Buy Internet Marketing Start to Finish: Catherine Juon discusses setting up a system for tracking customer interaction starting from an initial click all the way to sale.
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Internet Marketing Start to Finish Tips: Measuring Online Marketing
In this video interview analytics expert Richard Zwicky explains how present a convincing case to your boss to invest in Internet marketing. We have to remember, says Zwicky, that Internet marketing is a relatively new field for business people who have been quite successful for many years without using the Internet. The best approach is to present a case includes a defined goal, cost and expected return on investment.
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How to Convince Your Boss to Invest in Internet Marketing - with Richard Zwicky (4:44)
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Intro to Internet Marketing: The "In"formal Introduction
Best-Selling author and Internet Marketing expert Pat O'Bryan shows you the basics of Internet Marketing. Everything you need to get started.
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FREE Introduction to Internet Marketing with Pat O'Bryan Internet Marketing Success Video
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Internet Marketing Success Video