Archive for the ‘Internet Marketing’ Category

St. Louis Digital Marketing Company | Online Marketing …

Getting your products in front of the people that are poised to buy is critical to the success of your business.

With millions of people spending increasing amounts of time online each and every day, digital marketing has become one of the best ways to efficiently target individuals with marketing messages, often when theyre ready to buy.

As an experienced digital marketing company, we know that time is a precious commodity in your business.

For this reason, we work with our clients to leverage our unique depth of knowledge in the field of digital marketing (including SEO , PPC, content marketing, retargeting, social media and more) to help them achieve their digital marketing goals through innovative campaign creation, strategy and management.

We work with you to find, attract and convert your ideal targets and to turn them into customers through strategic digital marketing.

Significantly broaden your brands reach and increase engagement with your target audience through a customized digital marketing strategy that will help you achieve each of your business goals, driving revenue and conversions both online and off.

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St. Louis Digital Marketing Company | Online Marketing ...

Internet Marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search …

Thank you for visiting our Internet marketing web site. Our web company offers a multi-faceted and comprehensive array of web promotion services including:

Well, you get the idea, the entire spectrum - from creation through commerce - if it has to do with creating a successful web site, we do it.

How Are Our Web Services Different?

We are frequently asked, "How are your Internet services different than other Internet marketing and web traffic building companies?" Well, we're glad you asked, here is what we say...

We Produce Web Sites That Produce Results.

We do more than design a web site or create web page graphics. Our internet marketing team has a very simple business model to create successful web sites. There are five elements necessary for your web pages to be effective, two of which are supplied by our business client and three of which we make available through our internet consulting services. If ANY component is missing, you will NOT have an effective Internet presence - it is just that simple.

Products - Service Price - Quality Design - Layout Information - Content Traffic - Marketing

PRODUCT- SERVICE: This is what you bring to us. Your product or service is what you want to offer online.

PRICE - QUALITY: Because your customer can quickly and easily search the web, the price and quality of your product or service is important in the customer's decision making process.

DESIGN - LAYOUT: We work with you to not only create a professional and attractive 'look,' but to allow your customers to easily navigate your web site.

INFORMATION - CONTENT: It is not only the information on your site, but how your content is delivered. We create the words on your web site to convey your image, your style and your message in a professional and compelling manner.

TRAFFIC - MARKETING: And, lastly, what good is it if you built a web site and nobody came? Traffic building is why most of our corporate clients seek our Internet consulting for online marketing services. We drive highly targeted customers to your web pages using online marketing techniques.

Here Is How Internet Marketing Works...

You provide a quality product or service at a reasonable price, our internet marketing team presents information, writes compelling content, creates an effective design, with an easy to follow layout, and then we market that to the net, which results in a constant stream of targeted traffic and visitors directly to your web site.

We are very skilled at what we do: We control the horizontal, we control the vertical...

Oh yeah, we produce sites that produce results.

Here Is How Our Internet Marketing Team Works... For You.

We look beyond your web design or internet marketing needs. Our web consultants and online promotion experts review your business model, ascertain whether or not it is viable on the net, and then advise you if we can improve it to create sales for you.

You Know, We Do Our Online Marketing A Bit More Creatively Here...

See for yourself in each of our Internet promotions topics:

So You Want To Get Found On The Net? Did you know that...

Every second, there are 25 new web pages added to the net; that is 1,500 pages a minute from your competitors (NEC Research Institute).

If you think that because you are a 'big' company you are going to get found, or if you believe the Net levels the playing field, in either case - you're flat wrong.

The Internet search engines and directories have an impartial method to ranking web sites - their impartial method, not yours. You want to get found? You do it on their terms; you conform to how search engines rank, how search directories index, and then you may receive a prominent ranking in a search engine or placement in a search directory. Do it on your terms and you will never draw traffic.

Our Currency Is Different Than Most Companies...

Creativity, innovation and performance are the currencies which we provide to our corporate clients. We convert these intangibles into a constant revenue stream for your web site. Please note that we specialize in larger companies and corporations requiring substantial Internet traffic.

Our Internet Marketing Is Performance Based

Our internet marketing efforts are performance based. Most businesses interested in substantially increasing their online sales will benefit from our services.If you are interested in learning more about how to improve the number of targeted visitors to your web site and how our performance based marketing works, we will be happy to talk with you.

Whew, well, you made it this far. Hey, this is only the introductory part, wait 'til you learn how we can transform your corporate web site from more than just a pretty face - we make it an integral part of your revenue!

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Internet Marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search ...

Affordable Internet Marketing

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New technologies have made it possible for data to be available everywhere. This is good news for businesses because determining patterns in customer behavior is now easier than ever. A consequence for the enormous amounts of data is, that these businesses need to consider investing in tools used for data organization. Here is an overview of these tools that are easily available.

Social media management tools that help you curate content and schedule posts on multiple accounts is a social media managers dream come true. The Internet is teeming with a number of social media management tools and apps and you can choose the ones that suit your purposes the best. But how do you decide which []

Internet marketing, after learning the basics, is all about data and how you interpret it. If you have a lot of research on your hands, you are at a great advantage over every other marketer competing for the same dollars as you. For this reason, there are plenty of hackers and malware who would like []

Richard Branson is one of the leaders and entrepreneurs that inspires people with his actions that lead to the creation of the Virgin company and of more than 300 private companies. His companies take leading positions in 23 different niches ranging from airlines to hotels, radio and vines. Today I am going to tell you []

In the old days before the Internet, storekeepers and business owners would spend a lot of time and effort making sure their establishments were neat and clean. It wasnt unusual to see the proprietor out in front of his business sweeping the sidewalk or spending hours arranging products on shelves until they were just right. []

In the previous four years, the industry of smartphone app development is on its boost. The application business sector has exploded. Mobile application utilization grew by 76% in 2014, and the normal US buyers download on average 8.8 iOS and Android applications a month. With the advent of Apple Pay, Apple now has access to []

If one of your major reasons of writing a sales letter is to sell the more which I am betting that is what you want, then, *always* add a good post script (PS) to your sales letter. Heres why: the PS is the most often read part of a sales letter after the headline, but []

Google is constantly updating its search engine algorithms, which is one of the reasons why SEO tactics are always changing. However, every once in a while, Google will carry out a larger than normal update that can have a significant effect on the rankings of websites all over the world. Google recently announced details of []

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Affordable Internet Marketing

Free Internet Marketing Strategies, Tools, & Tips …

Posted by Brad Callen

Ok, so Im being asked a lot lately how I got into the whole internet marketing scene, so I figured I might as well write a blog post about it. Im not a big fan of writing so Im going to make this as to the point as possible for both my benefit and yours, since Im assuming you probably dont enjoy reading fluff. So here goes.

1. After I graduated college in 2001, I Worked in an IT department for a company in Batesville, IN called Batesville Casket Company. I worked there for around a year or so. As some of you probably know, working in an IT department is very much like the movie Office Space. I would actually work for about an hour each day and then have 7 hours to either stare at the computer screen OR surf the web. Ive always been interested in figuring out new ways to make money, so I found myself searching online for all sorts of make money type ideas/programs etc.

2. I came across some eBay selling course and bought it for about 20 bucks. Read through it and it motivated me to start selling things on eBay. Instead of selling junk from home, I searched through eBay looking for small items that people were selling. Not junk items, but new items. Things that I assumed they bought wholesale from somewhere and then sold them directly on eBay. Buy low, sell high. Back then, there was a section on eBay that was free, where you could actually see what any item actually sold for. Doing this, I could get a good idea on how much I could afford to pay for something wholesale, in order to sell high on eBay and make a profit.

Through my research while at my day job, I came across a couple of things that people were selling for much higher than what I could get them wholesale for. I tried to look for small items like sports cards, or electronic devices etc. Stuff that could easily be shipped, but could be sold for a decent amount. Read the rest of this entry

Posted by Brad Callen

Ok, so Ive been doing a lot of reading and studying of Twitter the past couple of months and after all of the reading, Ive come to the conclusion that the single best, non-spammy method for building a big, loyal, Twitter following is through the use of Twitter Giveaways, or Twiveaways as I like to call them.

Whats a Twitter Giveaway? Well, essentially, you give something away whether its an eBook, software product etc. OR a physical product like an Ipod in return for Twitter users

1. reTweeting a message that you ask them to reTweet to their Twitter account

2. Follow you on Twitter

This does a few things

1. It builds your Twitter follower count when the initial registrant follows you on Twitter

2. It goes viral because when the initial registrant retweets your message, youre now advertising on their Twitter profile page, to all of THEIR followers. Their followers then click on the reTweet message and sign up for your contest also and the process just spirals

This is how many of the people with large Twitter followers are able to build a Twitter

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Posted by Brad Callen

Hey guys, I sent out an email about this a couple weeks ago and have gotten some good feedback from it, so wanted to post here to quickly go over the process of what I accidentally did to build a very large email list in a short period of time.

1. I created, which is a cool Firefox addon for keyword research. The overall process/flow of the software itself is very viral. (i.e. there is a big incentive for others to tell others about it, other than just because its good (which should always be a given if you create and sell anything)

2. I created a short demo video of me explaining how the software worked and what it does.

3. I posted a link to the video on my Twitter page ( The video was nothing special. It was just me explaining the software and talking about how excited I was about releasing it to the public. It was 100% complete, but I was bored while my programmers were putting the finishing touches on it, so I had time to make a video showing how it worked. I made sure to mention that it wasnt quite ready/complete, but would be soon.


At this point, Ive never mentioned the URL (web address) to where my Twitter followers could get the software Basically because it wasnt quite finished yet. I did, however, mention the name of the software.

I only had about 2,000 followers at the time

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Posted by Brad Callen

Update: Before posting a comment with a question, please read the FAQ, as weve answered many of the questions that have been asked here, already. You can read the FAQ by clicking the link below:

Hey gang, weve made some major changes and improvements to PPC Web Spy, based on recommendations from you all.

Here are the things weve been working on over the past week, amongst the craziness.

To update your copy, simply click the view keywords button you would normally click to view keywords. Up will pop a screen telling you to update. Follow the onscreen instructions to update your version.

1. Completely changes the look of to a much more upbeat, happy, and uplifting design. I feel this better represents the software than the dark, gloomy looking site from before.

2. Changed the entire focus of the site so that the small viral/affiliate link feature is barely mentioned and is mentioned as only a side benefit, which is what it should be. The focus is now on what the tool actually does and the purpose of why I created the tool to begin with: To unccover your Adwords competitions keywords.

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Posted by Brad Callen

Ok, this has been a pet peeve of mine for quite some time. Ive noticed this getting worse over the past 2 years and I predict that it will be a major major problem in the coming years

Heres the process. So and so creates a product. The product gets downloaded by thousands of people. 99% of those people have success of some sort with the product, and are completely satisfied. 1% of the people are not.

The 1% of people that are not satisfied tend to be those people that would spend time posting in forums or blogging about it, while the satisfied people are out actually using and benefitting from whatever service/product that was provided.

This is even more prevalent in the internet marketing community than any other community and its getting worse and worse by the minute.

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Free Internet Marketing Strategies, Tools, & Tips ...

Orlando Internet Marketing, PPC, SEO, Social Media SMT

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Does it feel like your website is just sitting there? Is it not bringing in the leads that you had hoped?

You are not alone in feeling this. A lot of people do not know what to do with their website to bring in more leads and convert customers. Even internal marketing professionals dont always understand the technical side of Internet marketing and end up feeling like they are getting pulled in a thousand different directions.

Internet marketing is so much more that just search engine optimization (SEO). At Sales & Marketing Technologies (SMT) we know what it takes to make your website work for you. With Internet marketing services such as SEO, pay per click, content, social media, and email marketing, and more we are able to not only increase your traffic and conversions, but also create specific, measurable goals to boost your website where it needs it.

Cookie-cutter approaches to Internet Marketing simply arent effective. Creating an effective Internet marketing strategy takes time. To do it right, it involves sitting down for a few hours so we may gain an understanding of your industry, your business and your marketing goals. We need to dig deeper than vague goals like get more traffic or make more money to get to down to the good stuff what truly motivates buyers of your product and services. Once we have that understanding, then together, we can develop your marketing strategy and break it down into measurable and attainable goals. The final step is to execute the strategy to meet your goals.

The number one factor in closing sales is having the leads to start with. If your customers cant easily find your business online, theyll never be able to visit your website. As experts in search marketing, we know that a customized search engine optimization plan and pay per click strategy combined or used separately can increase your traffic and boost your sales.

Search engine optimization will increase your organic search engine rankings using on and off-site strategies, while pay per click utilizes targeted keywords and custom ads to reach your audience based on geography, time of day, and more. With this combination of search methods, your digital marketing strategy is never stagnant.

One of the ways that SMT enhances your SEO and content marketing initiatives is by creating unique content for your website. Content creation is now an integral part of a digital marketing strategy. With your specific goals and needs in mind, we will create content to keep you website relevant and enticing for customers. This may include on-site copy for your website, infographics, white papers, e-books, or a blog strategy designed to help your audience recognize your company as a trusted authority.

Well then utilize this content to generate more website traffic via search engines, social media, email marketing, press releases, or other platforms that may be appropriate for your business.

Social media marketing is a great way to target new business prospects. You can make offers and drive traffic to your website and best of all, you can interact directly with your potential and current customers. This engagement builds awareness and trust in your brand. It also provides a venue to encourage customers to share their experiences and leave positive reviews. As the new word-of-mouth marketing, social media has become the default social proof aspect of any digital marketing strategy.

Another way to boost traffic to your website and increase conversions is through email marketing. Providing your customers with relevant information, offers or promotions can improve your click-through rates and could turn a potential customer, into a loyal, satisfied client.

Internet marketing is complex. Competition is global. You need someone who knows how it works. SMT has been providing Internet marketing services since 1995. With every Internet change or algorithm update, weve been able to stay up-to-date and provide our clients with service that will continue to work for them, not just short-term boosts in rankings. We have worked with some of our clients for upwards of 10 years, not because of a long-term contract (we go month to month), but because they see results in the work that we deliver.

Our portfolio includes clients from all over the U.S., Canada, South America, and the U.K. Located in Central Florida, many of our client are located in Orlando, FL.

Interested in how SMT can help reach your Internet marketing goals? Contact us today for a free, no-cost, no-obligation consultation.

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Orlando Internet Marketing, PPC, SEO, Social Media SMT