Archive for the ‘Internet Marketing’ Category

6 Different Models Of Internet Marketing – JOSIC – Digital Intelligence

In my last three articles, I talked about my ups and downs in affiliate marketing, the two sides of that business model and why giving value to people is more important than anything else including self-belief in your business success. Here, I am going to explain the 6 different models of internet marketing which is quite general by its definition.

1. Affiliate Marketing

The first model is by far the most basic and yet essential for all newbies to get started. That is by promoting other peoples products and services be it digital or physical and get paid in return. There are many ways you can go about doing so but that is another topic I will cover for the day.

2. E-Commerce

The second model is e-commerce.

While it may seem similar to promoting physical products as affiliate at first glance, it is not.

What this essentially means is that instead of having a physical store which can cost you tens of thousands in rent, staff and inventory costs, you can have a virtual one in the form of an e-commerce website instead.

In contrary to the traditional model, you do not need to have huge inventory at home.

You just need to have good connections of reliable suppliers who are willing to deliver the products for you to your customers while making sure they are in great condition and exactly what your customers required upon placing orders.

The only con is that building an e-commerce store is very challenging. Especially for a beginner who does not know anything about web design.

Even if you hired a freelancer, you may have to pay hundreds and even thousands of dollars because of the perceived value as in your store can earn you much more than what you invest initially in the long run though you do not get to make that money immediately.

3. Local Business Consulting

If you are already proficient in building websites and getting them ranked on top of Google, you can be a local business consultant to offline business owners whether they are running companies, cafes or shops.

If you are able to get customers throughout other online strategies as well, that will be even better.

However, I do not recommend this to newbies as most business owners are very selective in who to hire the same way as who they should employ in job interviews.

4. Freelancing

You can also do freelance work for internet marketers if you are good in building websites, writing content like articles, blog posts, e-books and short reports, designing banners, e-covers and graphics.

But do not expect to get high pay unless you are an experience programmer and software developer.

You may head down to sites like Elance, Fiverr and Guru to offer your services.

5. Mobile Apps

This is another profession you may consider if you like to learn and earn from designing mobile apps for people.

Given the fact that iPhones are very popular these days and people tend to surf web through those to laptops and desktops, this is another model you should consider.

6. Creating And Selling Your Own Information Products

I did cover this topic briefly in my article on the Two Sides Of Affiliate Marketing Coin.

What this means is you write your e-books and design your own video tutorials teaching people on how to do certain things based on your expertise and experience.

It does not have to be just internet marketing.

It can be other things like smart business investing, wise financial management, personal development and health-related topics.

Or even hobbies based on your personal passion as well as that of others.

Source by Amuro Wesley

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6 Different Models Of Internet Marketing - JOSIC - Digital Intelligence

The Basic Theories of Internet Marketing – JOSIC – Digital Intelligence

Life is been governed by laws, principles, or theories. It follows that every business you do in life must be done in accordance with such relevant, established, and natural laws if you sincerely want to succeed.

In internet marketing, just like any other business, theories abound. The first theory in this context is called the theory of speed. This theory states that you must consider how fast your product or service is produced or delivered in comparison to your competitors. This theory is very significant in the management of software development. Software programs are often expected to run fast.

As a matter of fact, if the delivery of your goods and services is faster than your competitors own in the same niche people will prefer your products and services to your competitors. So you must, as a matter of necessity, consider the theory of speed when you are involving yourself in any area of internet marketing.

The second theory is known as the theory of cost. Dear Mr. Internet Marketer, the cost-effectiveness of a product or service you render is a very important determining factor in the school of internet marketing. Believe me, people like cheap products no matter how they pretend. So you must try as much as possible to make your goods and services to be cheaper than your rivals own. I advise you to check out the price of your competitors products and services in order to maintain a reasonable price. Strive as much as possible to ensure that you have a better price.

Thirdly, there is the theory of quality. Are you thinking of delivering inferior products to your customer? Then you should as well be thinking of becoming a failure in your chosen niche. If you ask me, your failure rate is 99.9 per cent; it then means that you are most likely to fail for just selling inferior products or rendering inferior services. Your products and services should be of very high quality if you really expect to make very high amount of money you can only reap what you sow. Only thieves or criminals are known for taking what they do not deserve. Let me warn you before you lose out, even the poorest of all men like high quality goods and services poverty notwithstanding.

Source by Edeh Chijioke

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The Basic Theories of Internet Marketing - JOSIC - Digital Intelligence

Tips For Success In Internet Marketing – JOSIC – Digital Intelligence

The internet is very dynamic, and in order to succeed, you need to be well informed and up to date with the various techniques of marketing on the internet.

Indeed, marketing on the internet has changed considerably over the past few years. Nowadays, methods for promoting products or services on the internet require an increasing selection of multimedia features and capabilities, much different and advanced from days past.

So what are the techniques and you must consider incorporating into your internet marketing efforts in order to increase traffic to your website and boost your sales.

Provide and share expert tips and ideas. Successful internet marketers share various tips and secrets their email lists, or online customers on a regular basis. Some internet marketers offer daily tips which they send through an auto responder. These days, having a trusting and confident relationship with your clients and potential customers is very essential. This boosts your sales and increases your internet marketing business profits.

Publishing e-Books A very popular approach for generating profits and revenue to publish and promote e-book on the topic related to your business. You can give these out for free with links to your website. On the other hand, the internet is now the major source of information. So you can write and publish e-books on any topic. You can sell these online and earn a lot of money.

Educational activities One of the single most important ways to increase your personal knowledge and expertise with any given topic is to get involved somehow with teaching this topic to others. Once developed, separate the materials into small sections for delivery and distribution. There are a number of ways to distribute the materials out to your potential clients. Direct mailings over a period of time, or many successful marketers set the individual segments up into an email marketing auto responder program that sends the messages out to a predetermined list of clients and customers over a prearranged rate. Distributing this information gives you the perfect opportunity to include small snippets of promotion for yourself or various products or services which you sale or promote. You will be amazed at how effective this particular technique is.

Link Exchange Directories Although not everyone thinks of it, you must sponsor a directory website with open invitations for others to include links, banners and promotional advertisements back to their sites. Beyond including your banners, links, and advertisements sprinkled throughout the page; you gain the added benefit of having reciprocal links exchanged with others in the process.

Developing, marketing, and selling of materials utilizing internet marketing ideas and techniques can be fun and profitable. Finding new, creative, and innovative methods for growing your internet marketing business requires some effort. Because the internet is very dynamic, you must always be well informed about the tools for promoting your internet marketing business.

You must be flexible and keen to explore possibilities and new techniques for your internet marketing business. Have fun trying different promotional strategies for your internet marketing business to see what works best for you and your products.

Source by Jeff Casmer

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Tips For Success In Internet Marketing - JOSIC - Digital Intelligence

These 5 Mistakes Are Why Your Online Marketing Is Failing – Forbes

These 5 Mistakes Are Why Your Online Marketing Is Failing
Our Internet marketing agency has been around since 1997, and over the course of time we've heard it all and seen it all when it comes to assessing failed marketing campaigns. I polled our sales and account management teams, and arrived at a very ...

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These 5 Mistakes Are Why Your Online Marketing Is Failing - Forbes

Will Major Financial Advisor Firms Dominate Internet Marketing? – Seeking Alpha

Yes they will, unless smaller RIAs are willing to commit part of their budget to inbound marketing!

The marketing of financial advice and services is changing rapidly. In the past just about every financial advisory firm used outbound marketing tactics to initiate contact with investors: telemarketing, direct mail, seminars.

Outbound marketing tactics produced a reasonably level playing field. Anyone could make marketing calls or send out direct mail so the size of the firm mattered less and individual sales skills mattered more.

However, outbound is increasingly obsolete because who wants to spend time and money on marketing tactics that have rejection rates approaching 100%. Most investors do not want to be contacted.

New Playing Field

It should not be a big surprise that old marketing methods are being disrupted by the internet, software, online tools, and quantitative measurements.

The internet is a major game-changer because it opened the door to inbound marketing that is more efficient than outbound marketing. It enabled advisors and firms to use the internet to make it easy for investors to initiate contact with them.

Three key elements produce a successful inbound marketing experience. Advisors need:

The bottom-line: The playing field is no longer level. The big firms can afford to spend substantially more money on inbound marketing than smaller firms. They will use this marketing muscle to build a big presence on the internet that will reach large volumes of investors.

Blame Google

The internet gives investors unprecedented access to public information about advisors. This includes advisors they know and advisors they don't know.

They no longer have to talk to advisors to learn more about them.

Instead, they can view the content on websites, google-search names, visit third party websites (, and check compliance records at FINRA.

Sales skills will be less important. What investors see on the internet will be more important.


In the past, marketing was more sales skills than science. The most successful advisors usually had the best selling skills.

Today, the Internet and an inbound marketing sales funnel make success a function of numbers that can be monitored by advanced analytic systems. The challenge is creating numbers that produce revenue.

They are the numbers of investors who:

Inbound Marketing

You already know that the key to a successful inbound marketing strategy is convincing investors to initiate contact with you.

Step one is they have to find you on the internet. There are a number of ways they can do that.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM; Advertising)

You have seen the advertisements that appear on page one of Google. The advertisements are dominated by brand name firms with deep pockets such as: Morgan Stanley, Vanguard, and Fidelity.

Smaller RIAs cannot afford to pay $30 per click for 14 clicks to produce one qualified prospect for their firms. This is a $420 per lead cost with no guarantee they will even meet with you.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO; Organic)

If you don't like the Seach Engine Marketing numbers you will not like the SEO numbers much better. Every financial advisory firm would like to be represented on page one of Google for key words that investors use when they are seeking financial advisors or information about financial advisors.

Page one is critical. Google says, 91.5% of users view page one and do not scroll to page two.

This means thousands of firms are vying for the same limited space. Why is the space so limited? Google gives preference to the .org's and .edu's because they are informational and not trying to sell anything.

From a Google perspective, if you want to sell a service on page one, you should be an advertiser.

Content Marketing

The single most popular way to raise your visibility on the internet is writing articles that are published on your blog site. But, even this is not as simple as it sounds. Google is continuing to raise the bar:

How many smaller RIAs have the staff to right relevant, original, 1,000-word articles that have a high probability of being read by large numbers of investors?

What About Advisor Websites?

Websites are advisors' single most powerful marketing tool. It has one all-important purpose. It has to be good enough to convert website visitors into qualified leads.

Template-based websites using generic content and stock photos will not produce results. Not when the big RIAs are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to create custom websites that are optimized for the internet.

Traditional, Virtual & Robo Advisors

The increasing popularity of virtual and robo-advisors will also be dominated by the Big RIAs - Schwab, Vanguard, Fidelity. Betterment may be a serious contender if it can convince enough smaller RIAs to use its platform and market its services.

Every wirehouse will have a robo capability by the end of 2017.

The traditional (brick & mortar) advisors who meet with clients face-to-face will still dominate the market for the foreseeable future. But, it is only a matter of time before virtual and robo advisors become more acceptable alternatives. From a communication perspective, technology will replace cars, conference rooms, and face-to-face meetings for a large percentage of investors.

Small RIA Strategies

What is one consistent characteristic that impacts smaller RIAs? They do not have marketing budgets or dedicated marketing staff with digital marketing skills. Firm principals are the marketing professionals and it is a part-time job because they also produce financial plans and invest assets for their clients.

Are these smaller RIAs up the proverbial creek without a paddle? Not necessarily, but they have to make very smart decisions when they develop digital marketing strategies that compete with major RIAs that have much bigger marketing budgets.

Local SEO

A smaller RIA's best bet is to focus some of their marketing dollars on local SEO. This is by far the most economical way to increase your internet visibility. And, local SEO produces leads in the market that matters the most - a 50 mile radius of RIA offices.

Local SEO works for the following reasons (source:

Disclosure: I/we have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours.

I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it. I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

Excerpt from:
Will Major Financial Advisor Firms Dominate Internet Marketing? - Seeking Alpha