Governor Gavin Newsom Issues A Proclamation Declaring June 2021, As Immigrant Heritage Month In The State Of California – Sierra Sun Times
June 6, 2021 - SACRAMENTO Governor Gavin Newsom on Saturdayissued a proclamationdeclaring June 2021, as Immigrant Heritage Monthin the State of California.
The text of the proclamationis below:
Immigrant Heritage Month is a time to remember that nearly all of us can trace our heritage to another nation. We must never forget that many of us are here because our ancestors believed in the promise of this place. We honor and celebrate the many and varied contributions of immigrants who came to this country to work hard, to seek opportunity or protection and to give a better life to their children.
Nowhere are those contributions more evident than in the many immigrants who worked on the front lines of our fight against COVID-19 providing lifesaving care in our hospitals, serving our most vulnerable loved ones in skilled nursing facilities, maintaining the food supply chain and more.
The pandemic underscored what we already knew to be true, immigrants are essential and federal immigration reform is long overdue. The time is now to ensure a pathway to citizenship for millions of immigrants that will also support a stronger and more equitable recovery. As our nation works to ensure a pathway to citizenship, California will continue to lead in building more inclusive and just policies.
In California, we understand that our strength is in our diversity. Our economy, our universities and our communities are stronger and more vibrant because of the nearly 11 million immigrants who call California home about a quarter of all foreign-born people nationwide. Half of all children in California have at least one immigrant parent. California will always support and stand with immigrant families and newly arrived immigrants who are just beginning their next chapter in America.
During Immigrant Heritage Month and every month, let us continue to recognize and celebrate the immigrants of the past, present and future, as we live out the meaning of e pluribus unum out of many, one.
NOW THEREFORE I, GAVIN NEWSOM, Governor of the State of California, do hereby proclaim June 2021 as Immigrant Heritage Month.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of California to be affixed this 4th day of June 2021.
GAVIN NEWSOM Governor of California
SHIRLEY N. WEBER, Ph.D. Secretary of State
Source: Office of the Governor
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Governor Gavin Newsom Issues A Proclamation Declaring June 2021, As Immigrant Heritage Month In The State Of California - Sierra Sun Times