, CBS News reported.

It is unimaginable what the governor of Texas has done, Adams said. When you think about this country, a country that has always been open to those who are fleeing persecution and other intolerable conditions, weve always welcomed that.

This governor is not doing that in Texas, but we are going to send the right message, the right tone, of being here for these families, the New York City mayor said.

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'If We Can Do It, They Can Too,' Border Mayor Says of DC, NYC - Daily Signal

More foreign criminals and illegal migrants removed – GOV.UK

The Home Secretary has sent out an urgent warning today (Thursday 18 August) to dangerous foreign criminals and immigration offenders in the UK that the government will not rest until they are removed and our streets are made safer.

The vow comes as new statistics show the Home Office has removed 1,741 foreign national offenders (FNO) from the UK since the start of 2022, including 487 Albanian FNOs. Almost 1,000 Albanians in total (FNOs and immigration offenders) have been returned.

The renewed focus on removals, part of the New Plan for Immigration, is fulfilling the governments commitment to keep the British public safe and tackle illegal migration.

Yesterday (Wednesday 17 August) the Home Secretary agreed a landmark deal with Pakistan, to remove Pakistani nationals with no legal right to remain in the UK, including criminals, failed asylum seekers and immigration offenders.

Home Secretary Priti Patel said:

This work shows we will stop at nothing to remove those with no right to be here and I am proud that we have removed almost 1,000 Albanian foreign national offenders and immigration offenders this year so far, including some who crossed the Channel illegally to come to the UK.

I want to be crystal clear though that this is just the beginning. I have tasked Home Office teams to renew their pursuit of dangerous criminals who devastate lives and communities and leave their victims and families to pick up the pieces. They must be swiftly removed so we can make our streets safer.

The British public rightly expect us to crack down hard on those abusing the system which is why our new Nationality and Borders Act willhelpend the cycle of last-minute claims and appeals that can delay removals.

Today, Home Office statistics show:

Albanian foreign national offenders returned this year include:

The UK also removed immigration offenders and illegal migrants who had entered the UK clandestinely via small boats or hidden in lorries.

Immigration offenders and illegal migrants removed this year include:

The individuals were removed via charter or scheduled returns.

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More foreign criminals and illegal migrants removed - GOV.UK