Internet marketing firm Red Ventures is getting a $250 million strategic investment from global tech-investing company Silver Lake Partners.
Silver Lake joins investor General Atlantic as a minority shareholder in Red Ventures to fuel further expansion of the Indian Land, S.C.-based company, according to a statement.
As an Internet marketing and sales firm, Red Ventures draws customers via online marketing and direct sales for clients including DirecTV and ADT Security.
Silver Lake's portfolio includes or has included technology businesses such as Alibaba, Ameritrade, Dell, Go Daddy and others.
Were in a phenomenal position for continued growth, Red Ventures co-founder and CEO Ric Elias said in a statement.
Silver Lakes global presence and relationships, technology industry expertise and value creation capabilities will be an invaluable addition as we expand our business with new partners and in new sectors.
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Indian Land, S.C.-based Red Ventures gets $250M investment