The Death of Internet Marketing Confession – JOSIC – Digital Intelligence
After finishing my first reading of Mike Filsaime's report, "The Death of Internet Marketing", I must confess that I consider it to be good and certainly worth reading. In the report, Mike shows us the aspect of Internet marketing that we find most difficult to see, as most things that are obvious. The tone of the report may not go well with every reader but that can not be helped. I suggest you focus on the content rather than the tone in which it is conveyed to you.
There are at least three benefits of reading Mike's report, which incidentally, is available for free.
To begin with, every reader who has got any experience with Internet marketing, and especially those who have been burned at the hands of so-called Internet Marketing Experts (they liked to be called gurus), will get that warm feeling deep inside as their Opinions about these gurus are vindicated. The book will reinforce the image of these gurus that many people already identify with. An image of cold, uncaring, callous, and wholly immersed in self interest kind of people who will do anything to take your money and leave you with nothing in return. Mike himself is a thought of as one of the gurus and what he clarifies in this report is that the JV launch was a major mess through the very people launching the product.
The second benefit is getting an insight into what the Internet marketing industry in general is planning to unleash on the public. The new strategies, possessing colorful names like Late Semantic Indexing (sometimes misspelled as "symantic"), Folksonomy or Social Network Tagging, Silo Structures (also known as Themeing), and so on, are about to be implemented on a large scale. For those who know anything about these strategies it must be clear that this development too will bring problems with its advantages. The advantage is that the present gurus who have mastered techniques that are often labeled Black Hat due to their exploitive properties will have to change their tactics to survive under these new marketing methodologies. The problem is that like previous methodologies, the time to live for this new one will not be much longer. Once the content of this report and its implications become widespread, there will be a collectively move to adopt the new marketing techniques and pretty soon we will be in the same mess that we are now.
Also included in the report is a reinforcement of the impact of vision and self-improvement on everything one does. While everyone may or may not agree with Mike's personal vision of what he perceives as success and the means he has adopted to achieve it, the personalized message is still worth the time spent reading it. I must admit that whether one grants any merit to his vision or not it has to be observed that it has worked well, for him at least even if fails to achieve a similar success for all those who choose to implement it in their own endeavors.
Of course, you have to remember that the whole report is one big and bold paradigm because one of the well-recognized gurus of marketing is trying to tell the world how his own field of work has expired. What is more is that the book offers to offers a glimpse into other aspects related to the future of Internet marketing and the current trends like Google AdSense which are also, apparently, doomed to the same failure as Internet marketing in general.
About the e-book
For those who are already familiar with the whole Internet marketing industry and its recent trends, the e-book might also seem like reading material already included in your thought patterns. After all, things have been pretty much obvious for a while now and Mike comes across as saying this.
However, as I mentioned in the beginning, the obvious is often the most difficult thing to see and reading about it along with explanations of why it happened is a good experience.
The title is a bit misleading because marketing will continue as long as the Internet exists. What it really means is that the current popular methods and trends of marketing are either dead or will die soon. The e-book offers a decent explanation of what is happening with Internet marketing and a good idea of what we can expect.
Source by Lo Benedict
The Death of Internet Marketing Confession - JOSIC - Digital Intelligence