Online Marketing Using Squidoo Marketing As An Internet Marketing Tool – JOSIC – Digital Intelligence is the internet marketers greatest tool. Google loves squidoo, and all internet marketers should know that whatever Google loves, Google should get. Squidoo accounts can beat out your keyword competition and just dominate your keyword.
So how does squidoo work? It's a website that works with the idea of web 2.0. Which is that the internet is a guide, which shows you where you should look to find the information that your looking for. How many times have you searched something you have no idea about on Google and the first link that pops up is exactly what your looking for? Not that many times if you really think about it. Usually you have to click on the first link, than click on the link inside of it, then click back, click on another link because the link you just clicked on was not what you were looking for, click click, until you find the Information that you want. Do not lie, this is how your search process usually goes.
So what does squidoo actually do? It filters out the crud that is not relevant to the information that you want and just gives you the information that you do want. So if you search up something like Paintball Markers, you get more than 100,000 searches, so if there were a squidoo profile about paintball marks, you click on that, and that profile should show up with information about paintball marks, where to buy them, And where to research more about them.
A squidoo account filters out the 175,00 searches and gives you the information that you need. That's why Google gives you high page rankings when you create a squidoo account.
What every internet marketer should know is, that if there is something out there, that can increase your page ranking, USE IT! Sadly some of these page ranking tools you have to pay for, but SQUIDOO IS TOTALLY FREE! You can create as many accounts as you want. So get out there and start using it for your internet marketing needs. Create an account and have it dedicated to what your website is about. You can even promote some products that you think that your audience would enjoy, just do not spam. Make your squidoo a help website for anyone who is searching for what your providing. When they realize that you're a reliable source, they'll keep coming to you, and they'll start buying your products. Squidoo makes this easy because in as little as 3 days, you can get onto the first page of Google when you get good at it. So use squidoo to your advantage,
Source by Matthew Castro