Archive for the ‘Iran’ Category

Blast kills one in restless Iranian border area – Reuters

DUBAI (Reuters) - An explosion killed one person and injured three others on Sunday in a southeastern Iranian town that was the centre of bloody unrest last month, Irans state news agency IRNA reported.

A Revolutionary Guards statement quoted by the agency blamed what it called terrorist groups for the blast in a square in Saravan, near the border with Pakistan.

Earlier this month a U.N. human rights spokesman said at least a dozen people and possibly up to 23 had been killed in Saravan and other parts of Sistan-Baluchestan province where Revolutionary Guards and security forces used lethal force against fuel couriers from ethnic minorities, and protesters.

The shooting of people carrying fuel across the border led to protests that spread from Saravan to other areas of Sistan-Baluchestan, including the capital, Zahedan.

Sistan-Baluchestans population is predominantly Sunni Muslim, while most Iranians are Shiite. Iran has some of the lowest fuel prices in the world and there is some fuel-smuggling to neighbouring countries.

The impoverished province has long been the scene of sporadic clashes between security forces and separatist militants and smugglers carrying opium from Afghanistan, the words top producer of the drug.

Reporting by Dubai newsroom; Editing by Frances Kerry

See the original post here:
Blast kills one in restless Iranian border area - Reuters

Biden can end ‘forever wars’ only if he scraps Trump policies and pursues peace with Iran – USA TODAY

Sina Toossi and Yasmine Taeb, Opinion contributors Published 6:00 a.m. ET March 22, 2021 | Updated 9:16 a.m. ET March 22, 2021

The United States and Iran have been lobbing threats, fighting proxy wars, and imposing sanctions for decades. USA Today looks at over 60 years of this back-and-forth. USA TODAY

There is no military solution to the US impasse with Iran. Taking that path will come at the expense of addressing real threats to ordinary Americans.

President Joe Biden has inherited many debacles at home and abroad, including a global war that spans continents and has seen hundreds of thousands killed and trillions of taxpayer dollars spent. This endless war was almost catastrophically expanded by former President Donald Trump and his aggressive policies towardIran.As the Biden years begin, the administration must fundamentally end Americas reliance on military force, starting with coming to a lasting peace with Iran.

How the United Statesshould approach Iran is a proxy for the broader divide in Washington over endless wars abroad. Biden has called for a foreign policy for the middle class that will end forever wars and focus on the immediate crises of the pandemic, restoring civilian democracy, racial and economic inequality, and climate change. However, Bidens vision will be out of reach so long as America remains mired in wars that take up precious resources and attention.

The U.S.-Iran relationship during the Trump years was characterized by U.S. assassinations,Iranian missile attacksand near total war breaking out on multiple occasions. The U.S. intelligence community also holds that Iran engaged in an election interference campaign to undermine Trump's reelectionchances.Now, as Biden continues Trumps maximum pressure campaign of economic sanctions, tensions are again rising, with Irans Revolutionary Guardrecently showing off a missile city.

Biden has the chance to chart a new course by rejoining the 2015 nuclear deal, as he promised on the campaign trail,and pursuing broader diplomacy. But if he bends to status-quo thinking on foreign policy, his Iran policycould quickly escalate into another Middle East quagmire and an expansion of the decades-long endless war. If Biden and the Democrats more generally seek to avoid such a conflict and fulfill their commitment to rebuilding American strength at home, they must be bold and creative in reforming American foreign policy.

President Joe Biden on March 18, 2021, in Washington, D.C.(Photo: Andrew Harnik/AP)

The debate over Iran perfectly encapsulates how many Democrats disregard sensible foreign policies merely to mollify Republican criticisms that they are soft on U.S. adversaries. Even as Biden has pledged to return to the Obama-era nuclear accord, some Democrats are breaking ranks and joining Republican-led efforts in Congress to disrupt diplomacy with Iraneven though the official position of the Democratic Party is to rejoin the Iran nuclear deal.Biden himself has yet to firmly break from Trumps policies on Iran and risks fumbling the opportunity altogether amid pressure from congressional hawks.

Troop presence spurs Iran violence:Rockets are latest reminder that we need to leave Iraq

Tensions with Iran have spiraled since the Trump administration reneged on the nuclear deal in 2018 and imposed severe economic sanctions that the United Nationshas condemned as in defiance of basic humanity. Meanwhile, Iran has expanded its nuclear program and increased proxy attacks in Iraq and elsewhere.

Notably, candidate Biden urged Trump to ease sanctions amid the pandemic,something he himself has now failed to dotwo months into his presidency.

The nuclear deal that many on Bidens national security team helped negotiate is a ready-made solution to the crisis with Iran. If Biden misses this opportunity to revive the deal or Congress ties his hands, the diplomatic door with Iran will close and the prospect of full-blown war willgrow exponentially. Such a conflict willdwarf the Iraq War in its consequences for the world and keep the United States entangled in the Middle East for years to come.

Iran has long been a useful political punching bag for both political parties. Its governments often deplorable actions make it easily vilified. Wealthy donorsand powerful special interest groups reward politicians who toea hawkish line on the country.

The American public, however, is disenchanted with endless wars across the political spectrum. Most Americans want to avoid new wars,end existing onesand take U.S. foreign policy in a more peaceful direction.A recent poll by YouGov and The Economist also found that nearly two-thirds of Americans support direct negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program,including amassive 84%of Biden voters.

Trump'slegacy:Iran assassination highlights Biden's national security challenges

War with Iran will kill any hope of ending Americas militarized approach to foreign policy and investing more resources at home. Decades of endless war have seen the Pentagon funded at staggering levels while funds to deal with the biggest threats to the security and livelihoods of Americans, from the pandemic to climate change to poverty, are grievously insufficient. There is no military solution to Americas impasse with Iran, and pursuing one will come at the expense of addressing real threats to ordinary Americans.

Biden and congressional Democrats must pursue serious diplomacy with Iran and use the 2015 nuclear deal as a model to resolve other U.S-Iran disputes.

President Bidens aim to foster national unity is commendable and necessary. However, the pursuit of unity cannot be centered on giving hawks what they want on Iran or other matters of war and peace. If Biden gives into hawks from both parties who want to escalate with Iran, his domestic agenda will be derailed andgrave implications will be felt for the rest of his presidency, and beyond.

Sina Toossi (@SinaToossi) is a senior research analyst at the National Iranian American Council. Yasmine Taeb (@YasmineTaeb) is a human rights lawyer, progressive strategist and Democratic National Committeewoman (2016-20).


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Biden can end 'forever wars' only if he scraps Trump policies and pursues peace with Iran - USA TODAY

Making Sense of Iran and al-Qaeda’s Relationship – Lawfare

Editors Note: Al-Qaeda and Iran are strange bedfellows. Irans allies and proxies are often at war with al-Qaeda affiliates, but at the same time Iran hosts senior al-Qaeda leaders. Colin Clarke of The Soufan Group and Stanfords Asfandyar Mir unpackthis odd relationship, tracing its history and identifying the advantages for Tehran and al-Qaeda.

Daniel Byman


The nature of the relationship between al-Qaeda and Iran is one of the most contentious debates in the counterterrorism community, dividing analysts, policymakers and government officials. The stakes of establishing or disproving the relationship are considerablemeaningful state support is immensely useful to terrorist organizations, especially one being hunted by the U.S. government. Current analytic disagreements are not necessarily about whether al-Qaeda and Iran have a relationship; on that point, there is little room for doubt. But some observers argue that ideological differences and deep distrust affect the relationship to the point that it is little more than an insurance policy for both sides. Others swing to the opposite extreme, arguing the relationship is more akin to a deep, strategic partnership. Still others argue that the relationship is mostly tactical and falls well short of having any strategic value.

It is important to frame the relationship in its historical context with attention to its trajectory and political implications. Such an analysis suggests that al-Qaeda and Irans relationship has overcome conflict to generate strategic benefits to both actors.

Al-Qaeda and Irans Ties Under bin Laden

The relationship between al-Qaeda and Iran is neither novel nor recent; on the contrary, it is well documented through a combination of publicly available U.S. intelligence assessments, declassified al-Qaeda documents and their detailed analysis, statements and clarifications by al-Qaedas own leadership, and interview-basedhistoriography. Taken together, these materials are rich and informative on the granularities of their interaction as well as on broader political questions. The overall picture that emerges is that Iran provided critical life support to al-Qaeda, especially in times of crisis for the organization, but Iranian help came with numerous strings attached. For its part, al-Qaeda has become less ambivalent about its levels of both cooperation and conflict with Iran.

The roots of the relationship can be traced to the early 1990s. At the time, al-Qaeda and Iran struck a pact that included al-Qaeda members training with Iranian intelligence operatives in Iran and Lebanons Bekaa Valley. In the mid-1990s, after al-Qaeda moved from Sudan to Afghanistan, Iran provided al-Qaeda operatives logistical and travel support. As per the 9/11 Commission Report, Iran facilitated the transit of al Qaeda members into and out of Afghanistan before 9/11, and some of these were future 9/11 hijackers. Immediately after 9/11, Iran offered to open its borders for Arab fighters wanting to travel to Afghanistan.

Following 9/11, bin Ladens emissaries Mustafa Hamid and Abu Hafs al-Mauritani were able to negotiate a deal with Iranian authorities. (Hamid has denied being sent by al-Qaeda.)Iran provided al-Qaeda with a passageway for its fighters fleeing Afghanistan to return to their respective countries or to move on to third-party countries. Iran also provideda permissive sanctuary for al-Qaeda leaders and their families within its borders. Amid Americas intensifying worldwide counterterrorism campaign, the Iranian sanctuary enabled al-Qaeda to constitute a military council and revive important operations, though it remains unclear to what extent this facilitated al-Qaedas broader international terrorism campaign.

By 2003, the relationship had grown turbulent. Iran cracked down on al-Qaedas presence in the country. Al-Qaedas top leadership in Iran was moved into the controlled custody of Iranian intelligence. As per Hamid, Iran arrested or deported around 98 percent of Arab fighters, and according to top al-Qaeda leader Saif al-Adel, Iranian authorities foiled 75% of [al-Qaeda] plans. The reasons for this break are not clear from the available materials. One possible explanation is that Tehran grew perturbed by al-Qaedas expanding footprint in the country, which al-Qaeda operatives made little effort to conceal and which drew unwanted attention to the Iranian regime. Another possibility is that Iran was acting in support of the brief 2002 U.S.-Iran rapprochement, though that was soon scuttled.

The U.S. invasion of Iraq created valuable incentives for al-Qaeda and Iran to form an alliance, but there was no meaningful shift in cooperation between the two. Instead, sporadic low-level hostilities, occasional tactical adjustments, and constant bargainingpersisted. For instance, al-Qaeda in Iraqs anti-Shiite campaign prompted Iran to approach al-Qaedas top leadership for security of Shiite sites in Iraq as well as the possibility of broader cooperation. In response, bin Laden sought accommodation for al-Qaeda militants in Iran in exchange for discussion of al-Qaedas overall strategy in Iraq. Some level of accommodation appears to have been secured during these years, facilitating a growing logistical role of Iranian territory for transiting fighters to Waziristan.

Iran began easing some restrictions on al-Qaeda by 2007. Senior al-Qaeda leadership entrenched in Waziristan came to view Iran as a crucial passageway for funds, personnel, and communication, especially as U.S. drone strikes intensified. According to journalists Adrian Levy and Catherine Scott-Clark, the head of Irans Quds Force, Qassem Soleimani, even reached out to al-Qaeda leadership and their families and had regular discussions with Saif al-Adel; in one instance, Soleimani turned up in person to celebrate Eid with bin Ladens sons. Yet there remained restrictions on the leadership and their familiesan issue that caused bitterness among bin Laden and his senior lieutenants. This led al-Qaeda to kidnap an Iranian diplomat in Pakistan in November 2008. Through 2009, complex bargaining between al-Qaeda and Iran ensued with ample confusion and misperception about the release of prisoners. At one point in late 2009, Iran expressed interest in learning about al-Qaedas strategy.

By 2010through hard diplomacy, including the release of the Iranian diplomat, assurances of nonaggression, and threats of ratcheting up anti-Iran rhetorical-Qaeda successfully secured the release of key members and their families in detention.

Cooperation and Conflict After bin Laden

By the time of bin Ladens killing in May 2011, al-Qaedas relationship with Iran had grown less cumbersome along tactical and, to an extent, strategic lines. For one, Iran began to formalize a logistics infrastructure for the group, with active transit facilitation for its leaders, members and recruits. This significant improvement in ties was observed by the U.S. government in 2011. Then-Undersecretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence and current Deputy CIA Director David Cohen described it as Irans secret deal with al-Qaida, and the following year the U.S. Treasury Department sanctioned Irans Ministry of Internal Security for providing documents, identification cards and passports to al-Qaeda. In 2013, Canadian police thwarted a terrorism plot linked to al-Qaeda operatives in Iran.

The improved transit facilitation in Iran did not preclude conflict. Both sides continued to jockey for leverage. Iran sought to coerce al-Qaeda by detaining key leaders and operatives, which frustrated al-Qaedas leadership. In 2013, al-Qaeda kidnapped an Iranian diplomat in Yemen, and tensions escalated further when al-Qaeda carried out a bomb attack at the home of the Iranian ambassador in Yemen in 2014.

In 2015, Iran released six al-Qaeda leaders, including Abu al-Khayr al-Masri, Abu Muhammad al-Masri, Saif al-Adel, and Abu al-Qassam, in exchange for the kidnapped Iranian diplomat. Abu al-Khayr and three others traveled to Syria, where al-Qaedas local leadership was publicly distancing itself from al-Qaedas anti-U.S. agenda to prioritize its campaign against the Iran-backed Assad regime. The remaining al-Qaeda leadership in Iran was able to finesse more latitude to operate and to participate in major political decisions. Analyst Cole Bunzel observes that in the discussion over the future of al-Qaedas Syrian affiliate, which proceeded to break away from al-Qaeda, Abu al-Qassam noted that their Iran-based leaders were important to the groups direction and that they were not in detention but were restricted from traveling out of Iran.

As per U.S. reporting in 2016, Iran continued to allow al-Qaedas organization to move money via Iran, as well as to shuttle personnel and resources across major conflict zones, such as Syria and Afghanistan. This appears to have continued until at least 2020, when the U.S. State Departments country terrorism report observed: Tehran also continued to permit an [al-Qaeda] facilitation network to operate in Iran, sending money and fighters to conflict zones in Afghanistan and Syria, and it still allowed [al-Qaeda] members to reside in the country.

The Relationship Today

In a speech just before leaving office, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo claimed that under the guidance of deputies Saif al-Adel and Abu Muhammad al-Masri, al-Qaeda has placed new emphasis on plotting attacks from Iran. Such support would constitute a real change in Iranian behavior and ties between Iran and al-Qaeda. Pompeo went on to claim that Iran is the new Afghanistan, comparing it to the safe haven that al-Qaedaenjoyed inAfghanistan before 9/11, which provided it with the operational space to plan and prepare for the attacks. But Pompeos speech provided no evidence of operational planning in Iran, let alone a bustling infrastructure of multiple military camps with thousands of foreign fighters in training, which was the case in Afghanistan until 2001. Moreover, recent U.S. government and U.N. terrorism monitoring reports suggest that areas along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border and al-Qaedas powerful regional affiliates, like its East Africa branch, al-Shabab, and not Iran, are the more critical sources of threat posed by al-Qaeda.

However, Pompeo provided one crucial and novel bit of information: Senior al-Qaeda operative Abd al-Rahman al-Maghribi is alive in Iran, and in charge of coordinating with regional affiliates. Maghribis status is crucial. He studied software engineering in Germany before moving to al-Qaedas al-Farooq camp in Afghanistan in 1999; he is also the son-in-law of al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri and was reportedly involved in the 2006 plot to destroy multiple transatlantic aircraft. In 2010, Maghribi was based in Waziristan and in charge of al-Qaedas important media operation as-Sahab. At one point, al-Qaedas Afghanistan-Pakistan commander Atiya Abd al-Rahman wrote to bin Laden recommending his promotion as his deputy in place of Abu Yahya al-Libi due to his intellect.

Maghribi has the bona fides to assume a future leadership role, as well as more involvement in the groups external operations. After disappearing from the battlefield of Waziristan more than a decade ago, his reappearance in Iran indicates how key al-Qaeda members have been able to survive for much longer than they would have if not for Iranian protection.

Mutual Benefit

Despite recurring friction, the relationship al-Qaeda and Iran have forged has enough cooperative dimensions to be highly beneficial for both. From the perspective of Iran, the most obvious benefit of enabling al-Qaeda to stay alive and function is that al-Qaeda refrains from attacking Iran or the Shiite populations that Iran cares about most. Al-Qaedas resilience helps Iran maintain equity in the global jihadist movementwithout this calibration, al-Qaeda might be subsumed by the Islamic State. In a sense, this is a delicate balancing act orchestrated by Iran to prevent al-Qaeda from growing so weak that it might feel compelled into a marriage of convenience with the Islamic State. This is important for Iran on account of the Islamic States relentless targeting of Shiites in the region, as well as Irans self-image as the vanguard of Shiite Muslims worldwide.

In addition, Irans help to al-Qaeda to sustain its top leadership and command structure has enabled the group to continuously challenge the United States and some of its anti-Iran allies, especially Saudi Arabia. It is difficult to say whether this was the rationale for why Iran started supporting al-Qaeda and has continued to do so at various junctures since 9/11. Nevertheless, Iran reaps the benefits of al-Qaeda and its affiliates persistence across Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia, which keeps the United States engaged and less focused on countering Iran and its expansive alliance network.

Al-Qaeda, for its part, is able to extract important and consistent material benefits from Iran, ranging from Irans noncooperation with the international counterterrorism regime against al-Qaeda, to documentation for transit, to facilitation of financing. These benefits are less than what Iran provides its proxies and probably resulted from sustained bargaining. But importantly, from al-Qaedas perspective, it would be even more challenged without the calibrated Iranian support of the past two decades, particularly given the relentless pressure of American counterterrorism outside Iran and deep hostility of Middle Eastern states to al-Qaeda. Irans geographic contiguity to Afghanistan and Pakistan also critically helped al-Qaeda in moving invaluable organization capital across key battlefields under direct U.S. pressure.

The most significant benefit for al-Qaeda was the safety and sanctuary of its top leaders. Despite constraints like detention during certain periods, Iranian sanctuary facilitated al-Qaedas longevityand, in the process, reduced strains on overall group cohesion. If not for Iranian territory, key senior al-Qaeda operatives like Saif al-Adel, Abu Muhammad al-Masri, Abd al-Rahman al-Maghribi and Abu Khayr al-Masri would have been far more vulnerable, making their killing or capture more likely and al-Qaedas leadership vacuum more damaging for the group.

Implications for the Biden Administration

The Biden administration needs to be clear-eyed about al-Qaeda and Iran. Each, and the relationship between them, presents major challenges for U.S. foreign policy and national security. The relationship between al-Qaeda and Iran is complex, but its implications are highly consequential. The Biden administration should tread cautiously when weighing claims that al-Qaeda serves as a proxy for Iran, but it should also avoid discounting the support Iran has provided to the organization. As the administration works to reverse the damage of the Trump administrations Iran policies, it will be under pressure to minimize Irans relationship with al-Qaeda, but policymakers must understand the mutually beneficial relationship between the two.

Al-Qaeda and Irans relationship is another reminder of why the Biden administration must prioritize the depoliticization of intelligence assessments and frame threats based on facts and empirical evidence. It should bring to light recent information on both al-Qaeda and Iran, and offer regular transparency on these critical issues to the American publicincluding through the timely presentation of the Worldwide Threat Assessment report, withheld by the Trump administration in 2020.

Most importantly, the Biden administration should clarify its stance on al-Qaeda and Irans relationship. This has implications not just for overall U.S. policy toward Iran but also for U.S counterterrorism policy and critical U.S. relationships in the region, including in Iraq and Afghanistan, where Washington is reassessing force posture and the nature of ongoing military commitments to both countries.

Originally posted here:
Making Sense of Iran and al-Qaeda's Relationship - Lawfare

Iranian Proxy Attacks on Americans ‘Not Helping Climate in US’ for Reviving Iran Talks, US Envoy Says – Voice of America

WASHINGTON - U.S. Special Envoy for Iran Robert Malley has indicated that recent attacks by Iranian proxies on U.S. forces in Iraq are making it tougher for the Biden administration to build domestic support for its new diplomatic initiative to resolve U.S.-Iran tensions.

U.S. troops and bases in Iraq have come under rocket attack several times since last month, causing multiple casualties, including the death of an American civilian contractor and wounding of a U.S. military service member.

U.S. forces responded to the first of the attacks, on an airbase housing U.S. troops in the city of Irbil on Feb. 15, by striking Iran-backed militants in eastern Syria 10 days later. U.S. news site Politico cited unnamed U.S. defense officials as saying they suspected an Iranian proxy militia also was responsible for a March 3 rocket attack on western Iraqs Al-Asad airbase that also houses American forces.

In a Wednesday interview with VOA Persian at the State Department, his first with VOA since taking office in January, Malley was asked whether he thought the attacks were part of an Iranian campaign to pressure President Joe Biden into easing sanctions imposed on Tehran by the previous administration of Donald Trump.

It's not really helping the climate in the U.S. to have Iranian allies take shots at Americans in Iraq or elsewhere, and the U.S. will respond as it has responded and it will continue to respond, Malley said.

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Biden campaigned on a pledge to revive diplomacy with Iran and ease Trumps sanctions if it resumes full compliance with a 2015 deal known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. Under the deal, Tehran promised world powers to curb its nuclear activities that could be weaponized in return for relief from international sanctions.

Trump withdrew from the JCPOA in 2018, saying it did not do enough to stop objectionable Iranian behavior, and unilaterally tightened U.S. sanctions aimed at achieving that goal. Iran retaliated a year later by starting to violate the deals nuclear curbs, reducing the amount of time it would need to develop nuclear weapons to what U.S. officials have said is several months. Tehran has long denied seeking to weaponize what it calls a civilian nuclear program.

Biden, who was inaugurated in January, faced calls last week from both opposition Republicans and his fellow Democrats in the U.S. Congress to take a tougher approach toward Iran. Referring to what they said were escalating attacks on U.S. and coalition personnel in Iraq and Irans recent JCPOA violations, the 12 Democrat and 12 Republican members of the House of Representatives wrote to Secretary of State Antony Blinken, saying the Biden administration should make use of existing leverage to sharpen the choices available to Tehran.

Speaking to VOA, Malley reiterated the administrations desire for talks with Iran about returning the U.S. to compliance with the JCPOA if Iran does the same and expressed hope that would happen soon. He suggested recent actions by Iran and its proxies are not helping the U.S. diplomatic initiative to move faster.

If ... these are [Iranian] tactics aimed at speeding things up, it's hard to see how that is going to work, Malley said.

In a separate interview with BBC Persian on Wednesday, Malley said that if Iran does not want to enter into direct talks with the U.S., the two sides could negotiate through a third party.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, in an interview with Politico published Wednesday, reiterated Tehrans promise to resume compliance with the JCPOA immediately only if the U.S. first takes steps to ease the sanctions. He also warned that if Washington continues to demand that Tehran make the first move, Iran will take unspecified new steps away from the nuclear deal.

The Biden administration has said any U.S. return to the JCPOA would be followed by negotiations aimed at strengthening the nuclear deal to resolve U.S. concerns about Irans other activities, including its missile program and support for Islamist militants engaged in long-running conflicts with the U.S. and its regional allies. U.S. officials have not specified how they would persuade Iran to enter such negotiations and what kind of new deal would be produced.

The JCPOA has shown that it is fragile, and we believe it can be strengthened with a follow-on deal. And we will press Iran and try to convince Iran that it's in their interest as well to get a follow-on deal, Malley said. Of course, Iran will have issues that it will want to bring to the table, he acknowledged.

Zarif, speaking to Politico, said Iran will consider discussing nonnuclear issues if the U.S. passes the test of JCPOA compliance.

But the United States miserably failed, not only during the Trump administration but even during the past two months of the Biden administration, he said.

The top Iranian diplomat also expressed doubt that the U.S. would be prepared to discuss issues such as U.S. arms sales to Irans regional rivals.

Are the U.S. and its Western allies prepared to stop that? Thats a very lucrative market and I dont think President Biden wants to do that, Zarif said.

In January, the Biden administration announced a freeze on Trump-approved U.S. arms sales to Saudi Arabia and a review of those the former president approved for the United Arab Emirates.

U.S. officials told national mediathat the arms sales reviews were not unusual for a new administration and said many of the transactions are likely to go forward eventually.

This article originated in VOAs Persian Service. Click herefor the original Persian version of the story.

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Iranian Proxy Attacks on Americans 'Not Helping Climate in US' for Reviving Iran Talks, US Envoy Says - Voice of America

Supreme leader ushers in Iranian New Year with message of hope – Reuters

(Reuters) - Irans Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei welcomed the Iranian New Year as one of production, support and removal of barriers in a live televised speech on Saturday.

FILE PHOTO: Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei delivers a televised speech in Tehran, Iran March 11, 2021. Official Khamenei Website/Handout via REUTERS

There is good ground for a production leap, Khamenei said, adding the government needed to get rid of any legal obstacles to higher output and growth as the economy suffers under U.S. sanctions.

The army fired gun salutes at Tehrans Azadi Square to usher in Nowruz - New Day in Persian and the most important date in the Iranian calendar, marked at the spring equinox - and the beginning of the year 1,400, which is celebrated in a dozen countries stretching from the Caucasus to central Asia.

In Washington, U.S. President Joe Biden issued a Nowruz message calling for peace, prosperity and understanding.

That is the message and the joy of Nowruz that we are honouring ... This year, perhaps more than ever, that message is badly needed, Biden said in a White House statement.

Bidens administration is exploring ways to restore the 2015 nuclear deal that Iran signed with major world powers, but which was abandoned in 2018 by President Donald Trump who reimposed sanctions.

The United States and the other Western powers which originally signed up to the 2015 deal appear to be at an impasse over which side should return to the accord first, making it unlikely U.S. sanctions that have crippled its economy can be quickly removed.

In a separate message, President Hassan Rouhani said he was hopeful the new year will see the end of the sanctions.

We will defeat the sanctions ... I am more hopeful than eight years ago, Rouhani said, referring to when he was elected for his first term.

Rouhani is barred from standing for a third term and the slate of presidential candidates has yet to be finalised.

Irans hardliners say the U.S. sanctions are proof Rouhanis policy of reaching out to the countrys enemies was a failure. A delay in progress on returning to the nuclear deal could hurt the chances of a moderate succeeding Rouhani, although the final decision on any diplomatic initiative would be taken by Khamenei rather than the elected president.

Khamenei said on Saturday that the June election will likely bring to office new managers who most probably will be energetic and strongly motivated.

Editing by Christina Fincher and David Holmes

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Supreme leader ushers in Iranian New Year with message of hope - Reuters