Hong Kong national security law to take effect; Iran sentences journalist to death; Koalas could be extinct by 2050 in New South Wales – WBFO
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The National Peoples Congress Standing Committee,China's top legislative body,passed a highly controversial national security lawfor Hong Kong Tuesday, which will take effect just ahead of the 23rd anniversary of the end of British rule on July 1. The legislation outlawssecession, subversion, terrorism and foreign collusion with a maximum penalty of life in prison. It comes inresponse to pro-democracy protests; activists havewarned of the erosion of human rights and the risk of turning Hong Kong into apolice state.
The law gives Beijingsweeping powersto crack down on political opposition in the semi-autonomous territory, where many Hongkongers are protective of the broader rights and liberties afforded them under a separate legal system. The territoryhas enjoyed a semi-autonomous status under China's "one country, two systems" policy since revertingto Chinese sovereigntyin 1997. Semi-autonomyhas afforded the special administrative region certain freedoms, which could be compromisedunder the new law.
The national security legislation was fast-tracked, andonly a few Hong Kong delegates were able to read the drafted text before the law was passed. This lack of transparency raised alarm bells, but the legislation was nonetheless signed by President Xi Jinping and added to Hong Kong's Basic Law,the territory's mini-constitution. Carrie Lam, Hong Kong's chief executive,urged the international community to accept the lawin a video to the UN Human Rights Council. Taiwan, which Beijing views as a breakaway province,condemned the law, and will dedicate an office to help Hongkongers looking to flee.Pro-democracyactivistJoshua Wong tweetedthe law "marks the end of Hong Kong that the world new before," but pledged to continue to fight for freedom: "When justice fails, our fight goes on."
Tune into The World today, when wewillspeak with Chinese artist and activist,Ai Weiwei:"I think the world will abandon Hong Kong. It's a very sad story."
What The World is following
The New York Times reports thatPresident Donald Trump was briefed on a suspected Russian operation to incentivizekilling US soldiers in Afghanistan as early as February.This new reporting contradicts Trump's claim that he hadnot been informed and undermines his efforts to cast dispersions on the veracity of the intelligence. Concerns have been raised that the White House knew about Russian machinations but authorized no response.The World spoke with Gen. David Petraeus about Russian bounties:"We were looking for this kind of activity, frankly, from Russia."
Ruhollah Zam, an Iranian journalist,has been sentenced to deathfor the charge of "corruption on Earth." Zam's workincluding running a channel on Telegram, a messaging app, that helpedinspire widespread economic protestsin 2017; authorities accused Zam ofinciting violence.Zam had been living in Parisbut was convinced to return to Iran, where he wasarrested in 2019. The decision may be appealed by the supreme court.
Koalas could become extinctby 2050 in New South Wales unless swift action is taken to prevent further habitat loss, an Australian parliamentary inquiry found. Koalas were dramatically impacted by bushfires earlier this year and climate change is heightening risk to the iconic species.
From The WorldA US report shows big strides on human trafficking. Advocates say the message is misleading.
Every year, the US issues an annual report that ranks countries by their progress fighting human trafficking. The 2020 report lists22 countriesreceiving improved rankings for their work on the issue over the past year. But advocates across the globewarn that with the pandemic and economic downturn, theres an urgent risk that more people will fall prey to human traffickers. They say the report is poorly timed, and counterproductive.
Fair & Lovely cream gets a makeover in India, but will it change prejudice?
Last week, consumer giant Unilever announced it will rebrand its bestselling skin-lightening cream,Fair & Lovely,and drop the word "fair" from its name in the latest makeover of the brandin response to global backlash against racial prejudice.The Fair & Lovelycream and colorism is something Mumbai-based documentarist Richa Sanwal has been familiar with since she was a child growing up in India. Sanwal welcomes the news from Unilever, but says more needs to be done to change the stigma associated with a darker skin tone that has been perpetuated by skin lightening products.
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In case you missed itListen:Russian bounties on US troops in Afghanistan
In the past few days, The New York Times published bombshell revelations that Russia reportedly offered cash bounties to Taliban-linked fighters for killing US soldiers in Afghanistan. The World's host Marco Werman speaks with David Petraeus, the retired former head of US forces in Afghanistan and an ex-CIA chief, about how the US should respond if the reports are verified. And, one of the most important North Koreans alive isKim Yo-jong, the half-sister of leader Kim Jong-un.Her influence in the regime has been hyped up by rumors some true, some not but its now becoming clear that Kim Yo Jong really does have a lot of power. According to The Worlds Patrick Winn, whether North Korea tilts towards peace or war could hinge on her decisions. Also, the coronavirus lockdownsaround the world haveled animals to explore some places previously filled with people. The World speaks toChristian Rutz, an evolutionary ecologist at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, about wildlife movement while humans are in quarantine.
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Hong Kong national security law to take effect; Iran sentences journalist to death; Koalas could be extinct by 2050 in New South Wales - WBFO