Archive for the ‘Immigration Reform’ Category

Green Rationales for Harsher Immigration Policies Are Nothing New – The Nation

Its not often that conservative lobbyists beat the drum for increased environmental oversight and regulation. But thats what happened this month when the far-right Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), through its legal arm, filed a brief in federal court demanding that the Department of Homeland Security conduct an extensive environmental impact study examining, of all things, immigration policy.1

In a press release, the group laid out its reasoning: Clearly, DHS desperately wants to avoid the impossible task of explaining, in detail, why adding millions of illegal aliens to our population does not harm the environment, or why the harm it does cause is somehow worth it.2

Ostensibly green rationales for ever harsher immigration policies are hardly a new phenomenon. US and European anti-immigrant movements have long used the real need for environmental protection as an excuse for demanding ever harsher treatment of immigrants. Now, with drought, flooding, storms, and other manifestations of climate disruption swelling the ranks of people seeking refuge outside their home countries, far-rightists are dialing up their evocations of nature to push ever greater cruelty toward immigrants.3

The pervasive theme in such circles is that, in an already overpopulated America, more millions of dark-skinned immigrants, having supposedly wreaked ecological destruction in their own countries in the Global South, are now crossing our borders in ever larger numbers. They will, so the thinking goes, despoil this countrys environment, tooand the only way to stop them is by using ever more violent means. The extremists peddling such propaganda are coming to be known these days as ecofascists. Above all else, they insist, the United States must maintain white control over our countryyou know, the lands that our ancestors stole from Native peoples who actually knew how to live in harmony with nature.4

In the process, such white supremacists are, without the slightest sense of irony, increasingly adopting the language of environmentalism to push both grotesque anti-immigrant bigotry and a broader, genuinely unnerving far-right agenda.5

In the past few years, ecofascism has broken into the mainstream news cycle several times, most notably in connection with a grim set of mass shootings.6

Nineteen-year-old Payton Gendron, who pled guilty to murdering 10 Blacks in a Buffalo grocery store last year, explicitly called himself an ecofascist. In the manifesto he left behind, he wrote, For too long we have allowed the left to co-opt the environmentalist movement to serve their own needs. The left has controlled all discussion regarding environmental preservation whilst simultaneously presiding over the continued destruction of the natural environment itself through mass immigration and uncontrolled urbanization.7

Urbanization, you see, because you know what kind of people live in cities. (Wink, wink.)8

Patrick Crusius, who killed 23 people in an El Paso Walmart in 2019, left behind a manifesto raising false alarms about a Hispanic invasion. He wrote: The environment is getting worse by the year. Most of yall are just too stubborn to change your lifestyle. So the next logical step is to decrease the number of people in America using resources. If we can get rid of enough people, then our way of life can become more sustainable.9

Both men drew inspiration from Brenton Tarrant, the white supremacist who, earlier in 2019, had murdered 51 people at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. Tarrant wrote a manifesto in which he declared, The invaders are the ones over-populating the world Kill the invaders, kill the overpopulation and by doing so save the environment.10

Florid rhetoric notwithstanding, those mass killers did not actually have ecological sustainability at the top of their minds. They just put a green veneer on their hatred of immigrants, an increasingly familiar tactic of the racist right. Philip Santoro, in a rant for the white nationalist publication American Renaissance in 2017, slathered on an early and especially rancid coat of green:11

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The Lefts green politics, combined with support for mass immigration and opposition to nuclear power, would mean a future of overcrowding, poverty, and the displacement of whites. When the Left tackles climate change, it wants to save the planetbut apparently for someone elses babies. The population explosion in the global south combined with climate change and liberal attitudes towards migration are the single greatest external threat to Western civilization.12

At the Global Network on Extremism and Technology, Frederike Wegener reported that, on social media, violent extremists increasingly disguise racist and nativist ideas behind environmental concerns to lure in young people and environmental activists, utilizing slogans like Love Nature, Kill Non-Whites and Save Bees, Plant Trees, Shoot Refugees. Creating an overwhelming sense of imminent ecological catastrophe, he wrote, can induce nonviolent, climate-conscious citizens to make common cause with violent nativists.13

Deploying bees and trees as a cover for such right-wing policies has a long history in America. The growth of the anti-immigration movement over the past half-century in particular is widely credited to a Michigan ophthalmologist named John Tanton, who, as Paloma Quiroga wrote for Wellesley Colleges Environmental Synthesis and Communications blog in 2021, viewed overpopulation and immigration as a threat to the environment and to the future of white Americaviews that are explicitly ecofascist. In his efforts to thwart immigration, he ended up creating a vast loose-knit network of anti-immigration groups and lobbyists, now dubbed the Tanton network. Since the 1980s, that network has managed to sabotage all attempts to develop humane federal immigration policies.14

Today, the most powerful group in the network is the Federation for American Immigration Reform, the outfit pressuring the Department of Homeland Security on the supposed environmental impact of immigrants. On its website, FAIR dwells on the evils of population growthand by that it means only the growth of certain populations:15

Currently, there are 326 million people residing in the U.S., so immigration alone will be responsible for an additional 78 million people over the course of just 40 years.16

Growth of the population at those levels are certain to impact both the quality of life for average Americans and the sustainability of the environment. The threat of overpopulation is not to our economic health, but also to the present and future quality of life and environmental sustainability.17

The progress the nation has made toward increased conservation and fuel and energy efficiency will continue to be eroded18

Connecting anti-immigrant and racist ideas via population growth to environmental degradation is nothing new. The racism of the conservation movements founding fathers, including John Muir and John James Audubon, have been widely discussed in recent years. In the late 1990s, Tanton, at the time still a member of the Sierra Club, pushed for that venerable environmental organization to adopt an explicitly nativist position. That proposal was voted down, but only by a very narrow margin. In 2004, anti-immigrant members again tried to seize control of the organizationand once again they failed. In recent years, in fact, the Sierra Club has forcefully renounced its former toleration of nativist sentiment within its membership and has come to actively support immigrant rights.19

Ecofascist arguments serve not only as an excuse for abusing immigrants but are also being deployed by a broader, more violent range of far-right groups and movements on both sides of the Atlantic. Environmental and anti-industrial calls to action have been a staple of the leading US neo-Nazi site Daily Stormer, along with several far-right groups, including The Base, the neo-Nazi Atomwaffen Division (rebooted as the National Socialist Order), and the Pine Tree Gang. Far-right political parties in France, Austria, and Germany have similarly espoused the merging of ecological civilization and ecocentric nativism.20

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The ecofascists use of green rhetoric is, of course, wholly disingenuous. But frightening as well is the way similar impulses have crept into the edges of the actual environmental movement, most of which is still identified not just with the leftward reaches of American politics but also with nonviolence. Still, in a country filled to the brim with weaponry and displaying a growing urge for violence (of which ecofascism is such a painful example), even those genuinely encouraging the greening of the planet have, sadly enough, not proven completely immune to the urge to deploy such tactics.21

Last October, I experienced this personally. I gave an online talk about the role that rationing could play in curbing ecological destruction. The audience, including members of several West Coast environmental groups, seemed quite receptive. So, I was shocked when, as the hour ended, the moderator wrapped by veering into distinctly weird territory. Resolving the ecological crisis, he suddenly suggested, might require us to consider the value of authoritarianism, or more specifically, of green fascism, or maybe green equitable fascism. As the session had already spilled into overtime, there was no opportunity for me to consider, much less discuss, how such ideas might have infiltrated a green movement that had long been peaceable indeed.22

Radical movements to achieve a green, equitable society have been around at least since the rise of groups like Earth First! in the 1980s. In more recent times, however, movements like the Earth Liberation Front have advocated damaging or destroying industrial infrastructure as an essential step toward a more ecologically sound society. For the past decade, the Deep Green Resistance movement has gone even further, insisting that the goal of such sabotage should be the complete collapse of industrial society. Only a return to preindustrial civilization, it maintains, will give the planet room to heal, while creating opportunities for us to develop autonomous, egalitarian societies that exploit neither our fellow humans, nor nature.23

In the 2011 book Deep Green Resistance, movement authors Lierre Keith, Aric McBay, and Derrick Jensen similarly argued that civilizations industrial foundation needed to be completely pulverized, sooner rather than later. Convinced that the vast majority of the population will do nothing unless they are led, cajoled, or forced, they urged that those of us who care about the future of the planet have to dismantle the industrial energy infrastructure as rapidly as possible. Precipitous deindustrialization is necessary, they wrote, because so little time remains to prevent an ecological collapse complete enough to render the world unlivable for humanity. Therefore, rapid collapse is ultimately good for humanseven if there is a die-offbecause at least some people survive. This is jarring stuff, to say the least, and it has rightly been subjected to withering criticism,24

So far, the deep green resistance people have stuck to proselytizing and organizing, rather than any kind of real-world sabotage. On the political right, however, incidents of eco-infrastructure sabotage are indeed on the increase. Over the past year, for instance, there has been a rash of attacks on power grids nationwide by right-wing extremists, not environmentalists. A man and a woman arrested in February for planning to take down four power substations in the Baltimore area proved, not surprisingly, to espouse neo-Nazi views. And successful attacks on two North Carolina substations last December were also linked to neo-Nazism and white supremacy. In late 2022, the Department of Homeland Security warned that there had been a significant rise in online discussions among far-right elements focused on assaulting the power grid to trigger cascading blackouts across the country. That, they believed, could lead to a governmental collapse and so create openings for a fascist takeover. (In a country already featuring the Trumpublican Party, this should be unnerving, even if not exactly surprising.)25

Hunter Walker, a reporter for Talking Points Memo, recently obtained a copy of an online magazine that advocated attacks on power substations and provided coaching to would-be saboteurs, while announcing, as if they were greens, It is our belief that the techno-industrial system presents an absolute and urgent existential threat to all life on earth.26

Walker managed to track down one of the authors, who told him that their aim was indeed to motivate not the far right but militant groups of educated anarchists. As the author acknowledged, however, the far right is far better armed and better prepared for shooting out transformers than the Left or post-Left. That being the case, the manuals author added, if the question was whether I would accept assistance or alliance with any far-right group, I would hesitate to say no. I would much rather turn the lights out and then fight them in the quiet dark afterwards.27

This raises a question: Might radical individuals or even groups at opposite ends of the political spectrum ever converge on the same violent direct-action tactics?28

Brian Tokar is on the faculty and board of the Institute for Social Ecology in Plainfield, Vt., which offers courses on ecofascism. I asked him how much overlap he and his colleagues had noticed between violent, racist, ecofascist movements and nonviolent, anti-racist, radical environmental movements. Tokar responded, I dont think theres a lot of overlap, but theres certainly enough that its deeply disturbing.29

This goes back, he said, to the80s when Dave Foreman and Edward Abbey [of the Earth First! movement] were saying a lot of disturbing things, including a lot of anti-immigrant stuffespecially Abbey, who was all about protecting the borders against people who, he said, would spread pollution. It was just blatantly racistbut there were also a lot of people who vocally challenged it from the beginning.30

Fast-forward to more recent times, Tokar continued, and my colleagues have documented stories of people who started out in leftist ecological circles and drifted over into an overtly ecological neo-fascist or neo-Nazi anti-immigrant kind of politics. In fact, the ecofascists strategy, he added, seems to be that if they can skim off a few people, especially people who have a following, they can shift the discussion in their direction.31

I feel confident in predicting that the ecofascists wont manage to seize power by taking down the national electric grid. Still, by fueling human-rights abuses, racial hatred, and deadly violence, their toxic propaganda has made the United States a more perilous place to live if you werent born white and within its borders. By hijacking the message of ecological renewal and using it to persecute the powerless, they could, at a minimum, make it far more difficult for this country to act boldly in the future when it comes to the climate crisis and environmental justice. Thats why the message of such ecofascists has to be verbally shredded wherever and whenever they try to spread it.32

See the article here:
Green Rationales for Harsher Immigration Policies Are Nothing New - The Nation

Democratic senators urge Biden to allow states to sponsor noncitizens to expand workforce – Yahoo News

A group of a dozen Democratic senators are urging President Biden to allow states to sponsor noncitizens for work authorization in certain industries to expand the workforce.

The senators, led by Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), said in a letter to Biden on Friday that the United States is facing major workforce shortages in multiple industries, and economists believe that two years of lost immigration amid the COVID-19 pandemic is responsible for almost half of the workers who are missing from the labor force.

It is no surprise that state leaders have called for immigration reform to meet their states workforce needs. Without such reforms, some businesses have closed their doors. Others have hired workers without authorization, leaving such workers at risk of artificially depressed wages and poor working conditions, the letter states.

The senators said many of the migrants who have come to the U.S. across the southern border are ready, capable, and willing to help meet the countrys workforce needs. But they said many have struggled to find work because of the immigration systems legal and logistical obstacles.

They noted that immigration laws require an asylum-seeker to wait six months to receive a work permit, and the application process can take almost a year because of processing times. But those who receive parole to enter the U.S. can immediately apply for work authorization.

They said congressional action to provide pathways to citizenship is long overdue but unlikely to happen in time to address the workforce needs.

The senators said the secretary of homeland security can issue parole on a case-by-case basis to meet humanitarian needs or when granting parole would cause a significant public benefit to the U.S.

They added that the end of Title 42, which has allowed the U.S. to more easily expel migrants and deny them asylum during the pandemic, on Thursday is expected to cause an increase in migrants coming into the country at the same time as states are in desperate need of workers to ensure access to health care and to lower the costs of food for Americans.

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Allowing these states to op into a lawful, orderly, and efficient parole program to meet work force needs in critical industries would provide an enormous public benefit to all Americans, the letter states.

Along with Durbin, the letter was signed by Sens. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii), Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Alex Padilla (D-Calif.), Peter Welch (D-Vt.), Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), Angus King (I-Maine), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and John Hickenlooper (D-Colo).

For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to The Hill.

Democratic senators urge Biden to allow states to sponsor noncitizens to expand workforce - Yahoo News

Rider senior accepts position in the office of Rep. Bonnie Watson … – News at Rider

Karla Lopez-Rosa hopes to gain broader perspective on immigration before attending law school

Senior Karla Lopez-Rosa is the new constituent service representative and intern coordinator for the office of Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman. She began her new position in a part-time capacity this past March and will be transitioning to full-time after graduation.

As a member of Watson Colemans staff, Lopez-Rosa assists constituents with federal agency issues such as Social Security benefits, provides Spanish language translation assistance and oversees a group of six interns.

Lopez-Rosa interned for Watson Colemans office in 2021 and was a member of her Advisory Council on Immigration Reform. It feels like a very full-circle moment to get to work with students who are in the same position I was in just a short while ago, she says. I want to be a mentor to them and encourage them in the same way I was always encouraged.

A proud daughter of immigrants, she is passionate about immigration policy.

My hope is to get a broader perspective on immigration and then take those skills with me to law school, says Lopez-Rosa, a political science major and dual minor in homeland security and Spanish. Im excited for this opportunity because it will allow me to look at things from a government standpoint, whereas in the past I worked mostly with nonprofits.

During her time at Rider, Lopez-Rosa has served as the chief of staff at Riders Center for Diversity and Inclusion, president of both Rider Latinas Unidas and the Political Science Club, and a fellow of the Rebovich Institute for New Jersey Politics. She also presented research on the migration of Guatemalan indigenous women to the United States at Riders Gender and Sexuality Studies Colloquium and the Centre for Refugee Studies/York Centre for Asian Research Virtual Student Conference.

I came to Rider from a very under-resourced high school, but everyone here made sure that that never got in my way, says Lopez-Rosa. Taking part in the Multicultural Student Leadership Institute program and meeting Dr. Pamela Pruit [executive director, Center for Diversity and Inclusion] has had a huge impact on me. She always encouraged me to put myself out there and to never stop fighting for underrepresented people. I dont know if Id be in this position if she hadnt encouraged me to use my voice.

In 2022, Lopez-Rosa was awarded a fellowship from the New Jersey Governors Hispanic Fellows Program where she participated in leadership training seminars, professional development instruction and guest speaker presentations. It was an opportunity she says she might not have considered had it not been for the encouragement of her professors.

She credits Micah Rasmussen 92, director of the Rebovich Institute for New Jersey Politics, for her willingness to try new things. He pushed me to be more involved and always encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone. Because of him, Im a big believer that the more experiences you have, the more chances youll have to succeed. So now, whenever an opportunity arises, I just go for it.

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Rider senior accepts position in the office of Rep. Bonnie Watson ... - News at Rider

Mayorkas pushes back on criticism, says Biden administration is prepared for lifting of Title 42 – Yahoo News

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is pushing back on criticism the Biden administration has received over its plans to lift Title 42, saying officials are prepared for the move later this week.

During a Sunday appearance on CBSs Face The Nation, moderator Margret Brennan mentioned recent criticism from Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs (D) and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.).

Well, I respectfully disagree with the senator and the governor. Number one, we are prepared. As we noted at the very beginning of our conversation, weve been preparing for this for quite some time, Mayorkas told Brennan. We tried to end Title 42 repeatedly and were stopped from doing so by the courts, so we are prepared, number one.

Number two, we have a migration information center that is specifically set up to communicate with state and local officials. And we have been doing so. We are using our FEMA regional coordinators as our key points of contact, Mayorkas added. I spoke with Sen. Sinema, I think within the last two weeks, and our personnel are in touch with other officials on a regular basis.

Sinema has been critical of DHS, saying it is not sharing information on the numbers of migrants, processing time and available buses to transport them in her home state, while Hobbs has focused on the amount of money needed for emergency shelters.

Mayorkas also told Brennan on Sunday that Congress needs to push for immigration reform in the near future.

Everything that the Department of Homeland Security is doing, everything that our partners across the federal government are doing, is within a broken immigration system, Mayokas said. The president passed to Congress a proposal to fix our broken immigration system on the first day in office.

But thats like a to-do list. Thats different than putting your shoulder behind it, picking up the phone and saying, excuse me, Democrats control the Senate, lets be out front on immigration? Brennan asked.

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Margaret, we have been pushing for immigration legislation since day one. And by the way, it didnt start on day one, Mayokas replied. This is a decades-long problem.

The Biden administration is temporarily deploying 1,500 active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border ahead of an anticipated migrant surge when the controversial pandemic-era policy, which allowed the U.S. to more easily expel migrants seeking asylum at the border, expires.

Updated at 11:37 a.m.

For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to The Hill.

Continued here:
Mayorkas pushes back on criticism, says Biden administration is prepared for lifting of Title 42 - Yahoo News

The why and how of sponsoring employment visas – Utah Business – Utah Business

Costs and challenges

According to Joseph Woodbury, founder and CEO of, the companys first core value is to hire and develop the best. To accomplish this, Neighbor is one of few Utah companies that sponsor H-1B, STEM OPT and TN visas.

Sponsoring work visas is a competitive advantage for employers like, Woodbury says. It provides access to a broader talent pool of extremely accomplished and driven individuals. It also brings diverse perspectives into your company that drive strategic decision-making and foster a global perspective.

Sponsoring work visas also provides significant benefits to talented immigrant workers striving to gain access to the largest economy in the world and participate in developing companies that will redefine the future, Woodbury explains.

The United States needs to work quickly to dramatically expand the number of educated immigrant workers it allows into the country, he continues. Making immigration easier will be a major benefit to the U.S. economy.

According to Woodbury, the average cost to sponsor an employee is $5,000, including premium processing. He says working with immigration law firms has helped make the process simple.

The biggest challenge Woodbury has encountered with sponsoring work visas? The United States government. The application process for an employee looking to transfer from temporary sponsorship to permanent residency is a tedious and entirely outdated system, he says. We have an employee that has gone through the lottery system for four years with a preferred Masters Cap lottery position and has still not been selected. For some reason, the U.S. government doesnt want some of the most talented individuals in the world to stay in the country.

Woodbury says the other main barriers are the filing costs, legal costs, the time to file and the requirement to publicly post documents.

Its absolutely worth the cost, but it is understandable why more companies dont embrace it given the hurdles that have been set up, Woodbury says. The system desperately needs reform to make it quicker and easier for companies to obtain work visas for talented employees and candidates.

Regardless, Neighbor has sponsored numerous employees for roles in software engineering, data and analytics, marketing and sales. In every instance, Woodbury says, it has been a net positive experience. He hopes business owners will speak to elected officials about streamlining the process for employers to obtain skilled worker visas and making it easier for talented individuals to contribute to our economy.

As one of the largest technology employers in Utah, Zions Bancorporation employs skilled technology workers from around the globe. The company currently provides immigration sponsorship for over 100 employees who are on H-1B status. This represents approximately one percent of Zions Bancorporations current employee population, according to HR Compliance Analyst Stephen Allred.

If a business is experiencing unusual difficulty hiring highly-skilled talent and is considering immigration sponsorship for the first time, Allred offers this advice: contact an experienced in-house immigration consultant and use your professional network to identify a reputable, service-oriented immigration law firm.

Utah universities put a lot of investment into attracting international students, but those students are often unable to find permanent employment upon graduation due to confusing and outdated worker visa systems, says Michelle Conley, director of partner relations for World Trade Center Utah. Formerly, Conley was the refugee program director for the David Eccles School of Business at the University of Utah.

While WTC Utah does not manage an immigration program, the organization is an outspoken advocate for comprehensive immigration reform. Conley says the team at WTC Utah hopes to help solve the broken parts of the system by making it easier for employers to hire international students upon graduation.

Employers are often hesitant to hire graduating students because they arent familiar with the visa system or how to apply for worker status for their potential employees, she continues. This means many talented, U.S.-trained potential employees return to their home countries. Making the process easier and more transparent for employers to hire these students would help Utah companies retain highly-educated workers who have already spent years in the state and would like to remain.

Conley believes it is very feasible to reform and increase immigrationand its in our best interest. Skilled, foreign-born workers will strengthen our economy, innovation and standing in the world, she says.

Utah is strongest when its seen as one of the most welcoming and accommodating places in the world to get an education, start or work at a business and raise a family, Conley says.

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The why and how of sponsoring employment visas - Utah Business - Utah Business