Archive for the ‘Internet Real Estate’ Category

Getting Familiar with Key Biscayne Real Estate Market to Get the Best Property

In any real estate article, lenders are the most read and mentioned word. But are you really aware of the importance of these people? Do you really know who these people are?

If you are a first time homebuyer in the Key Biscayne real estate market, knowing who you could turn to for financing is very important. To get more familiar with these lenders for your Key Biscayne real estate investment, here are some of the most common types of lender to whom you could apply financing.

Mortgage Brokers

Mortgage brokers are not really the people who can provide you the financing that you need for your Key Biscayne real estate property acquisition. They just act as the middlemen between you, the borrower and the lender, the financer. The best thing when it comes in hiring a mortgage broker is network.

Normally, mortgage broker are associated with huge arsenal of mortgage lenders that can provide you with plenty of loan options that you can choose from. These professionals are also helpful when searching for the best rate. But most of the time broker too does not have your best interest at heart, making it somewhat harder to land the most advantageous mortgage term.


If you are planning to invest in Key Biscayne real estate and you are looking for a conventional loan, the first institution that you normally think about is those banks within the area. Actually these lenders offer financing that is regulated by the federal and state agencies. Looking for these lenders is not really difficult thing to do since most of them have several branches all over the city.

But on the other hand, negotiating with banks can be tremendously tough especially for first time homebuyer. And since they always protect their interest, you may not be able to get the best term for your loan.

Online lenders

The internet is not just a large pool of information; it is also a home for several lenders. You can also take advantage of several internet lenders to help you search for the most favorable loan rates. But with other real estate activities, research is still the crucial part. With lenders online, the learning curve is exponentially greater than with banks.


If you prefer a newly constructed Key Biscayne Real Estate property, the home builder may also set-up financing with an affiliate lending company. The risks are the same with others; you may find your best interest unimportant. But of you are first time homebuyer, accepting the lender of your home builder may be the easiest way to qualify for the right financing.

Ella Ayson
Key Biscayne Real Estate

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Getting Familiar with Key Biscayne Real Estate Market to Get the Best Property

Local QR Real Estate Usage Grows Slowly

VOL. 127 | NO. 35 | Tuesday, February 21, 2012

By Sarah Baker Updated 4:54PM

First seen in Japan in the mid-1990s, quick response codes could add momentous efficiency in the residential real estate world, allowing virtual tours of houses to take place on mobile devices.

But only 14 million American mobile device users have interacted with a QR code, according to recent study by digital business analytics firm comScore Inc. That means less than 5 percent of the American public has scanned a QR code.

The QR code technology was invented by the Toyota subsidiary Denso Wave in 1994 to track vehicles during the manufacturing process, according to independent digital news website Mashable. The two-dimensional barcode was designed to allow its contents to be decoded at high speed.

QR usage is growing fastest in Canada and Hong Kong, but the codes are also used frequently in the United Kingdom and the United States. That’s because Americans are often relatively slow adopters to new technology, said Joe Spake, broker with InCity Realty in Midtown.

“Japan is much more mobile than we are,” Spake said. “I think what people really don’t get about QR is that it’s a totally mobile technology. The thing that really bothers me the most is when you scan one and it doesn’t resolve to a mobile page. Or the link will be dead. Or the link won’t work. There seems to be more problems with them then them working right.”

A 15-year real estate agent, Spake is also a consultant, blogger, and self-proclaimed “techie” and social media junkie. He said because real estate has always had such a strong “push-marketing” aspect – with advertising, listings and so on – agents don’t always grasp the interaction.

“Some marketing person will say, ‘You need to be using QR codes!’ and they do,” Spake said. “They just place the QR wherever they want to and don’t bother to have the landing part of it optimized to mobile. They don’t know any better or they’re not checking. You can optimize any website to be optimized for mobile, to come up on a phone in that kind of format.”

One of the platforms on offers a plug-in where “it does it for you, you don’t even have to think about it,” Spake said.

For his property listings, Spake goes through a company called, for which he pays a monthly fee to pull information from the Multiple Listing Service. The service also allows him to upload unlimited pictures and “all of the embellishments.”

“They have in their software built in to mobilize it,” Spake said. “It actually takes the elements of the website and simplifies them and puts them down to where it’s mobile-optimized. It’s got a bunch of the information, it’s got links to the other information, but if you went back to your computer or laptop and pulled up that same URL, you get a 1,200-pixel, full Web page with bells and whistles.”

But there are also security risks related to QR codes, Spake said.

“You’re scanning stuff that you have no idea what it is,” Spake said. “They could probably run some code that would suck all of your contacts and everything away.”

Which is why he sees more Mobile Visual Searches (MVS) on the horizon in the future, such as Google Goggles.

“It’s basically an app that you take a picture of just about anything and Google will figure out what it is,” Spake said. “One of the coolest things it’ll do is Sudoko puzzles; it’ll solve the very hardest one in seconds.”

While both QR and MVS technology is slow to take hold in Memphis, Spake estimates that within five years, real estate flyer boxes will be completely obsolete.

But for now, many local residential real estate firms are banking on prospective homebuyers driving around on Sunday afternoons and are equipping flyers with QR codes, whether they have practical usages or not.

One of the first residential real estate firms to adopt QR codes in Memphis was Prudential Collins-Maury Inc. In June 2010, the company launched a new advertising campaign that packaged email blasts, social media and traditional print advertising in newspapers and postcards, both of which featured QR codes.

“We’re trying to stay on cutting edge of the latest technologies that are out there and Prudential, on a national level, has a great platform that supports QR codes, so we’ve tried to introduce it into the local market,” Prudential Collins-Maury vice president Neil Hubbard recently told The Daily News. “It’s a great way for being to see video tours of homes, photos of the homes and get in contact with our agents on a mobile platform.”

Prudential’s marketing strategy goes back to the company’s philosophy to capitalize in areas where the competition chooses not to, said relocation director Angie Ware, adding that in the dour housing market, it’s important to implement a multi-platform tool to reach one’s audience.

“We’re not targeting one type of buyer,” Ware said. “We’re targeting Internet-savvy buyers or people who have never been on the Internet, so you’ve got to be everywhere.”

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Local QR Real Estate Usage Grows Slowly

Tuesday business roundup: Pat Kilkenny's Eugene real estate deal; Internet travel sites dispute Portland's hotel tax …

A roundup of the morning's news from The Oregonian's business desk:

Markets: Stocks are trading higher during the first day markets are open this week.

Real estate: Pat Kilkenny's bet on an 'arena district' real estate deal at the University of Oregon pays off. And the Portland Housing Bureau awards $9 million to three low-income housing developments.

Dispute: Online travel companies go on the offensive to avoid Portland’s hotel tax.

Foreclosures: A House proposal would weaken Senate foreclosure protection bills and validate MERS. Unanswered questions remain in states' foreclosure settlement.

Healthcare: Salem Health wants Oregon's new health organizations to be federally approved nonprofits -- that stay out of campaigns.

Find the latest Oregon business news at The Oregonian's Business Center or follow us on Twitter.

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Tuesday business roundup: Pat Kilkenny's Eugene real estate deal; Internet travel sites dispute Portland's hotel tax ...

New Service for California Home Owners with Unfunded Trusts

Irvine, California (PRWEB) February 21, 2012

Deed and Record provides new internet service to verify California real property has been transferred into trust. Additional internet service is available to transfer real property into the trust. Deed and Record prepares California quit claim deeds and records the deeds with the county recorder’s office. This service also includes preparing and filing Preliminary Change of Ownership Report and the payment of all filing fees.
Title verification is available at

California trust transfer by quit claim deed is available at

Call 949-474-0961 or go to for more information.

Save Money
Deed and Record is the low cost provider in quit claim deeds. Save $150 compared to other online services. The service includes recording the deed with the County Recorder’s office and payment of all filing fees at no additional cost.

Asset Transfer by Trust is a Two Step Process.
First, assets are transferred into the trust while the person is living.
Second, when the person dies assets are transferred from the trust to persons who are living as directed in the trust.
California home owners who have a trust but have not completed the transfer of assets into the trust will not avoid probate. The trust is in reality a glorified Will.
Deed and record will prepare a quit claim deed to fund the living trust, prepare and file required transfer tax exemptions and record the deed with the proper county recorder.

Why a Quit Claim Deed?
A quit claim deed does not contain any implied warranties. The owner who “quit claims” real estate simple conveys whatever ownership interest he or she has along with any debt or loans secured by the property. The quit claim owner makes no promises and the property is taken “as is.” A quit claim is the easiest and cheapest way to transfer ownership to a trust.

Why Preliminary Change of Title Report?
Each county assessor's office in California reviews all recorded deeds for that county to determine which properties require reappraisal under the law. Proposition 13 requires the county assessor to reassess the property to its current fair market value as of the date the change.
Since property taxes are based on the assessed value of a property at the time of acquisition, a current market value higher than the previously assessed Proposition 13 adjusted base year value will increase the property taxes. But there are exclusions.
Transfers in and out of a trust are exempt. To obtain the exclusion, the grantee fills out a form for the county assessor entitled Preliminary Change of Ownership Report (PCOR).

Why Record the Deed?
The deed must be made part of the public record so the world knows there has been a change of ownership. The deed must be recorded in the county where the real property is located.

Make it “Legal”
A properly prepared quit claim deed must have a legal description so the county recorder’s office can add the deed to the public chain of title. The legal description is not the street address. The legal description has at a minimum the map, block and lot number of the real estate property. County recorders will not accept a quit claim deed without a legal description.

Receive Personal Service
Now home owners can use the internet to verify title and fund trusts. Homeowners can stay at home while at the same time receive personal service from a real person.

To begin or for more information please go to, or call Mark at 949-474-0961 or email to Mark(at)DeedAndRecord(dot)com.


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New Service for California Home Owners with Unfunded Trusts

Real estate agents offer deep market knowledge

Q: With so much information available directly to home buyers and sellers, why is it still important to choose a knowledgeable real estate agent?

A: You can't speak generally about the San Francisco real estate market without recognizing that it really is dozens of micro-markets, which vary significantly in terms of how they performed last year and will continue to perform.

There is much more information available online to buyers and sellers, but ironically the need for good agent representation is more important than ever. There are so many different situations now - real estate owned, short sales, tenancy issues, homeowners association litigations - that need working out and also create opportunities. They also affect pricing. Agents need to invest the time to understand how these operate and how to manage these for their clients.

What is not new is that the best real estate agents change with the times and offer deep market knowledge to their buyers and sellers. You can't find that on a website on the Internet.

In 2011, my team and I spent huge amounts of time on market research training and strategy, and it resulted in our having the highest number of transactions in a market that was suffering in volume and liquidity.

- Jim Hurley, Vanguard Properties, (415) 321-7000,

This article appeared on page K - 2 of the San Francisco Chronicle

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Real estate agents offer deep market knowledge